South African Servers

  • Hi !
    In the latest patch under the "Performance and Stability" heading it was reported that South Africa would get servers for this game.
    At the time of writing this has since been removed. The South African community really looked forward to this improvement as it is damn near impossible to PvP with the games current hit register problem and adding 220+ ms of latency on top of that.
    I hope this is something we can look forward to in the near future

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  • Upvoted for visibility.

  • @misterv98 Agreed, 200+ ms makes it increasingly more frustrating to PVP. It would be much appreciated if we could get ZA servers as stated initially in the patch notes.

  • Some information would be great from Rare. I saw it too and was excited to try it out only to check the patch notes again and see that it was removed.
    This is a simple screenshot of what i sent to a friend telling him about the servers.

  • WoW! I was also so hoping for this as we South Africans have been playing for months on servers with 200+ ms and continually hoped to get our own servers soon...

    When I saw the Patch notes I really got excited and was crushed when I saw that this was removed...

    Rare if you see this, Please reconsider your choice as the amount of players you will be gaining again will be a huge benefit to you as a Game Dev Company.

  • I was also so excited! It clearly was stated in the notes, so Rare had plans for ZA servers, but then they edit the notes shortly after? Why would it be removed?

  • This is still happening in the future, but is not quite ready yet. It was mistakenly added to the notes for the current update when it wasn't intended to be. :)

  • Agreed SA servers as latency is killing us

  • @lady-aijou Thank you for the feedback provided.
    Although we are looking forward to this as clearly shown in this thread.
    Is there any more information you can provide us.
    Maybe a estimated ETA when we can expect our own servers?

  • @lady-aijou This is good to hear! If it was mistakenly added for this patch, I hope it is soon :)

  • I can't wait! Wonder about an ETA?

  • If a South African is reading this please share with your SOT buddies so we can upvote this post.

    I still can't wait to play with our ping,because the ping gets bad on steps(you tp back) and in pvp

    Rare is awesome for doing this

  • I really hope we get servers soon - my friends and I were hyped for this

    Any ideas to ETA? How will we know?

  • This game is fun and to be honest the "Server" system is a bit different than just a server connecting players together. SoT Servers have to make sure that water and ships are all on the same "Level" basically, so with higher latency like her in South Africa, this makes it just hard to PvP as you sometimes lag out of the ship or miss a jump and so on.
    We need the SA server! (Would be really nice)

  • Another reply to bump the thread :)
    Absolutely love the game but we definitely need our own servers down here.

  • Yes please . I am also South African . I love Sea of Thieves and us South Africans do not have many servers for many games except pub-g which I do not even play . It can actually get quite depressing seeing as I am a hardcore gamer . I beg you rare have mercy on us South Africans . Make our days happier please .

  • @lady-aijou Wow it is a relief to see this post from a staff member . Thank you for the reassurance .

  • PLEASE! Can't wait to be able to fight! Grinding merchant quests and running away from every conflict gets old, quickly.

  • @lady-aijou Any update on SA servers? SA has Azure Servers, but still no local SoT. It's 4 months later. How long must we still wait? Can we get an estimated time of arrival?

  • Many months and updates later, still no South African region, let alone even one anywhere in Africa for Sea of Thieves. Would like to do more pvp/arena, alas 200+ ping makes it tough and more of a nuisance to play than enjoyable.

  • Been 4 months still no South Africa Servers. Literall just now me and my friend lost a fight and all loot while doing the event because of lag, even if i try and blunderbust someone, i'll always not even hit him, oh and i'm playing on a 100/100 Mbps Fibre line, so congestion is not the problem it's 200 ping. Can we please just get an update on the servers, this game is starting to not be enjoyable anymore as we always lose in PvP no matter how hard you try. NOT FUN ANYMORE.

  • Please Rare, it breaks our hearts to see patch notes come and go with no South African regional server listed underneath the performance and stability improvements, majority of my crew dumped SoT and went back to warzone in regards to the 200+latency for us here, im thankful that it was listed in previous patch notes, before the removal and thankful that we are at least on the map, its been a quarter of a year now, an ETA would be a sight for sore eyes...

  • Replying here as well for visibility, South African servers will be amazing. especially as 200 ping is really high and makes PVP pretty unsatisfying. South Africa is a market untapped because Devs never consider us, However most games that have local servers here thrive as we prefer to play on local servers and would rather play a game we enjoy that has local servers (csgo, cod among many other titles)

  • My this is a long-running thread, and since every post is within 3 months of each other, it can't technically be considered an old, outdated thread. Still, I'm sure bumping is a frowned upon practice, though I sympathize with your plight. Why not just create a new thread instead?

  • Thank you for considering bringing servers to our region. The ping difference will definitely help make our experience more enjoyable, especially in the Arena!

  • Updvoted as well.

    Realllly like we need SA servers man.

  • no update after 8 months, EIGHT, yes or no?

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