Sailing into the Wind

  • Ahoy!
    I'm an old hand, returning to the Sea after a hiatus of many moons, and I was wondering - is having yer sails rigged square still the fastest way of sailing when ya can't get full-bellow? (Or when sailing into the wind?)

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  • @ntraills sagte in Sailing into the Wind:

    I'm an old hand, returning to the Sea after a hiatus of many moons, and I was wondering - is having yer sails rigged square still the fastest way of sailing when ya can't get full-bellow? (Or when sailing into the wind?)

    Yep, still the fastest way (sloop only)

  • @schwammlgott Thank you! :)

  • @schwammlgott Not true. Functions on all ships.

  • All ships have square rigging in the game.

    I think what you meant is the sail angle when compared to head on wind.

    All ships are faster with sails centered than sails angled to the sides. Sloop is the fastest

    In close reach (When you reach for the wind with sails fully angled to the side but can't get it) things get mixed up.

    The sloop is faster with sails centered while all other ships are faster with sails angled to side of the wind.

    Furthermore, the fastest ship with optimized sails for close reach wind is the galleon.

    Once in beam reach (Wind is to the sides and sail angle is able to catch it)
    the brigantine is the fastest

    Finally, tail wind/ dead run (Wind is hitting sails from the stern to the bow of the ship) has galleon being the fastest.

  • @cptnpotbeard sagte in Sailing into the Wind:

    @schwammlgott Not true. Functions on all ships.

    Read carefully...sailing directly against the wind with centered sails it works on every ship, yes...but when the wind comes from the front-side, so from the side, but the wind doesn't catch the sail...there the centered sails boost just works on the sloop
    Edit: that's actually the only thing OP asked...for the wind against you, but still from the side

  • @schwammlgott Yeah and like I said still works on all ships lol. Trust. I've caught sloops running against the wind in a gallon with dead sails because they didn't use it.

  • @cptnpotbeard sagte in Sailing into the Wind:

    @schwammlgott Yeah and like I said still works on all ships lol. Trust. I've caught sloops running against the wind in a gallon with dead sails because they didn't use it.

    You still don't get it, right? Listen: ONLY when you go DIRECTLY AGAINST THE WIND it works on every ship! When you have the wind coming from, let's say 45 degrees from the front-left, on the brig and galleon you put the sails right to be faster, it's just the sloop where you can leave it centered to be faster

    Edit: here the video if you still don't know, what I'm talking about

  • @schwammlgott Lol literally no you don't, trust me. Dead sails is always the fastest if you can't get billow on any ship. Keep thinking otherwise and I'll be more than happy to catch your ship as you run and sink you :)

  • @cptnpotbeard sagte in Sailing into the Wind:

    @schwammlgott Lol literally no you don't, trust me. Dead sails is always the fastest if you can't get billow on any ship. Keep thinking otherwise and I'll be more than happy to catch your ship as you run and sink you :)

    Sure, I play since launch, got over 2800 hours...what you say here isn't true at all...look at the other post above our conversation, even he describes it the way I do...I hope we see each other, but definitly not for long, because you won't get me 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @cptnpotbeard On a sloop if you can't get the wind to your sail, the sail would still have to be centered, even if wind blows from the side. Watch the video @schwammlgott linked.
    Happy sailing!

  • @jumli7 sagte in Sailing into the Wind:

    @cptnpotbeard On a sloop if you can't get the wind to your sail, the sail would still have to be centered, even if wind blows from the side. Watch the video @schwammlgott linked.
    Happy sailing!

    He knows this, but he thinks on the brig and galleon it's the same...

  • @jumli7 That's literally what I've been saying. That's what deadsails is. You center the sail on the mast.

  • @schwammlgott thx for that video. Very detailed. I have found this pic which sums it up pretty well.

  • Sloop is the fastest with Zero wind in its sails. From my testing, Brigantine seems to stay on course and be the fastest with wind in its sails.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Sailing into the Wind:

    @schwammlgott Lol literally no you don't, trust me. Dead sails is always the fastest if you can't get billow on any ship. Keep thinking otherwise and I'll be more than happy to catch your ship as you run and sink you :)

    You can find the results people have found, its only fastest to center the sails without full billow on the sloop, the other 2 go much faster with only partial wind in angled sails... Its pretty easy to find with just a quick google search.

  • handy chart to have-
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    Partial-bellow is always better than full. Realistically you'll never actually need to sail directly into the wind and can grab a head crosswind instead unless you're being chased by incompetents who can't tack or at least work their sails.
    Galleys and Brigs should be doing the following to hold crosswind speed:
    alt text

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