5k Cannonball Crate are not fair!

  • Being able to buy cannonball crates for 5k it's not fair.

    Let's say you are doing some gold grind with Reapers's Emissary and a random crew keep swaping server to find someone with the the flag up....then they find you. What they do? Buy 200 cannonballs from the start get up the flag and follows you down till you are dead. And if you manage to kill them... they will keep coming back and give you a hard time.

    They have nothing to lose and no penalty for doing that
    100 per cannonball should not be a thing in adventure mode!

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  • There is a cool down for how often someone can buy these crates. This either three hours, or three in-game days

    There’s also nothing stopping you from buy these crates. Whenever you join a session, buy however many you can.

    Theses crates just make getting resources easier. Normally people would just go around the outpost getting resources, now it just makes this process faster and easier.

  • And imagine for the stream-snipers how easy it is for them.
    500/300/250 coins per cannonball it will be more fair & balanced or removal of the crate itself

  • @aribalam How often do you play the game? 1 time a day 2-8h session. No matter how big the cooldown are it will remain not balanced

  • @staystill23 what do you mean by not balanced. Like I said nothing is stopping you from buying these crates.

  • Meh, realistically the Cannonballs are the lowest tier of munitions we have now. So your advantage is you've been on the server and thus have the potential for session based munitions that can make quick work of a crew with only the basic Cannonballs (and if you sink them you just wasted that money and have started the process of whittling them down in that way). Just having supplies does not ensure a win of any kind. Plus, if they rush in they likely didn't have time to put all that in Barrels so when you sink them those remaining supplies become yours (and unlike them, you aren't barred from purchasing them again at the Outpost they got them from cause you looted them as opposed to purchasing them so now you can out pace them on supplies if you like).

    If anything I feel like this has opened up a need for new Repair materials that are considered either higher or lower grade than Planks (and if they are not made the lowest tier then whatever is should replace them in the Resource Purchasing). Maybe we could add Spars which could be better at repairing Masts, maybe Shot Plugs for repairing the Hull (as in repair items could be location based, with Planks being universal - the locational ones would make the repair for that section of the Ship faster than the normal duration).

    My point being, having lowest tier supplies in more abundance doesn't prevent a crew who has been on the server from having better supplies than the rushing in attacker. The reactions I have been seeing are overblown at best and outright nonsense at the worst.

  • The crates are a cash sink. Just stock up the normal way.

    I had 300k on board while doing the athena fort last night. Dudes sunk in 30 seconds they had all the crates on board.

    They are useless.

  • Im not sure how i feel about it either - this whole patch with the FoF and the buyable resoureces is a server hopper's dream.

    Not sure why they want to give even more incentive to server hop but sure..

  • Personally think resources shouldn't be purchasable at all

  • @skritsarn said in 5k Cannonball Crate are not fair!:

    Im not sure how i feel about it either - this whole patch with the FoF and the buyable resoureces is a server hopper's dream.

    Not sure why they want to give even more incentive to server hop but sure..

    Imo the crowd they are feeding aren't the ones most benefiting. I don't thinks it's catering to hoppers I think it's catering to people that have little regard for consequences and long term effects.


    alt text

    meanwhile some of us (that benefit the most from this) are like

  • @staystill23 its amazing, you came here to complain about a feature you dont understand. The crew can buy a crate not the individual. This means they can buy 50 cannonballs not 200....

  • @staystill23 Hate to say it, but that's the risk that comes with flying a flag that basically sends a big red message on all maps that says "FIGHT ME!" If you keep getting hounded by the same persistent ship of fools that don't know when to quit for their own good, probably best to strike your colors, get the 5K from cashing in the flag, change up ship liveries, head to a far away outpost once you've struck your emissary flag, sell everything you got, and hop to another server and start over. And then you can buy more resources from that outpost you spawn at and be ready.

    It's a system that you're capable of taking advantage of yourself, mate. And it really isn't hard to reimburse yourself for the resources you buy through even generic voyages or a world event or two, depending on how you play. That's part of what this new season is all about now. Spend a little money in order to make money twice over, like most things in life.

  • @captain-coel I don't think you understand what 'Feedback' means, on a sloop you start with 40 aka 90 shots without looting anything. On a birg you get 80, aka 130.

