Add better optimization for Xbox One X players

  • Hey Rare,

    About a year ago I bought an Xbox One X because I wanted to have the best of the best in hardware to enjoy my favorite game. However, I realized that this game does not allow me to take advantage of the amazing hardware inside. It limits me to 30fps and it takes at least 15-20 seconds to load into or out of the ferry of the damned or a mermaid. That is the difference between a ship sinking and a ship surviving! There should be an option to lower the resolution of the game to gain higher frames and loading times should be equal to PC. That is just something that cannot be overlooked. I watch streamers get near-instant loading times from mermaids yet it takes me 20 seconds. This is the one thing that keeps me from enjoying this game as much as I want to. Please fix this Rare.

    Thank you,

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    xbox one
  • I fear they won't do anything at all, especially when Series X is around the corner (hopefully they'll optimize the game for it).
    The console version is riddled with performance issues and lengthy load times, it is also capped to a very unstable 30fps, with frequent screen tearing.
    Though I have to be honest, since the last update I'm experiencing less screen tearing and some instances of stutter are gone (the game used to freeze for a couple of seconds when a voyage was started).

  • @bobbcane ya I just wished they shared as many video options they have on PC with us Xbox players. That's something that only a select number of xbox games have. It's a really stinks. Who knows if Rare even sees this.

xbox one
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