Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life

  • With so many changes to the UI and the player controls, the current default configuration is awkward and unintuitive. I want to customize the inputs to suit my needs, but I keep running into road blocks. I would like the ability to do the following:

    • Separate "engage" and "disengage" to be mappable to different keys on the keyboard. (The controller functions this way, why not the keyboard?)

    • More sensitivity sliders for more things. Currently the Spyglass is not customizable, neither is the cannon. Some of the guns also do not go past 10 and desperately need it.

    Mouse and keyboard inputs are conflicting with controller inputs such that using a combination (controller and mouse for example) results in the game getting confused and radial menus disappearing. All inputs should be treated the same regardless of their source.

    There was a change to how inputs are handled some months back and it has basically made the game unplayable for me. I would really appreciate more options, even if it's just in the form of a .TXT config file.

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  • @old-man-monger said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    With so many changes to the UI and the player controls, the current default configuration is awkward and unintuitive. I want to customize the inputs to suit my needs,

    That's all fine and good, but balance still has to be maintained during cross-platform play.

    • More sensitivity sliders for more things. Currently the Spyglass is not customizable, neither is the cannon. Some of the guns also do not go past 10 and desperately need it.

    This is strictly for cross-platform balance - if you could increase your sensitivity, you could spot, aim, and kill faster than anyone on console ever could. Even now, you still technically have an advantage in a gunfight, so why make it worse for console pirates? The cannon and spyglass limitations in particular are the great equalizer.

    Mouse and keyboard inputs are conflicting with controller inputs such that using a combination (controller and mouse for example) results in the game getting confused and radial menus disappearing. All inputs should be treated the same regardless of their source.

    No, because balance. How and why would you even effectively use a mouse with a controller anyways?

    There was a change to how inputs are handled some months back and it has basically made the game unplayable for me. I would really appreciate more options, even if it's just in the form of a .TXT config file.

    Could you be more specific?

  • I wouldn't get your hopes up about a .TXT config file. Rare seem to have made it pretty clear that tweaking a config file is a bannable offence as seen with the recent Steam config file FoV discussions.

    The other options might well become a thing in the future but again I wouldn't count on it due to balancing issues.

  • @galactic-geek said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    This is strictly for cross-platform balance - if you could increase your sensitivity, you could spot, aim, and kill faster than anyone on console ever could. Even now, you still technically have an advantage in a gunfight, so why make it worse for console pirates? The cannon and spyglass limitations in particular are the great equalizer.

    not just for cross platform balance. cannons are not sniper rifles. they should be slow and clunky to move around and fire. that's way more realistic and the right flavour for the game than having them act like gimble mounted machine guns off the side of a black hawk, imo. part of using them is in the pre-aiming and working with whoever is steering to get the shot lined up. it's not meant to be twitch reflex shooting like the hand guns.

    the spyglass - maybe yeah. in real life you can look around pretty quickly but controllers have turning issues. they could allow a faster turn rate but add in a blur to balance it out, but it's not a huge thing imo. when using it i'm usually scanning carefully anyway so slow and steady works for me personally.

  • @galactic-geek said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    This is strictly for cross-platform balance - if you could increase your sensitivity, you could spot, aim, and kill faster than anyone on console ever could. Even now, you still technically have an advantage in a gunfight, so why make it worse for console pirates? The cannon and spyglass limitations in particular are the great equalizer.

    The cannons - yeah. Trying to argue the same for the spyglass is weak. There is no reason to not have a sensitivity slider for the spyglass. The EoR has almost the same zoom capability, doubles as a weapon, and has it's own slider. Making the spyglass worse to use for spying things than just whipping out a sniper rifle doesn't equalize anything.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    The EoR has almost the same zoom capability, doubles as a weapon, and has it's own slider. Making the spyglass worse to use for spying things than just whipping out a sniper rifle doesn't equalize anything.

    The spyglass isn't cracked, has longer zoom, focuses after a second, and has different sound effects letting you know that you have spotted a skeleton or pirate ship. 😉

  • @galactic-geek said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    @d3adst1ck said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    The EoR has almost the same zoom capability, doubles as a weapon, and has it's own slider. Making the spyglass worse to use for spying things than just whipping out a sniper rifle doesn't equalize anything.

    The spyglass isn't cracked, has longer zoom, focuses after a second, and has different sound effects letting you know that you have spotted a skeleton or pirate ship. 😉

    I feel like you like to argue ridiculous points as a hobby.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    @galactic-geek said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    @d3adst1ck said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    The EoR has almost the same zoom capability, doubles as a weapon, and has it's own slider. Making the spyglass worse to use for spying things than just whipping out a sniper rifle doesn't equalize anything.

    The spyglass isn't cracked, has longer zoom, focuses after a second, and has different sound effects letting you know that you have spotted a skeleton or pirate ship. 😉

    I feel like you like to argue ridiculous points as a hobby.

    It's not a ridiculous point! Those are all legitimate advantages that the spyglass has over the eye of reach's scope!

  • @galactic-geek said in Accessibility Request: More advanced key mapping is needed for Quality of Life:

    It's not a ridiculous point! Those are all legitimate advantages that the spyglass has over the eye of reach's scope!

    Some of which are dubious at best, and where none have anything to do with crossplatform balance which is what you were asserting is the reason for worse sensitivity on a viewing tool as opposed to an actual weapon which damage other players at range.

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