I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server

  • The topic pretty much says it all. I am tired of the daycare; I am tired of not being able to communicate with my teammates. I don't play games - any games - to hang out with preteens. I don't want them on my crew; I don't want to have conversations with them; I don't want to be on the same server as them. Similarly, I am just exhausted with reading "sorry, no English" typed in whatever variety of pidgin is the flavor of the day. No, this is not a "feast for the senses" - I am not on safari; I am not sampling the many cultures of the world. I'm trying to kill people in a damned pirate game, and communication is actually necessary to do that successfully.

    I'd happily pay $5 or $10 a month to avoid these two groups of people. My guess is, I'm not alone in that desire.

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  • What makes you think that the people that doesn't talk aren't 18+?

    You won't get away from that, use Discords to get teammates and not open crew.

  • Yeah, I'd be in a closed crew with a mate or two, on discord of party chat. No need to talk in game at all these days.

  • wow OP that is by far the most ageist thing I have ever hear, and digging at people that don't speak your language.... I'm not even touching that. I feel like you don't mean to come off as such a jerk but you sound very entitled in this post.

    so to boil down what your thinking, you want to pay money for a server were everyone has a mic, speaks English, and is in your age range? good luck with that mate. (you must be trolling)

  • Or just leave the game and find a new one. Playing open crew is playing in chaos you're unlikely to find a decent open crew in general especially with that chip on your shoulder.

    It's easily considered as pay to win anyway and shouldn't exist

  • @herlucideyes Well that's weird. I've been playing this game since release day & I can't remember a single time I was forced to babysit anyone.

    I didn't even have to pay $5-10 for this luxury. Lucky me.

  • @shifty189 said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    wow OP that is by far the most ageist thing I have ever hear, and digging at people that don't speak your language.... I'm not even touching that. I feel like you don't mean to come off as such a jerk but you sound very entitled in this post.

    so to boil down what your thinking, you want to pay money for a server were everyone has a mic, speaks English, and is in your age range? good luck with that mate. (you must be trolling)

    Oh my God, how dare I not want to speak with 12 year olds, or actually communicate with people. Yeah, don't touch that - totally, bro.

    Jesus. Nobody can say anything anymore without someone going "YOU'RE A BIGOT." You know who's really trolling? You. You and your whole eternally-triggered demographic.

  • @herlucideyes

    If you want more control over the crew you sail with, use the LFG feature or find yourself a discord community?

  • @shifty189 said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    wow OP that is by far the most ageist thing I have ever hear, and digging at people that don't speak your language.... I'm not even touching that. I feel like you don't mean to come off as such a jerk but you sound very entitled in this post.

    so to boil down what your thinking, you want to pay money for a server were everyone has a mic, speaks English, and is in your age range? good luck with that mate. (you must be trolling)

    Honestly i did not had the strength to write a comment on this dumb post but youve pretty much covered it.

  • I would pay for my own server, just to be able to get the festival of fishing done without groups attacking me.

  • @herlucideyes Sheesh, I can't imagine why you have difficulty getting people to communicate with you.

    No one is forcing you to speak with 12 year olds, or forcing you to play with people who speak a different language. If you run into other crews speaking a different language, and it's too much for your poor non-bigot ears to handle, you can also mute them.

    You give the impression that you either have no idea about LFGs or discords, or you're knowingly avoiding them just so you can complain about open crews.

    In either case, you're ruining your own experience and if you're as obnoxious outside of this forum, I feel badly for the open crew that gets stuck with you.

  • @herlucideyes said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    @shifty189 said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    wow OP that is by far the most ageist thing I have ever hear, and digging at people that don't speak your language.... I'm not even touching that. I feel like you don't mean to come off as such a jerk but you sound very entitled in this post.

    so to boil down what your thinking, you want to pay money for a server were everyone has a mic, speaks English, and is in your age range? good luck with that mate. (you must be trolling)

    Oh my God, how dare I not want to speak with 12 year olds, or actually communicate with people. Yeah, don't touch that - totally, bro.

    Jesus. Nobody can say anything anymore without someone going "YOU'RE A BIGOT." You know who's really trolling? You. You and your whole eternally-triggered demographic.

    And you are bigoted in your response, thats cute. Use a different method of building your crew and hopefully you will have a better time. Wont stop me from sinking your gamertag on sight for being an idiot about other people.

  • @herlucideyes said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    @shifty189 said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    wow OP that is by far the most ageist thing I have ever hear, and digging at people that don't speak your language.... I'm not even touching that. I feel like you don't mean to come off as such a jerk but you sound very entitled in this post.

    so to boil down what your thinking, you want to pay money for a server were everyone has a mic, speaks English, and is in your age range? good luck with that mate. (you must be trolling)

    Oh my God, how dare I not want to speak with 12 year olds, or actually communicate with people. Yeah, don't touch that - totally, bro.

    Jesus. Nobody can say anything anymore without someone going "YOU'RE A BIGOT." You know who's really trolling? You. You and your whole eternally-triggered demographic.

    really? listen to what you are saying "i'm too good to play with younger people or people that don't speak my language". That's crazy. or being upset about people having a mic? well, i get the point about open crews not having mic's but still. DO NOT come at me assuming I'm a sensitive sally, or SJW, I am not but i do call it like i see it.

    as others have said if you want more control over who is on your crew, don't play open crew.

  • @herlucideyes said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    @shifty189 said in I would pay a monthly premium for an 18+, NA-only server:

    wow OP that is by far the most ageist thing I have ever hear, and digging at people that don't speak your language.... I'm not even touching that. I feel like you don't mean to come off as such a jerk but you sound very entitled in this post.

    so to boil down what your thinking, you want to pay money for a server were everyone has a mic, speaks English, and is in your age range? good luck with that mate. (you must be trolling)

    Oh my God, how dare I not want to speak with 12 year olds, or actually communicate with people. Yeah, don't touch that - totally, bro.

    Jesus. Nobody can say anything anymore without someone going "YOU'RE A BIGOT." You know who's really trolling? You. You and your whole eternally-triggered demographic.

    also, i never called you a Bigot, that's your conscience speaking not me.

  • @herlucideyes You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    They are currently in the early stages and are only available to SoT Partners for use at the moment.

    Until they are made available more widely, you can use the LFG feature of the Xbox App, the Find a Crew section of the Forums, SoT Official Discord LFC or any number of other community Discords to find people to form a crew with.

    As there is also a thread for discussion of Custom servers here, please post your thoughts and feedback there.

    I'll be dropping anchor here.


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