Reapers Bone flag (rank 5)

  • I honestly hate this factions overpowered flag since the update i Met 7 Toxic Crews who just ranked the faction to 5 to kill People there dont even care about the Loot i saw them kill a Ship at a fort and just keeped going there even Left the rank 4 order of souls flag then there killed me spawn killed me while at it and After asking why there only say its sea of thieves Not sea of Friends After telling them a thief steals there just say go Cry to mommy little Baby just because you dont know whats the point of sea of thieves is sou Gotta Change that or make some Kind for Toxic players lile this or so because those Ruin the game

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  • @xsgt-makarov sagte in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):

    I honestly hate this factions overpowered flag since the update i Met 7 Toxic Crews who just ranked the faction to 5 to kill People there dont even care about the Loot i saw them kill a Ship at a fort and just keeped going there even Left the rank 4 order of souls flag then there killed me spawn killed me while at it and After asking why there only say its sea of thieves Not sea of Friends After telling them a thief steals there just say go Cry to mommy little Baby just because you dont know whats the point of sea of thieves is you Gotta Change that or make some Kind of Warning for Toxic players like this

  • @xsgt-makarov I'm not a fan of the change either being mostly a solo pve player and it has certainly brought in or brought back a lot of the toxicity that can happen when PvP is highly encouraged but we just have to adapt to it. The one good thing is that you can see where they are on the map and try and avoid them.

  • @xsgt-makarov I almost had a stroke from your lack of punctuation.

    Let's begin. First off, what would you give as a reward for a pvp faction without voyages as a reward for getting rank 5? The best answer was what we got, a way to track people for more pvp.

    Second, this change heavilly HELPS pve players. Why? Because pvp players have a huge reason to join the Reapers because pvp is so heavilly rewarded and everything can be sold to them. What this does is warn all pve players that they exist and plan on hunting you down. Want to avoid a fight? Either dont become an Emissary and continue to be a coward and hide on the edge of the world away from everyone. Or keep an eye on the map and when the Reaper ship is grade 3 or 4 go sell and drop your emissary flag before they hit grade 5.

    Finally, this is the Sea of Thieves. Not the Sea of Friends. Grow up and learn to fight for what you have. You can easilly outplay galleons as a solo sloop. You have to learn how. If you lose, it is 100% your fault.

    I will hunt any ship I see regardless if I think I may lose. Why? If I win, I taught the enemy. If I lose, I taught myself. We are not your friend, we are your trial. Time for this sea to have real pirates on it.

  • @zherron-vorse said in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):

    @xsgt-makarov I almost had a stroke from your lack of punctuation.

    Let's begin. First off, what would you give as a reward for a pvp faction without voyages as a reward for getting rank 5? The best answer was what we got, a way to track people for more pvp.

    To a point I agree, this latest update has done a good thing of luring every player who is a toxic pvp'er into putting up a stupid flag that highlights them on the map, allowing anyone who isn't interested in fighting to keep away from them.

    Second, this change{......}this is the Sea of Thieves. Not the Sea of Friends. Grow up and learn to fight for what you have. You can easilly outplay galleons as a solo sloop. You have to learn how. If you lose, it is 100% your fault.

    I will hunt any ship I see regardless if I think I may lose{......}We are not your friend, we are your trial. Time for this sea to have real pirates on it.

    The flip side however, and your post demonstrates it perfectly, is it has justified the bullies of this game to go out and well, be bullies.
    The justification that this is a pirate game is the weakest and most pathetic sounding excuse I've heard so far. Pirates yes but pirates in history were not bloodthirsty 'kill everyone' warmongers and I could lecture you on 'real' pirates till we're both tired and you're screaming at me to stop but instead I'll say this.
    When these people ask for PvE servers or complain about PvP'ers ruining their game they don't mean PvP as a whole they mean toxic PvP'ers people who attack them for no reason, for no gain and who stand fully justified in the belief they are playing the game as the developer indented as they sink yet another new player afk in an outpost.
    When you act as you do you're not teaching them anything other than to not trust other players, be paranoid, and slowly become as toxic as the players attacking them.

  • There are very few thieves in SoT. But a lot of players hiding behind that word for nefarious reasons.

  • @zherron-vorse

    I can't handle that level of cringe in your last paragraph, just don't please

  • @zherron-vorse amen

  • @ricewynd said in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):

    @zherron-vorse said in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):

    @xsgt-makarov I almost had a stroke from your lack of punctuation.

