Trial servers. The fix for PvE servers?

  • I've heard enough about PvE servers, so I'm adding to the pile of posts.

    Trial servers. Fairly simple, 24 - 48 hours in a private server upon completing the Maiden Voyage, mainly to get a hold of the game and learn without immediately being thrown in with the big fish. Most of the PvE server requests I see are by, or for new players, and those who are not new players usually go and find themselves an alliance server, which is a whole different topic on its own.

    This has 3 immediately present options;

    Upon using 12 or 24 hours of the trial server they are warned that they have used half of their trial server time. When they use the other half they're put into normal servers. Now they COULD either

    1. Have their progress reset to bring a balance of those who were less efficient in the trial server and those who almost made it to pirate legend

    2. The trial servers have less progression it's much much harder or impossible to reach PL in the trials.

    3. Level cap at 25 in trial servers and raise it again to 75 for public servers.

    This is just my 2 cents without getting aggressive on the PvE servers, feedback appreciated.

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  • No. Put the players in the world as much as possible please.

    The announced no reward custom server solution will eventually suffice. It's only real difference is no rewards and no uninvited crews. I plan on using this to do a birthday party event with multiple crews on the same server.

    Beyond that, please keep as many players as possible within adventure mode.

  • There does indeed need to be a proper “training” thing.

    But I prefer the, learn to swim. Jump into the deep end.

  • @gallerine5582 Rare already fixed pve servers when they said no...

  • no, nope, negative

  • Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as we have a dedicated Mega thread here:

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    There is also a thread for discussion of Custom servers here, please post your thoughts and feedback there.


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