Increase in players per server.

  • I mostly play on a galleon with my friends but we have realised that we have not seen another galleon for AGES. I don't know how rare does all their server stuff but it seems that there is only one or two galleons per server. Would love to see more people on the seas and bring more pvp combat as all I get at the moment are the skeleton or ghost ships or a sloop that we demolish in about 2 minuets.

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  • @fear-blob-64

    It's not just for galleon ships to be honest. The servers have been poorly populated for several months now. At least in EU.

  • @greengrimz sagte in Increase in players per server.:


    It's not just for galleon ships to be honest. The servers have been poorly populated for several months now. At least in EU.

    Not really, I always see ships....

  • @fear-blob-64 sagte in Increase in players per server.:

    I mostly play on a galleon with my friends but we have realised that we have not seen another galleon for AGES. I don't know how rare does all their server stuff but it seems that there is only one or two galleons per server. Would love to see more people on the seas and bring more pvp combat as all I get at the moment are the skeleton or ghost ships or a sloop that we demolish in about 2 minuets.

    Problem here is, barely people get 3 others less galleons...most people do brigs

  • @schwammlgott

    Not really, I always see ships....

    I envy you. We sometimes end up sniping servers for a good 30 minutes before we find something decent to do.

  • @greengrimz sagte in Increase in players per server.:


    Not really, I always see ships....

    I envy you. We sometimes end up sniping servers for a good 30 minutes before we find something decent to do.

    "Sniping servers" you mean server hopping? If yes...there is your could server hopping help fill up servers when every two minutes another spot is blocked?
    I always stay on the first server I get...and never, REALLY NEVER had problems finding other ships

  • @schwammlgott said in [Increase in players per server.]

    "Sniping servers" you mean server hopping? If yes...there is your could server hopping help fill up servers when every two minutes another spot is blocked?
    I always stay on the first server I get...and never, REALLY NEVER had problems finding other ships

    I mean server hopping yes. And it's better than sailing for 20 minutes on 3-4 servers, just to come to the same conclusion: that it's empty.

    If I knew the server was full, or will be filled up soon, I wouldn't be hopping.

    The spot becomes usable in around 10-15 minutes after you leave the server anyway, so that's not a real problem.

  • @greengrimz if it would be empty you would get merged onto another some people just know how to park theyr ship unseen...

  • @schwammlgott

    Yeah, people know how to park. Haven't heard of emmissaries (almost every time I hit 5 on reapers there's 0 or 1 ship). And probably we are amateurs too. Maybe we just got no clue how to hunt.

    Come on man... The servers are just too empty.

  • @greengrimz I for myself have the achievement for beeing emissary high tier 5 times in every faction...I almost don't use emissarys anymore...what for? For the new sails? There are none...for the money? I have 16 million and bought everything in the game...
    There really isn't any reason to show people I got a flag for them...

  • @greengrimz and also...when I hit reaper V I don't see emissarys as well...or they are at an outpost already taking it this is just a reaper V thing...should be changed, so just emissarys can see the reaper...I bet it will be better then

  • "a sloop that we demolish in about 2 minutes"
    I'm guessing that sloop would disagree with we need more ships 😜
    And personally I'd agree, see them all the time.

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