Tall tales locked!

  • Ok so I've completed the tall tales before the update which gave us checkpoints. How come when I try to go into my tall tales now, the tab is shaded gray and says: I don't have any tall tales checkpoints. I had my crew all vote on a tall tale thinking maybe it would "unlock" them but it didn't unfortunately. What am I doing wrong?

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  • Tall Tale checkpoints are earned through progressing through a tall tale. If you completed all of them prior to the checkpoints being added, you still need to restart them from the start location and progress up to a point where you earn a checkpoint and then it will be available from the Tall Tales section of your quest menu.

    Once you complete that Tall Tale again, the checkpoint will disappear and you'll have to start it over from the beginning again.

  • @d3adst1ck thank you! It was starting to drive me crazy!

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