Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag

  • Let me say that I've not just been killed by someone doing it, it's just a general opinion I have lol

    I feel like this is an unintentional bug "feature" that people have just kinda gone "oh neat" and then continued to do it.

    Your gamer tag should show if you are in line of sight of the person who is looking at you. If you aren't, then it shouldn't show. Using an emote (any emote) shouldn't be the deciding factor as to whether or not your gamer tag is seen, line of sight should be.

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  • Tucking is a feature in the game right now so that's nothing they are gonna remove.

  • The term should be removed, though.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    The term should be removed, though.

    The term? I think it's a bit late for that - tucking has officially entered the SoT lexicon thanks to the community, similar to the likes of teabagging in other video games - thank goodness we can't crouch in this game.

  • @shillianth the devs had said they loved this. it was an unintentional feature that people figured out. why should your gamertag show at all anyways, even when you arent tucked?

    also i dont think all emotes hide gamertags, only ones that allow you to tuck your head inside something. because if you cant see your face, you cant identify them.

    if you have line of sight on a players head you can see their gamertag, if they hide their head you can still see their body, they dont go invisible, and it isnt hard to check these tuck spots. there are only so many. no point in removing a cool feature that creates a whole new playstyle

  • @galactic-geek aww man i have always wanted to be able to crouch, not to teabagging, just so i could feel more sneaky, i mean walking just doesnt feel very sneaky to me. not that i would use it seriously, it would just be funny to have say 4 pirates crouching around on an enemy ship would it not lol.

  • But if line of sight was your issue the person tucking might not be viewable if he or she is hiding hence why you can't read the said name

  • @d4m0r3d said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    @galactic-geek aww man i have always wanted to be able to crouch, not to teabagging, just so i could feel more sneaky, i mean walking just doesnt feel very sneaky to me. not that i would use it seriously, it would just be funny to have say 4 pirates crouching around on an enemy ship would it not lol.

    Think of it this way: since there are no headshots, crouching would legitimately make you a harder target to shoot, especially when behind cover, like a map table or barrel (bare with me, as that's the good part) - we'd have a bunch of crouching pirates out in the open trying to shoot each other that look like chickens! Why, it's almost as weird-looking as pirates jumping all over the darn place with their swords looking like bunny rabbits!

    Oh, wait...

  • @galactic-geek said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    @d4m0r3d said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    @galactic-geek aww man i have always wanted to be able to crouch, not to teabagging, just so i could feel more sneaky, i mean walking just doesnt feel very sneaky to me. not that i would use it seriously, it would just be funny to have say 4 pirates crouching around on an enemy ship would it not lol.

    Think of it this way: since there are no headshots, crouching would legitimately make you a harder target to shoot, especially when behind cover, like a map table or barrel (bare with me, as that's the good part) - we'd have a bunch of crouching pirates out in the open trying to shoot each other that look like chickens! Why, it's almost as weird-looking as pirates jumping all over the darn place with their swords looking like bunny rabbits!

    Oh, wait...

    It’s obvious we would need a crouch cool down then.

    As to the OP I’ve always though player names should be hidden at all times. Only when your killed by a player does it display who killed you and with what. If you do the make friends emote it will displayed their name for a few seconds and bring up the social screen. Or if your in the tavern all names are displayed. Making the tavern a social space for players to meet and get to know each other.

    But that’s just me, I’ve never been a fan of the large name plates.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    @galactic-geek said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    @d4m0r3d said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    @galactic-geek aww man i have always wanted to be able to crouch, not to teabagging, just so i could feel more sneaky, i mean walking just doesnt feel very sneaky to me. not that i would use it seriously, it would just be funny to have say 4 pirates crouching around on an enemy ship would it not lol.

    Think of it this way: since there are no headshots, crouching would legitimately make you a harder target to shoot, especially when behind cover, like a map table or barrel (bare with me, as that's the good part) - we'd have a bunch of crouching pirates out in the open trying to shoot each other that look like chickens! Why, it's almost as weird-looking as pirates jumping all over the darn place with their swords looking like bunny rabbits!

    Oh, wait...

    It’s obvious we would need a crouch cool down then.

    As to the OP I’ve always though player names should be hidden at all times. Only when your killed by a player does it display who killed you and with what. If you do the make friends emote it will displayed their name for a few seconds and bring up the social screen. Or if your in the tavern all names are displayed. Making the tavern a social space for players to meet and get to know each other.

    But that’s just me, I’ve never been a fan of the large name plates.

