The Shadows

  • So I was sailing to an outpost after several recent victories to cash in my plunder, and found a fellow sloop docked, and though while tempted to fire on the poor fellow while undefended, I resisted. On the island we called a truce and we all sold our treasure, he of which even offered me a treasure chest to sell. I noticed that I could not see his face. I thought it was because it was night and it casted a shadow over it but when he stepped into torchlight I still could not see it. I did not pay much attention to it and sailed off. I passed through the Isle of Last Words when randomly my ship just fell apart and holes filled my hull I was certain it was not a gunpowder barrel, far too much damage, but my bucket did nothing, the water kept filling with tremendous speed. When it sank the mermaid appeared after much waiting and I used it as fast as I could but as the screen faded black I noticed it had pitch black eyes. I was startled by this and then found myself on Smuggler's Bay. I ran around the large island and went to the bridge connecting the peaks, and found a captains chest smack dead in the center of it. I picked it up and was making my way towards my ship when I noticed a shadow figure staring at me from between two trees. The figure seemed unusually thin and ran almost as soon as I spotted him. I dropped the chest and ran after this strange fellow and as soon as I stepped foot on where he was standing, lightning struck my ship and it exploded like a stronghold barrel. I then turned around and the shadow figure was there, cutlass in hand, and killed me. I then left as soon as I could.

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  • @odessadreamin That's super spooky matey! I hope I'll never meet this shadow figure.

  • Aye matey. I dabble in pirate prognosis.

    It would appear to me this shadowman was but a figment of your imagination brought on by too much time spent fungus feasting in the chamber of stalactites.

    Time to come out for some fresh air and sunshine

  • @wolfmanbush Dude I just wrote this for fun I'm just tryna make a creepy story

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