    Let's begin. First off, what would you give as a reward for a pvp faction without voyages as a reward for getting rank 5? The best answer was what we got, a way to track people for more pvp.

    To a point I agree, this latest update has done a good thing of luring every player who is a toxic pvp'er into putting up a stupid flag that highlights them on the map, allowing anyone who isn't interested in fighting to keep away from them.

    Why are PvP players toxic? Did someone lose a Castaway chest to a mean man who killed you?

    Second, this change{......}this is the Sea of Thieves. Not the Sea of Friends. Grow up and learn to fight for what you have. You can easilly outplay galleons as a solo sloop. You have to learn how. If you lose, it is 100% your fault.

    I will hunt any ship I see regardless if I think I may lose{......}We are not your friend, we are your trial. Time for this sea to have real pirates on it.

    The flip side however, and your post demonstrates it perfectly, is it has justified the bullies of this game to go out and well, be bullies.

    How is killing people in a video game being a bully? Killing people in CoD or Halo wouldn't be considered bullying so why is it considered that way here? Guess what! It's not, its playing the game how I see fit.

    The justification that this is a pirate game is the weakest and most pathetic sounding excuse I've heard so far. Pirates yes but pirates in history were not bloodthirsty 'kill everyone' warmongers and I could lecture you on 'real' pirates till we're both tired and you're screaming at me to stop but instead I'll say this.

    I doubt you would make me scream begging for you to stop informing me of things I like to know. I love learning new things especially about stuff I love. However, the argument that this is anything similar to real life pirates is irrelevant. In game you can't scare people for their life. Why? Because they can respawn in 20 seconds after dying. In real life you don't have this luxury. Hence why pirates didn't have to kill every single person they met. However, they still stole what they pleased and left their victims terrified and in fear for their lives. Ever hear of the No Quarter Flag? Your argument is completely nullified by the fact that this even exists in the real world. Not all pirates were blood thirsty but some were. And guess what, this one is.

    When these people ask for PvE servers or complain about PvP'ers ruining their game they don't mean PvP as a whole they mean toxic PvP'ers people who attack them for no reason, for no gain and who stand fully justified in the belief they are playing the game as the developer indented as they sink yet another new player afk in an outpost.

    Killing people for any reason is indeed one of the ways the developer intended. AFKing isn't a good thing in game and is punished by an afk system which will kick you from the server in 10 minutes. Also I am not sure if you are aware or not, but the new Reaper's Bones were described as a "Sinister lot who are all about battle and bloodshed and would like nothing more than for you to burn the other emissaries to the ground."

    When you act as you do you're not teaching them anything other than to not trust other players, be paranoid, and slowly become as toxic as the players attacking them.

    Welcome to the Sea of Thieves. I am baffled by your belief that playing a game how I want is being tOxIC, but a healthy amount of distrust is good for new players. I am tired of finding people carrying a Reaper's Chest and being upset when I board them for it. Asking "wHy aRE YoU aTtACKinG mE?!? I'm FRiEndlY!!!" to which a simple blunder down the throat always silences their stupidity. Nothing in the sea is yours until you cash it in, until then it is fair game for anyone to take it and that, is what the developers want you to know. That is how the game is meant to be played.

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):


    I can't handle that level of cringe in your last paragraph, just don't please

    I do as I please, and since I can't be mean on the forums without mods censoring me, I choose to be edgy instead. You may view it as cringe but the fact of the matter is if people don't adopt this mindset of always learning from their mistakes they simply become a victim and never get better.

    And I always love another victim to kill...

  • New Reapers faction has commendations. Some even require you to be grade 5. I think one is simply sink enemy ships

    So they are just doing commendations

  • @zherron-vorse
    alt text

    Oh, honey.

    I love you people, I really do. You've mistaken me for some sort of Pve crybaby, that's fine a lot of people have made that mistake as well. My kill:death ratio on GTAV is 1:1, it is that for a reason. I am a non-violent person by nature but I know how to defend myself.
    But I love how you and people like you seem to act and behave with this almost smug ideology that people who prefer to avoid pvp encounters are somehow a lower class than you, that they deserve everything they get and warrant no pitty.
    I'm honestly at the point where I feel the main argument against PvE servers and zones is simply because it would take away all the "easy kills" the average lazy pvp'er has been taking advantage of.
    Good for you, no really, I'm glad this game brings you so much joy.
    But let me remind you this game is not exclusively for you and acting like it is with some sort of bizarre 'Rare endorsed' diving right is almost laughable.
    PvP is part of the game but it is just that part of the game. Rare describe the game as not being sure of the other player's intentions are they approach, the rush of excitement as you have no idea if they are friendly or not.
    What they also talk a lot about is the sense of adventure, and if that sense of adventure is no longer there; if the only guarantee you have of meeting another player is they will try to kill on sight then Rare may take a step back.

