Wailing Barnacle and the Tales Thereof...

  • Geetins sers and w!nches! I've been on fer a bit o time restin meself at the bottom of some hold fer some time now. SO i been tastin whats in the sea, and not a mite bit proud that some of ye have been peein too much in the sea! How is a barnacle posed to survive in yer yeller tides? No No thats not the point! The point is i would like to sail with a crew who knows what ye are doin... at some point,when im not restin. I tried once more me hand at just cruisin by at got ferociously savaged upon by ghosty !expletives!. Could not keep meh colony afloat. It was a mite bit discouragin. If I had first or second mate worth of the titles i might had a chance with me booty. Bailed as i might i had no time to fight. Sad tail is i tell as i sink the the shadowy depths... "WaIlInG BaRnAcLe, DoWn We gO, tIs WhErE wE kNoW! TiS oUr SoNg, wE WeRe WrOnG!" {you recieve 12 points of Wailing Damage as you flee in terror for your ears, only to realize the Kracken sings back hopelessly in love.}

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  • @wailingbarnacle Ahoy matey and welcome to the forums. There are many great fleets out there, but most require you use Discord. If you do use discord, I would recommend giving Rogue Legends a gander to see if they fits your needs. The finest group of scalawags on these cursed seas. Check out the link for more information and on how to sign up.


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