  • You can buy 50 cannonballs per 3 in game days per crew. This entire comment is irrelevant. My advice is actually play the game before commenting this is not fair and whining about things. Especially something like this that the community has wanted for a long time

  • 50 cannonballs for the crew every 3 in-game days. 1 day on the Sea is 24 minutes, so that's 50 new cannonballs every hour and 12 minutes. That's not a broken mechanic.

    I mean come on! You're telling me that you can't sail from place to place and collect 50 cannonballs in that time? And yes, you can still buy 1 of each crate, but my point still stands - you can't find 50 wooden planks and/or bananas in that amount of time?


    I could get most of it in about 10 minutes at any outpost and nearby fort... 🙄

  • @staystill23 sure if you count the barrels on your ship thats 40 for the sloop and 45 for the brig... and even with a crate that no where near 200...

    still doesn't seem remotely op

  • Meh. It's a handful of supplies with a reasonable time delay. I don't see the issue.

    The sad thing is that after they implemented this (perfectly fine) feature, I thought I'd see an end to posts with people whining for it.

    Well, I did, but now I guess I get to look forward to posts with people whining against it.

  • Since everyone can do it and you can only buy one of each crate every 3 in game days I feel like it's perfectly balanced. I personally am busy IRL so only play 6hr+ sessions on Saturdays. I've always complained how that initially island loot grind at the beginning of every spawn sucks immensely. Now I can buy the crates, send a man with the storage crate, and have a ok bare minimum stock.

  • @staystill23 1st of all feedback should at least be knowledgable on the part its giving feedback on:

    • sloop starts with 40 cannonballs
    • brig starts with 45 cannonballs
    • galleon starts with 45 cannonballs

    All of these shiptypes are able to buy 1 of each type of supply crate at an outpost, then that crew has a cooldown started of 3 in game days. Yes the cooldown is tied to the crew not to the player

    So at most a ship that just spawned in and just purchased the crate has 95 cannonballs from said purchase after said purchase. 90 for a sloop, a whopping 5 cannonball difference.

    So in no way shape or form can a crew of 4 buy more supplies then a crew of 1, 2 or 3

    In fact, a server hopping crew is at more of a disadvantage because a crew that has been sailing around for a while has had the chance to purchase multiple at different outposts AND has been able to keep its ship stocked all that time...

    Yesterday i was slooping and got engaged by an enemy duo sloop that in fact purchased supplies and stop to purchase more at different outposts, we didnt, guess who sunk ? Yes the opposing crew because more cannonballs doesn’t equal more skill

  • @staystill23 I wouldn't count on only winning because someone ran out of supplies. If someone is going to sink you it's not because they have supplies it's because they have skill. Most new players are under the impression that supplies will jump out of the crates and fight for you. You should be able to sink someone with default supplies.

  • Still don't know why people complain about this issue about buying supplies...

    Supplies doesn't make you better than anyone else.

    Give me 10 Cannonballs and 5 Coconuts and I'll have you dead in the water.

  • 50 Cannon balls per 3 hours per crew isn't game breaking at all. You can collect cannon balls quicker than that from shooting off by islands/forts/outposts as you pass by them.

    It is nice for PvE server hoppers looking to farm skeleton ship fleet world events though.

  • Just want to point out that there is a way to get 100/150/200 cannonballs from the Merchant, regardless of the 1 per crew with the 3 day reset.

    Won't say how, but wanted to let you know it is possible.

  • I'll be honest. Who here has come across a crew that would need 200 cannonballs to sink you who would actually be a problem fighting?

    Experienced crews do more with less, the only annoyance here is that they will continue to dog you. Extra cannon balls wont make a lick of difference there IMO.


    ...actually... going through a fair few fights in my head after writing that; there can be fights that turn into a war of attrition. I've just seldom worried about people who have been sunk that come back for round 2 and 4.

    You're also stating reaper emissary; the PvP flag and are getting irritated that PvP happened.