    Now I'm not going to sit here and whine that everyone should be friendly and we should have pve servers and whatnot, because I don't personally believe that would work.
    But what I will say is when you blow up the sloop of that first-day player, when you scream insults at them, steal their pathetic horde of loot, you may justify yourself fully that you are in the right, teaching them a lesson, being a real pirate, whatever. What you don't see is them calmly quitting the game, putting the disc back in the case and never touching it again. What you don't see is their small group of friends asking their opinion on the game only to be told "well it's kinda toxic" and for those friends to not buy a copy, for the game to get an undeserved reputation.
    But Rare does.
    Loss of sales, drop in players, no-one buying ancient coins. It doesn't take much for a Warhammer: Classic scenario, a game who's playerbase was so toxic it was impossible for new players to get started, so sales dried up and the company had to completely rebuild the game from the ground up to make it more accessible for new players.

    Thankfully you have players like me, players who go out of their way to help out new players and make sure their first experience of the game is a fun one and show them not every pirate out there is a cringy little wannabe edgelord.
    I'll see you on the seas.

  • Why are PvP players toxic? Did someone lose a Castaway chest to a mean man who killed you?

    Second, this change{......}this is the Sea of Thieves. Not the Sea of Friends. Grow up and learn to fight for what you have. You can easilly outplay galleons as a solo sloop. You have to learn how. If you lose, it is 100% your fault.

    I will hunt any ship I see regardless if I think I may lose{......}We are not your friend, we are your trial. Time for this sea to have real pirates on it.

    The flip side however, and your post demonstrates it perfectly, is it has justified the bullies of this game to go out and well, be bullies.

    How is killing people in a video game being a bully? Killing people in CoD or Halo wouldn't be considered bullying so why is it considered that way here? Guess what! It's not, its playing the game how I see fit.

    I just want to say that I both agree and disagree with a number of your points @Zherron-Vorse The CoD/Halo comparison doesn't really make sense as this is a Sandbox game where players are encouraged to create content (especially back when none existed) and not an FPS where literally the only objective is to kill. This game gives a player 'enough rope' to become a bully if they so choose. It's all about intentions.

    Sure, you can sink someone and take their Castaway chest, but as soon as you get on the blow-horn and tell them how bad they are and to go cry to their mom, that's when you start acting like a bully. In a game like this, I have no problem lulling people into false sense of security and the double-cross if that is how you want to play it... but it should still be done with decorum.

    I'm a newer player (most reps around 30), I played day one and then stopped and recently picked it back up. Last night I was finishing up collecting the Umbra books - I was in a plain boat with white sails watching Netflix. I'm headed straight towards Plunder Outpost where there is an Alliance: 2 Rank 5 Emissaries are looking to turn in. I realized I might be seen as a threat so I slowed down a bit, put my gun away, and was hopeful that I wouldn't be shot. It was late so if I had to come back later to grab the books it wouldn't have been that big deal. As expected, I get boarded by two and they search my ship as I tell them I'm not looking for a fight. They ended up adding me to the Alliance and now I'm rank 3 Athena and not even Pirate Legend yet, all that gold was nice too! In some ways I was probably a little deceitful - I looked super new and acted super new but I knew exactly was what going on and took advantage of it.

    I just bring this story up since it just happened and to illustrate that there are many ways to play this game. If you want to be the guy that just goes around sinking every single ship you see, regardless of any other data points, that's fine - but I think you are missing some really fun parts of the game if you always do that (and probably some new friends).

  • @ricewynd said in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):

    alt text

    Thank you for noticing.

    But I love how you and people like you seem to act and behave with this almost smug ideology that people who prefer to avoid pvp encounters are somehow a lower class than you, that they deserve everything they get and warrant no pitty.

    Guess what? I had to learn at 1 point as well. Legit just attacked a 2 galleon Reaper's Alliance of players who were at the same skill level as me. I lost. I did it again. I lost. But the third time? I got on board and hid then blew them sky high with their own kegs and got away with a juicy Grade 5 Reaper's Flag.

    I'm honestly at the point where I feel the main argument against PvE servers and zones is simply because it would take away all the "easy kills" the average lazy pvp'er has been taking advantage of.

