Supplies Hack?

  • This happened 2 days back and the event confuses me still so I finally decide to jot it down here to get some opinions and shed some light on it.

    So I was in a sloop with my friend, and we had just reached level 5 emissary of the order of the soul when we were attacked by another sloop, so far so good, they were spamming cannons (especially chain shots) w/o any concern, at this point I was like maybe they have enough supplies and that is all fine. They eventually managed to break our sails, stop repairs with blunder bombs and eventually we sank. Now, we knew they would go the Reaper's hideout to sell our emissary so that is where we headed when we respawned, but we were late and they had already sold and scuttled, I knew these because of all the crates (storage, wood and cannon) on the water near the port.

    But this is where it got strange, when I looked at the supplies I was baffled at how much they had. 300+ cannons, 100+ chain shots, 300+ wood and finally the thing which made me suspect they had a hack was cause they had 20+ curse cannons of each type, and I m not kidding, of EACH type. I know for sure it was the same ship cause I found our 3 storage crates there too, how
    I know this? Cause they had the exact amount of wood, cannon and food, just the way I arranged them personally. So now the question is did they like farm supplies all day long and took just us down at the end just before leaving or am I missing something here and there is a secret to finding so many cursed cannons? Idk and I would love to hear from you guys what the case might be.

    TLDR: Encountered another sloop who had storage crates with 300+ cannons, 100+ chain shots, 300+ wood and most surprisingly 20+ cursed cannons of EACH type. Supplies hack?

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  • @imm1gr4nt i wouldnt think this is hacked, i have had easily as much supplies after a few hours of sailing.

    Especially now that all skelly ships drop storage crates (with +/- 30 cannonballs and planks per skelly ship) giving a reliable way to get storage crates.

    These crates also make it easy to drain any and all islands of its supplies in a matter of minutes.

    And then there is the fact of them being engaged in pvp, this means they probably stole alot of supplies from other ships, including cursed cannonballs.

  • Did you take any screenshot/video?

  • Not really. When we used to gather supplies we first searched for supply crate, cleared plenty of outposts and enemy ships. It wasn't uncommon to end session with +600 cannonballs. Coursed balls sound bit weird because 20 of each would be 220 in total + phantom balls.

  • I agree that hundreds of cannonballs and wood are definitely plausible but having around 100 chain shots is rare. However, 20 cursed cannonballs of every type seems insane, unless the RNG Gods are on these guys' side or they supplied from every island they came across this could seem like some sort of bug or exploit.

  • @xavier-wisde sadly no. I don't know why the hell I didn't record it, maybe I was too tired because of the late night session.

  • @callmebackdraft I agree with the 300+ cannons and wood but the chain shots and cursed cannon. Not to mention of each type, those are the only two that made me suspicious in the first place.

  • @hexternal ya chain shots and the cursed cannons are the only ones why I think there might be a hack surfacing in the first place or maybe a bug/exploit, idk.

  • @imm1gr4nt i can understand your disbelief, but ya like i said i know from experience it is easily possible to have all of said supplies

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