You're really going to do us like that rare??

  • This whole "gift" thing is a joke, all me and a few folks got was that hide emote THAT WAS ALREADY FREE?!? When you're handing out 500 - 750 coins to others, how is that fair?!

    Why wouldn't you just give everyone that logs in 500 coins rather than random amounts and already free emotes?! Whoever came up with random gifts needs fired.

    I've played since day 1 and I now I feel completely unappreciated for sticking with the game so long. Thanks for the free emote that I already had because it was free before you gifted it to me super thoughtful rare.

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  • Edit: It appears the 4-5 people I know who also received the 500 AC email was just a coincidence, and it may actually be a randomized amount which may include no Ancient Coins.

    I still do not find issue with this, and feel everyone needs to calm down.

    My original post is below in its unedited form, so blast away :)

    Everyone needs to calm down with this as they should have received an email stating it is to be 500 Ancient Coins. Anything other than that appears to be an error and will most likely be resolved.
    Personally, anyone spewing this much salt should get a lump of coal instead of AC's.

  • True... I feel insulted... =')

    I got an emot that was free for everybody... What a great gift... Thanks...?

  • Yeah I’m pretty angry as well. Played since alpha and I get an emote that everyone else can get for free too? And so far, silence on the issue as well. This, on top of the FoTD bug that cost players hours of completing forts, is starting to wear my patience very thin.

  • @archangel-timmy My email specifically said I got a hide emote not coins. The hide emote is the already free one.

    Why shouldn't we be angry about this? We stuck with the game and instead of giving everyone the same gift they gave some people 1. nothing 2. hide emote that was already free or 3. 250 - 750 ancient coins randomly. It doesn't make sense.

  • I just received this reply from the support team

    Ahoy there,

    Over the festive period, we’re surprising a selection of lucky players with in-game gifts as part of our Festival of Giving campaign, which has included the daily bonuses of the Calendar of Giving! These gifts include the Hide emote, plus a variety of Ancient Coin bundles. These gifts have not gone to every player, but those lucky enough to have been selected will have received an email detailing the specific gift they’ve been given!

    If you’re one of the fortunate few to have been gifted these coins, you’ll receive an email about your gift by the end of the day.

    Sea of Thieves - Player Support

    Safe to say, I’m very angry, and feel let down.

  • @archangel-timmy said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    Everyone needs to calm down with this as they should have received an email stating it is to be 500 Ancient Coins.

    Do you know this for a fact? If not, your post is worthless I'm afraid.

    I've received no email, my other half got the email about a free emote, but it's the emote that's already free anyway.

    ^^Link to the email image you receive^^
    That email only has a picture of two emotes, neither of which are the free emote you actually receive and the wording even says "Allow us to give you a little sneak peak:"

    Pretty misleading IMO.

    Once again, any actual official communication or confirmation from Rare seems to be slow in appearing which is causing unrest among the community.

  • The few people I have spoken to have received an email with 500AC.

    If the above posted reply quoting support is legit, then I retract my statement in regards to everyone getting it and will amend my original post.

    My post about the salt remains.

  • @peteloaf777 a dit dans You're really going to do us like that rare?? :

    I just received this reply from the support team

    Ahoy there,

    Over the festive period, we’re surprising a selection of lucky players with in-game gifts as part of our Festival of Giving campaign, which has included the daily bonuses of the Calendar of Giving! These gifts include the Hide emote, plus a variety of Ancient Coin bundles. These gifts have not gone to every player, but those lucky enough to have been selected will have received an email detailing the specific gift they’ve been given!

    If you’re one of the fortunate few to have been gifted these coins, you’ll receive an email about your gift by the end of the day.

    Sea of Thieves - Player Support

    Safe to say, I’m very angry, and feel let down.

    This is a joke... "the fortunate players", receive an already free emote ? =') Come on, I feel so trolled right now...

    Even Rick Asley didn't troll me like this.

  • @archangel-timmy said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    My post about the salt remains.

    You don't think people should be upset they could get nothing? Or an emote that is already free? When others get something which costs IRL money?

  • @grievous32

    Yeah that’s seriously messed up to gift us something which is already free. I’m raging, considering uninstalling to be honest cause this is just the latest incident showing how they don’t care.

  • @withmyapologies said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @archangel-timmy said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    My post about the salt remains.

    Yes, but in relation to you.

    You don't think people should be upset they could get nothing? Or an emote that is already free? When others get something which costs IRL money?

    In relation to me? I'm not salty at all :?

    This isn't much different than one crew finding an Ancient Skeleton and yours doesn't. It was a random selection that some will not recieve. I just confirmed with my wife that she didn't recieve anything and neither her or I are mad about that.

  • @archangel-timmy a dit dans You're really going to do us like that rare?? :

    @withmyapologies said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @archangel-timmy said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    My post about the salt remains.

    Yes, but in relation to you.

    You don't think people should be upset they could get nothing? Or an emote that is already free? When others get something which costs IRL money?

