nerfing Skeleton ships

  • I am mostly a solo player and seeing a skeleton galleon attacking me is not fun at all. Yes it is easy to destroy one, but it takes most of my resources so if a ship attacks me I'm basically dead if they are good players. I think the game should spawn only skeleton sloops to attack sloops in random events so the players don't lose every plank and cannon ball just because of a random event.

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  • Sounds like a supply issue here. The game only gives you so much supplies, but its intended that you are gathering more while you progress. What I find that helps me is to supply while in transit. Every island, sunken ship, and barrel patch is a small treasure trove of all the stuff you need. You don't even need to stop, just jump ship with nothing, grab what you can, and mermaid back. Do the same for islands, but instead, cannon over for a faster approach. If one ship is draining all your supplies, this shows that you are being efficient with you supply gathering. This will come in time, once you got this down, you will find that nerfs aren't necessary.

  • @jakemks Sloops will only spawn emergent Skeleton Sloops, they no longer spawn emergent Skeleton Galleons anymore - hasn't been that way for about a year now. There are roaming Galleons but they are easy to see and avoid, many times they won't even go aggro on you if you don't get too close.

    In other words, this "issue" was dealt with long ago and is no longer a problem. If you encountered a Galleon then it was a roaming one you should have spotted before it became focused on you as they now will only rise/emerge from the sea if you are in a Brig or Galleon yourself. Sloops only spawn sloops.

  • @dlchief58 i was on my sloop and a skeleton galleon came from under the water? seems like they are not deleted. I checked and I didn't go into a ship cloud or whatever they are called so I don't know what to say.

  • @jakemks said in nerfing Skeleton ships:

    @dlchief58 i was on my sloop and a skeleton galleon came from under the water? seems like they are not deleted. I checked and I didn't go into a ship cloud or whatever they are called so I don't know what to say.

    Well then that is a glitch or you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (happened to be in a spot where a roaming one spawned perhaps). I solo sloop all the time and have not had a Galleon spawn on me in over a year, when they patched that. The only ones I see are the roaming ones anymore, and as I said the are very easy to spot and avoid. It wouldn't have been a Fleet Cloud either as those will only spawn sloops if you are in a sloop.

  • @nabberwar That is true but last time i spawned like 2 minutes before the skele ship attacked me and also yeah u can gather supplies but lets say you fight a ship and after the fight a skeleton galleon spawns. Depending on how big of a fight it was u could have close to 0 planks and/or 0 cannonballs. Maybe it can be fixed with a little bit more supplies when u spawn or u can also loot the outpost u spawn in but doing that only cause there is a chance of a skeleton galleon spawning or megalodon attacking you is usually a waste of time. Also another problem with the skeleton galleon spawning on sloops is if they are a beginner they would sink. There is nothing that a new player can do without the game knowledge needed in pve against skele ships.

  • @dlchief58 i might have been unlucky but this has happend to me couple of times so i don't think it's a glitch. In the couple of years that i have played this game this has been a problem after a break i took from the game that i started about 8 months ago and stopped about 2 months ago.

  • @jakemks No, it was a glitch as it is not supposed to happen.I play several times a week and not once since they changed it have I seen a Galleon spawn on me in that time - I am sure there are others who will back me up on this. It is always a sloop as it is supposed to be.

    I think you are mistaken about the circumstances to be quite honest.

  • @dlchief58 Guess i'm just very unlucky then

  • @dlchief58

    @jakemks Sloops will only spawn emergent Skeleton Sloops, they no longer spawn emergent Skeleton Galleons anymore - hasn't been that way for about a year now. There are roaming Galleons but they are easy to see and avoid, many times they won't even go aggro on you if you don't get too close.

    I was under the impression that in that particular patch it only lowered the chances, not completely ruled out Galleon spawning.

  • @nabberwar said in nerfing Skeleton ships:


    @jakemks Sloops will only spawn emergent Skeleton Sloops, they no longer spawn emergent Skeleton Galleons anymore - hasn't been that way for about a year now. There are roaming Galleons but they are easy to see and avoid, many times they won't even go aggro on you if you don't get too close.

    I was under the impression that in that particular patch it only lowered the chances, not completely ruled out Galleon spawning.

    Well as I said I've never had one spawn on me since then, only encountered roaming ones. And I am pretty sure they didn't just lower the chance, I am fairly confident that they made it so only sloops would spawn on sloops. Maybe we need to dig up those old patch notes to be sure.

  • What about npc outpost being able to sell you x number of balls cannon for gold instead of farming them?

    I dont think nerfing pve is good, or the game will end up boring as hell,
    having more ways to obtain resources, on the other hand...

  • @vendel-chief-07 Then players who have more gold will have an advantage over other players because they can buy more cannonballs without having to go collect them themselves.

  • @supersnipper60 Farming gold is very easy as far as Im concerned, I dont think money should be a problem, unless the price is something like 50k/100k

    With a limit, something like 20/30 cannon balls each outposts

  • @vendel-chief-07 Then new players wouldn't be able to buy them. That would tip the playing field towards the players who have been playing longer.

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