    I agree, lazy pvp isn't pvp. I like big game kills and impossible odds. If I win, boom, montage for youtube. If I lose, I learn to get better.

    Good for you, no really, I'm glad this game brings you so much joy.

    And I hope you do as well broski. I legit wrote my own fan fic, fan art, and make up dumb songs to sing with friends.

    But let me remind you this game is not exclusively for you and acting like it is with some sort of bizarre 'Rare endorsed' diving right is almost laughable.

    Not acting like it's my game alone, I just like murdering people.

    But what I will say is when you blow up the sloop of that first-day player, when you scream insults at them, steal their pathetic horde of loot, you may justify yourself fully that you are in the right, teaching them a lesson, being a real pirate, whatever.

    Usually ignore sloops/obvious new players because they don't pose a challenge or any real fun in fighting. Unless they attack me, then that's on them.

    Thankfully you have players like me, players who go out of their way to help out new players and make sure their first experience of the game is a fun one and show them not every pirate out there is a cringy little wannabe edgelord.

    A. Thank you for noticing im an Edgelord. I get a kick out of scaring people, it's just a shame I am limited to typing only instead of showing what I can really do on these forums.

    B. Every once in a while I help a noob out, but I gotta be in the mood. A lot of noobs simply lack the brain capacity to even follow the most basic of instructions on ship management so I lose interest.

    I'll see you on the seas.

    Oh I do hope so...

  • @dubba-dubs said in Reapers Bone flag (rank 5):

    I just want to say that I both agree and disagree with a number of your points @Zherron-Vorse The CoD/Halo comparison doesn't really make sense as this is a Sandbox game where players are encouraged to create content (especially back when none existed) and not an FPS where literally the only objective is to kill. This game gives a player 'enough rope' to become a bully if they so choose. It's all about intentions.

    I disagree, we are fully encouraged to do whatever we please within the world. That is the true freedom of a sandbox. I happen to enjoy chaos and plundering. Not my job to make sure everyone is having fun.

    Sure, you can sink someone and take their Castaway chest, but as soon as you get on the blow-horn and tell them how bad they are and to go cry to their mom, that's when you start acting like a bully.

    I usually don't talk in game and let my win or defeat speak for itself. If they say something snarky then it depends what kind of mood I am in if I will respond.

    I'm a newer player (most reps around 30), I played day one and then stopped and recently picked it back up. Last night I was finishing up collecting the Umbra books - I was in a plain boat with white sails watching Netflix. I'm headed straight towards Plunder Outpost where there is an Alliance: 2 Rank 5 Emissaries are looking to turn in. I realized I might be seen as a threat so I slowed down a bit, put my gun away, and was hopeful that I wouldn't be shot. It was late so if I had to come back later to grab the books it wouldn't have been that big deal. As expected, I get boarded by two and they search my ship as I tell them I'm not looking for a fight. They ended up adding me to the Alliance and now I'm rank 3 Athena and not even Pirate Legend yet, all that gold was nice too!

    So you got hand outs for doing nothing? Not exactly what I find to be hard earned. I personally despise alliances and go out of my way to trick them into fighting eachother for me.

    I just bring this story up since it just happened and to illustrate that there are many ways to play this game. If you want to be the guy that just goes around sinking every single ship you see, regardless of any other data points, that's fine - but I think you are missing some really fun parts of the game if you always do that (and probably some new friends).

    I have no interest in making new friends, however, one of my friends I made after a 3 hour fight with them and eventually it ended in a stale mate and we were congratulating each other for a fantastic fight. You make your friends your way, and I shall make them in my own way.

  • @zherron-vorse You basically missed every single point and are impossible to have a discussion with. I bring up talking in-game as a single example of how being a bully can manifest, there are countless.

    My entire point was that you can do anything you want, so I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with, perhaps you are saying that nothing but PvP is worth your time, cool - that isn't true for a lot of the player base. Your snarky reply, "So you got hand outs for doing nothing? Not exactly what I find to be hard earned." lol wut? I think maybe you should try adding a bit of empathy into your life buddy, not everything has to be so serious my man.

  • I wouldn't categorise their flag as overpowered as their advantage is your advantage. You can see them on the map, so you can avoid them if you are diligent enough.

    You are not required to run an Emissary flag on your ship and when you do, you are rewarded for the risk you are taking on by doing so.

    There is going to be toxic players on every multiplayer game you play, you need to accept this. I wouldn't consider the actions of the players in your post 'toxic' (Although spawn killing is annoying) the toxic players are the ones who angrily message you using poor language and insults cause they are to salty.

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