    In relation to me? I'm not salty at all :?

    This isn't much different than one crew finding an Ancient Skeleton and yours doesn't. It was a random selection that some will not recieve. I just confirmed with my wife that she didn't recieve anything and neither her or I are mad about that.

    It's clearly not the same thing. The Ancient Skeleton is a feature in game. Here, it's a gift from dev' to players because of Christmas.

  • @grievous32 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @archangel-timmy a dit dans You're really going to do us like that rare?? :

    @withmyapologies said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @archangel-timmy said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    My post about the salt remains.

    Yes, but in relation to you.

    You don't think people should be upset they could get nothing? Or an emote that is already free? When others get something which costs IRL money?

    In relation to me? I'm not salty at all :?

    This isn't much different than one crew finding an Ancient Skeleton and yours doesn't. It was a random selection that some will not recieve. I just confirmed with my wife that she didn't recieve anything and neither her or I are mad about that.

    It's clearly not the same thing. The Ancient Skeleton is a feature in game. Here, it's a gift from dev' to players because of Christmas.

    The AC's are a feature in the game, and they are given away randomly on varying amounts.

  • @archangel-timmy For a special event. That's not the same thing, it's not in game, it's for the event IRL.

  • @grievous32 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @archangel-timmy For a special event. That's not the same thing, it's not in game, it's for the event IRL.

    I'm sorry, I didnt realize you could spawn these coins in your pocket to purchase anything.


  • @archangel-timmy Okay, you don't understand anything then.

  • @grievous32 I understand that I see a lot of ungrateful people :?

    Hopefully you find joy in the rest of the holiday, in the real world that is.

  • @mc-rossco Whilst I myself am not bothered at not getting a fivers worth of coin, it is a very odd move to give to some and nothing at all to others.

    I'm not entirely sure what Rare expected to happen here!

  • @archangel-timmy proof that you don't understand anything.

  • I thought they were referring to the hide bundle, maybe they are, it just hasnt come through yet. This may match up to the random AC amounts

  • Ahoy maties!

    I can see tensions are rising - please remember to be respectful to one another. It is Christmas after all!

    alt text

  • @musicmee I mean, it's a little bizarre and kinda unfair that "select pirates" get free AC's, yeah?

    If that's what im seeing/hearing. My buddy got coins, and I have none.

  • Seems a bit blah!

    I received an email saying we left you a little gift here's a free emote.. that would be great and all bit I already own the bundle.. so you can't gift me something i already own 🤨

    I suppose it's the thought that counts right

  • @weepaperboats That still doesn't mean we have to be hostile to one another, I am happy to let the discussion go on, but the bickering has to stop!

    I am a man on the edge... all this wrapping, Christmas music and lack of egg nog has gone too far!

    As you were, but there will be no further warnings in this thread.

  • @musicmee said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @weepaperboats That still doesn't mean we have to be hostile to one another, I am happy to let the discussion go on, but the bickering has to stop!

    I am a man on the edge... all this wrapping, Christmas music and lack of egg nog has gone too far!

    As you were, but there will be no further warnings in this thread.

    I'm not being hostile. I just do not understand that Rare sorta "choose" random pirates to give currency to that you'd otherwise have to purchase with real money.

    Then, to expect everyone who didn't get that generous gift to just be like, "Okay". I dunno man... I feel like I have a valid frustration for once because this isn't very "Jolly" towards everyone.

  • @weepaperboats I'm not going to carry on the bickering but my warning was never meant to be to you, there was a hostile back and forth between members above you matey!

    Sorry for the confusion but you jumped in after my warning.

  • The only reason this thread exists (and others like it), is due to a lack of communication from Rare.

    If they'd come out and said "To celebrate this festive period, all players will be rewarded with 500 Ancient Coins! (or some such other reward, a free new emote of a belly laughing pirate? Similar to Santa Claus maybe? Or a free Santa hat?) Happy Holidays!" Can you imagine the positive response? There would be zero negativity.

    Instead, we got no announcement and confusion about what was happening with reports emerging that people are getting a free gift (but it's already free to buy in-game anyway) and some people got nothing. This has resulted in a lot of negativity across all SoT related social media.

    It could so easily have all been avoided. I can only hope lessons have been learnt moving forward. Communication is key in keeping your community involved.

  • Give it time before you fly off the handle. Your coins may come through yet.

  • Rare's 2019 Christmas card....for the unfortunate ones:

  • Well, it seems that Rare only offered me salt for Christmas...

    text alternatif

  • Festival of the not giving.

  • "All equal"

  • @luciansanchez82 said in You're really going to do us like that rare??:

    @mc-rossco Whilst I myself am not bothered at not getting a fivers worth of coin, it is a very odd move to give to some and nothing at all to others.

    I'm not entirely sure what Rare expected to happen here!

    Replace the free hide with the Crab Dab :D

  • @archangel-timmy Now that would be a mighty gift!

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