    I don't like the idea of a cooldown as it would feel unnatural.

    Having names hidden at all times would break the game in favor of ambush and stealth tactics. What we have now strikes a nice balance - you can hide, but not move, lest you risk getting spotted.

    Having the game tell you who killed you and with what increases the likelihood of a poor sport falsely reporting their killer. If they can see where their killer is, then that ruins any opportunity their killer has at getting subsequent surprise attacks against their crewmates - it'd essentially be 1 and done.

    I don't like the idea of befriending someone that I don't know by name. With your idea, I might add InfantKiller666 without realizing it. So, no.

    The tavern is already a social place if all parties agree to it. Having your name displayed ruins the mystery of the world, and again, increases the likelihood of false reports.

  • @galactic-geek lol true. maybe they could make it so we wouldnt be able to pull our weapons while crouches, although if all players can crouch it doesnt matter, but i dont really like the idea of players crouch spamming, although i also dont really see this happening, cause like you said, meta right now is to jump around like crazy rabbits, idk i just dont ever see this changing, and would crouching be worse than jumping? thats the question we should be asking. jumping is good against swords and guns, but crouching would only be good against the sniper and pistol.

  • @galactic-geek

    a cooldown could just be an animation, like in some games the crouch animation simply takes longer, while in some games it is instant

    Having the game tell you who killed you and with what increases the likelihood of a poor sport falsely reporting their killer.

    i agree, plus its not very realistic and its more of a pvp oriented mechanic, where as SOT is pvpve it doesnt really seem necesary, plus i like the idea of killing people and them not knowing it was me, or people killing me and me not knowing it was them.

  • You should only be able to crouch if you're carrying a crate of tea.

  • @pithyrumble why specifically a crate of tea? ohhhhhhh is it so you can properly tea b*g people. lol that would be great

  • @shillianth

    Emotes hide your tag by design, as it is meant to be a way to take screenshots of memorable moments while also having your character in the scene without name tags popping up when taking a group photo.

    This is not a bug, or unintended feature at all...

    People use this in game, sweep your ship when in doubt... it really isn't that hard to spot a black clothed pirate sleeping. Know your ship and be alert.

  • @shillianth said in Emotes shouldn't hide your gamer tag:

    Let me say that I've not just been killed by someone doing it, it's just a general opinion I have lol

    I feel like this is an unintentional bug "feature" that people have just kinda gone "oh neat" and then continued to do it.

    Your gamer tag should show if you are in line of sight of the person who is looking at you. If you aren't, then it shouldn't show. Using an emote (any emote) shouldn't be the deciding factor as to whether or not your gamer tag is seen, line of sight should be.

    It's not a bug, never was.

    Emotes don't hide your gamer tag, obstacles covering your characters face hides your gamertag, AKA, if line of sight of their face/head is broken... And this is an intentional feature to allow a certain level of sneaking, otherwise you would be seeing peoples gamertags behind walls and stuff. : /

    Nobody has ever successfully tucked on my ship, because i have keen eyes, and easily notice when an object that wasn't on my ship before suddenly appears. :P

    Keep your eyes peeled, and your brain in prop-hunt mode. :3

  • @shillianth I'm fine with it, I think it just adds another interesting aspect to the game. I sweep my ship so I never had a problem with tuckers I usually find them.

    One thing I learn though, act like you don't see them then go back and get a blunderbuss and walk up and one shot them. Had 2 behind my captains chair one time pop up and killed me lol.

    If there is a ship parked at and island near you or sailing by always look for tuckers and rowboats.

  • @shillianth

    Using emotes to clip your head or any part of your body into an inanimate object to gain an advantage over other players is an exploit plain and simple and I have no doubt emotes were never intended to be used in this way. They are now using the new paid admarial sleep emote to clip both their heads and legs into the deck of the ship, so all you can see is the upper part of their characters chest, change my mind this is legit and not exploiting the emote gaming mechanic.

    The Devs turn a blind eye as it's an exploit used by streamers, who are generating a lot of exposure for the game.

  • I like the sneaking and tucking and think Rare should elaborate on it. It adds way more depth and fun to the game. Being a stowaway pirate is basically the most adventurous thing you can do.
    Also, I lost a FoTD last night to 6 pirates Tucking from 3 different sloops LOL!

  • No they should keep it just because you may think it’s bad doesn’t mean others do. Many more people including me like this concept.

  • The hiding emotes intentionally remove the gamertag for hiding purposes.

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