NPC toxicity

  • For the past 3 days me and my buddy have been getting screwed every time we play the game. 3 days in a row. 1st day in the span of 3 hours twice we got triple attacked by kraken, megladon and skelly galleon. Even with over 200 wood and cannons we were savagely beaten. I have been attacked by 3 player ships at a time and stood a better chance. We were destroyed in less than 5 minutes. The boat had every possible hole in it and even bailing couldn't help us.we lost all the treasure and trophy fish we were gonna turn in to get the commendation. This happened twice. Last night on a brig we were playing with a friend and telling them about our bad luck. As we were finished at molten sand the volcano starts erupting. I jokingly said "oh we should see the kraken,meg, and skelly ship. POW! JUST LIKE THAT! sunk in 2 minutes as we got hit from every side all at once while being rained on by volcano. Who's toxic? How about next time the rare guys do one of their weekly videos they recreate this scenario and show us what's the best thing to do. No seriously please make this happen. Because if 3 level 10 PL can't survive it who can? I really wanna see. Also why dont you take a break from adding new bombs and stuff and work on fixing all the bugs. Because I'm really getting tired of being beaten because of stupid game glitches while some kid is messaging me get good newb. ![alt text](image url)

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    communitystory & lorecompetition
  • @captstinkeye

    The Kraken appears only for inattentive players.

    Skelly Ship and Meg are extremely easy to defeat, a novice player can defeat each one with less than 30 cannonballs each.

    Other players only attack you if you want, just keep an eye on the horizon, whenever a ship is close, just run away.

  • @captstinkeye The game isn't glitching, it's working exactly as intended.

    Yes, you are supposed to get really unlucky sometimes, such is the pirate's life. :P

    Also, how can an NPC be toxic? They are not sentient, they have no intentions...

  • Ok, I'll attempt to deconstruct this...

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    For the past 3 days me and my buddy have been getting screwed every time we play the game. 3 days in a row. 1st day in the span of 3 hours twice we got triple attacked by kraken, megladon and skelly galleon. >

    I typically sail solo and I've been hit with multiple combos of these 3 (Ship + Meg / Ship + Kraken / Meg + Kraken) so I know how annoying it can be. These encounters are completely random. Sometimes, even the best pirates have the worst luck.

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    Even with over 200 wood and cannons we were savagely beaten. I have been attacked by 3 player ships at a time and stood a better chance. We were destroyed in less than 5 minutes. The boat had every possible hole in it and even bailing couldn't help us.>

    If you and your crew went through that many supplies in "less than 5 minutes" then, whether it was skill or circumstances., the battle was not yours to win. No shame in it, just respawn and sail on.

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    we lost all the treasure and trophy fish we were gonna turn in to get the commendation.>

    Pro-Tip: Do not hoard loot (including fish) on your ship... Be happy, sell often. Also, why weren't you fishing for Trophies at a Seaport? Sort of common sense to fish at the same place you can sell them, right?

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    This happened twice. Last night on a brig we were playing with a friend and telling them about our bad luck. As we were finished at molten sand the volcano starts erupting. I jokingly said "oh we should see the kraken,meg, and skelly ship. POW! JUST LIKE THAT! sunk in 2 minutes as we got hit from every side all at once while being rained on by volcano.>

    Again, random encounters. See what I said above...

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    Who's toxic? How about next time the rare guys do one of their weekly videos they recreate this scenario and show us what's the best thing to do. No seriously please make this happen.>

    I'll skip this as it's calling out Rare and really has nothing to do with my response.

    Moving on...

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    Because if 3 level 10 PL can't survive it who can? I really wanna see.>

    What "3 level 10 PL" are you referring to?

    @captstinkeye said in NPC toxicity:

    Also why dont you take a break from adding new bombs and stuff and work on fixing all the bugs. Because I'm really getting tired of being beaten because of stupid game glitches while some kid is messaging me get good newb. !>

    What "game glitches" are you referring to? If it's the aformentioned encounters, I believe I've already covered the randomness enough. If it's something else, then please explain.

    I'm not sure how long you've been in the game itself, but according your profile, you've been a member of the boards since early December 2019 (about 3 months). If you started playing the game around the same time, then there's a lot of in-game skill that can be learned (and used) the more you play. I'll say again, random encounters happen. Sometimes, it's more than one at a time. Sucks when it happens and sometimes there's (literally) not much that can be done to "win" when they do... This comes from a lot of experience.

    I'm hoping this doesn't come across as "an attack" or anything because that's not how it's intended. Hopefully, it gives you some piece of mind that the encounters in the game are sometimes in your favor and sometimes, you have no choice but to accept defeat. But, when that happens, if you practice basic "survival techniques" you'll negate some of your character's financial losses (and yours too, by proxy).

  • PvP only servers?

  • Maybe if you had a rowboat, you may have still had viable options.

    The Devils Roar was implemented at the same time as rowboats, suggesting the two go hand-in-hand.

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