Have you ever rescued a Pirate from a ship you sunk?

  • Yesterday i did some Cargo Runs with a friend who plays more occasionally than me and has to deliver some more goods to get better reputation with the Merchants. So we did some and once we were asked to deliver to Plunder Outpost.
    So we did and already saw a Galleone not far away. We delivered and just when the last Cargo was aboard the Galleone arrived and started shooting. We voted down the Level 5 Emissary because we already wanted to call it a day and prepared to defend ourselves.
    Suprisingly the Galleone turned around and fled or was unable to do a smooth turn, because they made a long wide arc.
    We followed and catched them, after a short fight versus only 2 pirates we sunk the galleone and gathered some loot when one of the pirates was still alive.
    But oh wonder not salty and not shootung but carrying a skull out of the water to us.
    I said ok you are allowed to get on board, we can bring you back to the Outpost and you can sell what you want.
    So we did, sailed back to Galleones Grave - haha - and let her sell some of the stuff we got from them :D

    I have to say i never rescued a pirate from a ship i've sunk and let him sell the loot he has lost to us.
    Well we selled the most XD

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  • Yes, on more than one occasion.
    Don't get me wrong I understand it's a Pirate Game, Thieves not Friends Bla Bla Bla but rolling up to a random ship and just letting loose, going full Ham Night on them for no reason other than that just feels empty to me.
    I much prefer a little discourse to start the festivities and try, at least, to use that initial encounter to set the stage.

    On many occasions where I've been simply fired upon instantly, a battle has ensued which resulted in my victory, only for me to be left with a bunch of loot and a bitter after taste.
    Thus I have offered the loot back to said crews if any have managed to get back spawned to the mermaid. I've even sunk ships then spent the next hour hunting them back down to deliver the loot back to them.

    Sure some crews deserve to lose it all and rightly so, yep I'm looking at you ye foul potty mouthed salty little sea swabbies ye know who ye are.
    But sometimes just sometimes I cannot bare to be the reason for the dismay, sorrow and utter disappointment I hear in some opposing crews voices or the text reply's.

  • @ixxolos

    we gave back loot pretty often, when we realised they were very new and not bad players, trying their best, stayed friendly and were good sports.
    I dont need loot all 75, most commendations done 16 Million gold, 16.000 dubloons.
    So if someone needs help or loses a big haul i'm often open to parlay and give it back to add to a "social experience" and even with PvP a good experience playing together!

  • Aye, had this happen the other day. Our Galleon was chasing down a sloop that we thought had loot. Ended up sinking it at Thieves Haven and found out the solo slooper had nothing. As we were sailing away we instantly got attacked by a kraken. Even though we just sunk this guy's ship, he was nice enough to help us on our galleon to fight and kill the kraken. Afterwards we took him to Plunder Outpost and shared our loot with him, cause he was awesome and we all had a good time.

  • No

    It's better that they die with dignity in battle than live without it on my ship

    Anything I don't want will be left in a rowboat or on an island and I'll message them that they can retrieve what I left

    I typically only fight people that draw first blood
    when you're pushed killin' is as easy as breathin'

  • My friends don't let me pickup hitchhikers due to large amount of them turning out to be backstabbing fitly pirates.

  • Me and my crew are doing it half of the time, when they are reasonable people we bring them on board for a good laugh and sometimes let them sell their stuff.

    We avoid killing ships that are doing tall tales so (unless they are rude) and if we sank a ship and only after found out that they were doing one we escort them to where they need to go.

  • @stundorn slight whisper "we shall sail together" ❤️

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