Cyanbeard on joining a session / game kills network connection

  • Hello,

    I can no longer play SoT since the Ashen Winds update. It did work fine just before as I was checking ingame for twitch-drops every day.

    Logging into the menu and navigating there, even using the emporium from the main menu is working fine.

    BUT as soon as I join a game session it starts lagging/rubberbanding/teleporting, ping quickly (within seconds) goes to 1100 and I receive a Cyanbeard shortly after joining.

    The strangest thing is, as soon as I join the session, any network connection on my PC shuts down completly. Once I close SoT everything goes back to normal.

    I already verified game files through Steam, nothing was found there.

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  • Now I had the same issue on another game through Steam.
    After some more extensive and widened googling I found a solution to this.

    Apparently this is a issue with Steam and not any game directly.
    Disabling the "flow control" setting of my network card through the windows device-manager fixed the issue.

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