They should probably Buff the Box of Wondrous Secrets or Nerf the Reapers Bounty.

  • They are both 25k? Kinda devalues the Box if you ask me. What do you guys think

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  • There might be a reason for that from a lore perspective. Not sure though,

  • There should be a title and commendation associated with the Box of Wondrous Secrets. Right now, it's hardly worth more than a few normal Reaper's Chests.

    As for the Reaper's Bounty, I wouldn't want it changed, other than the indicator on the map. Maybe make it gold/yellow. A high value, track-able item is an amazing addition to this world.

  • With all the high value loot we got right now, the box should be buffed to 50.000. Otherwise, it doesn't worth it to get it on board.

  • @klutchxking518 The masked lady is paying double right now for items. I'm thinking that means the bounty is really only worth 12,500.

    If it remains in the game afterward, I'd guess that its value is that keeping the wonderous box as the most valuable gold item in the game.

  • @captain-coel Well she's giving 30 doubloons for regular reaper chests, but those aren't valued at 15.

  • @klutchxking518 I think that now that gold is more plentiful, there should be consideration given to buffing it. Then again, it could have already been buffed and none of us would know because it is so rare!

  • @natsu-v2 but they were at one point. could just be a mix up in value for that.

  • @guilleont I wouldn't say it isn't worth picking up if you find it (25k is a lot of gold), but I don't feel the desire to go and search for it anymore. The fact that there is an equivalent that tells me where it is whenever I feel like it means that I simply CBA with looking around for it in the Devils Roar

  • @nuklrghandi said:

    @guilleont I wouldn't say it isn't worth picking up if you find it (25k is a lot of gold), but I don't feel the desire to go and search for it anymore. The fact that there is an equivalent that tells me where it is whenever I feel like it means that I simply CBA with looking around for it in the Devils Roar

    Agree. You express the idea better than me. In general, Devil's Roar is dead. With all the valuable loot we can easily get these days, there's not point to collect ashen loot. DR needs a boost.

  • @guilleont They should reset all the pricing and stuff back to normal. Make high value loot rare. Stop putting random high value loot in barrels at sea, buff the DR. Stop giving out double xp, stop giving out doubloons.

  • @klutchxking518 I feel ya mate.

  • Ah yes, the good ole Rare solution of just throw gold at it. Don't worry about the already inflated gold economy. Also ignore the players with a literal Smaug sized Dragon Hoard of current gold. Lets just make things give more gold cause that will make them want them more.

  • In my opinion Woundrous should be at least 100K and add a commendation.

  • @sammyr0cks sagte in They should probably Buff the Box of Wondrous Secrets or Nerf the Reapers Bounty.:

    As for the Reaper's Bounty, I wouldn't want it changed, other than the indicator on the map. Maybe make it gold/yellow. A high value, track-able item is an amazing addition to this world.

    I think it should stay red, like the reapers chest...ships with the reaper flag also doesn't tell you what ship it is, so why should the chest?

  • Agreed! Buff the box! 50k!

  • @nabberwarY My net worth has to be in excess of 35 million and I still get excited over Golden ribbons in the sky!😂

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