  • @callmebackdraft said in 5k Cannonball Crate are not fair!:

    @staystill23 1st of all feedback should at least be knowledgable on the part its giving feedback on:

    • sloop starts with 40 cannonballs
    • brig starts with 45 cannonballs
    • galleon starts with 45 cannonballs

    All of these shiptypes are able to buy 1 of each type of supply crate at an outpost, then that crew has a cooldown started of 3 in game days. Yes the cooldown is tied to the crew not to the player

    So at most a ship that just spawned in and just purchased the crate has 95 cannonballs from said purchase after said purchase. 90 for a sloop, a whopping 5 cannonball difference.

    So in no way shape or form can a crew of 4 buy more supplies then a crew of 1, 2 or 3

    In fact, a server hopping crew is at more of a disadvantage because a crew that has been sailing around for a while has had the chance to purchase multiple at different outposts AND has been able to keep its ship stocked all that time...

    Yesterday i was slooping and got engaged by an enemy duo sloop that in fact purchased supplies and stop to purchase more at different outposts, we didnt, guess who sunk ? Yes the opposing crew because more cannonballs doesn’t equal more skill


  • @staystill23 you can board a ship and just put a banana down, the flames will eventually create holes. Or you could just crash a ship and protect the holes from being repaired.

  • Gathering things is the most boring and inconvenient part of the game. Now there's finally a way around it. As for people swooping in and destroying you, this will happen no matter what. also, you can buy cannonballs too. The only thing keeping you from having 200 cannonballs is the cooldown which everyone else has to deal with.

  • I welcome the change actually. They changed their mind on the "no progress between sessions", which opens the door to more progression-oriented things (think ship sidegrades in the distant future).

    Since anyone can purchase these supplies, I'd argue its pretty fair.

    If you're worried about someone that just sank coming back with extra supplies, I'd suggest force-migrating them rather than removing purchasable supplies.

  • Server hopping or not, all ya have to do is scuttle if you want more free supplies, why would I spend 5k gold on some cannonballs when I can take 30 seconds to scuttle, reload and have another 50 to come after someone with, thats if I run out and havent restocked at an outpost already. Unless im planning to fight 2-3 people at the same time, you shouldnt need more then the usual amount of cannonballs a ship comes preloaded with.

  • @and14710 I did not wanted to say, but it was a bypass for the buy limit. 140 in matter of seconds on a sloop, it's still bs with 90 but more fair... but still to many IMO

  • @staystill23 said in 5k Cannonball Crate are not fair!:

    @and14710 I did not wanted to say, but it was a bypass for the buy limit. 140 in matter of seconds on a sloop, it's still bs with 90 but more fair... but still to many IMO

    I think if rare worked on fixing this bypass bug this would achieve the same goaland players could still get canonballs in an honest manner.

  • @staystill23 said in 5k Cannonball Crate are not fair!:

    @and14710 I did not wanted to say, but it was a bypass for the buy limit. 140 in matter of seconds on a sloop, it's still bs with 90 but more fair... but still to many IMO

    So you mean they should fix the bug. Not remove the feature entirely.

  • @skritsarn
    Rare wants their big streamers to come back to Sea of Thieves. They don't care about the millions of casuals who have to suffer their monetary machinations.

  • @jollyolsteamed
    Money has to have value, otherwise you get people who play the game without purpose. And as we've seen, if there is no purpose to the game, there is no long-time streamer money. No streamer money? Well, bully-town and toxic crews who sail only to see the world burn.

    With purchasable merchant crates and supplies, you create value on the gold. Something that can be a gold sink, but not too much that it breaks your bank. - It also gives purpose to those S.O.S. bottle missions which ask for specific supplies sometimes, as a player will now be more likely to have a crate to fulfill that. (Something that used to be a bit uncommon and thus unused.)

  • @lygushkia said in 5k Cannonball Crate are not fair!:

    Since everyone can do it and you can only buy one of each crate every 3 in game days I feel like it's perfectly balanced. I personally am busy IRL so only play 6hr+ sessions on Saturdays. I've always complained how that initially island loot grind at the beginning of every spawn sucks immensely. Now I can buy the crates, send a man with the storage crate, and have a ok bare minimum stock.

    Same. I'm quite busy myself, and having the ability to cut down on stocking time for the whole adventure is one of my favorite implementations. - As with anything, it does have a drawback, but I'm working on adding in a server-hopper timer to prevent people from skipping around to content they want than living up the adventure.

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