PVP tryhards in the adventure

  • @zherron-vorse Sweats?

  • @galactic-geek said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @zherron-vorse Sweats?

    Its what normies refer to tryhards/people better than them at the game.

  • Anyone who uses terms like sweaty try-hard, un-ironically, are an epitome of a salty sore losers/winners. The only time they drop these terms is usually when dealing with someone better than them.

    Time to stop being big ole salty bois.

  • O the irony.

  • @craftin248 I’m guilty of doing solely pvp most of the time in adventure but you have to remember it’s a PIRATE game and some people are like me and don’t do arena much and are really good at pvp and sink everyone they see so you can’t do level based lobby systems it would stay the same

  • @oakenkhan90088 it’s a pirate game there are no actual rules to the game it’s open world too

  • @craftin248 A leveling system would kill this game.

    Hide behind your skills not your stats.

    The seas are dangerous, this you must accept if you are to traverse her waters.

  • Earlier this evening, I finished my voyages, tracked down the nearest ship, and gave away 6 collector's chest + all of my supplies. Got a lot of thanks for that.

  • Hmmm...

    I see the "tryhards", the "good at the games", and the "don't give a krakens" all falling right into place in this discussion.

    Btw... I'm a "bad at the game don't give a skellie because the tryhards can't catch me" sitting here with a grog and a pineapple watching the fireworks.

    The tryhards need somewhere to go that actually challenges them and it doesn't exist

  • Nothing wrong with pvp and enjoying it, nothing wrong with wanting to be able to play the game without getting screwed at every turn by other players. I'm not great by any means but I'm not terrible either, but there is nothing fair or fun about a galleon attacking a one man sloop, and saying the seas are dangerous as your excuse is just admitting that you are a pos to other players who didn't stand a chance in the first place. Why not make a non-pvp lobby for people who want to enjoy the game and don't enjoy the players?

  • @craftin248

    What is your definition of playful PvP combat?

    When I am in a sea battle with another pirate I do my best to win, does that make me a try hard or just someone that would prefer not to lose?

    I usually don't instantly attack as I base my actions on the other, nor do I smack talk all that much unless they are. Yet if they are silent, let a canon roar, board my ship without permission or have some beautiful loot sparkling in the sun and I decide to go on the offense I will not go easy on you just to open myself up to being punished for the sake of playfulness and needing to provide you with more chances to win. We have the same tools, same strengths and weaknesses, if you lose it is because I outplayed you or you messed up and in both situations you can learn from the experience and get better.

    I do think preference choices in the open crew system should be a thing, but that is more to make it easier to find like minded crew members than to fill the sea with them.

    This is a shared world... which means you must consider the actions of others and prepare for them.

    I am a pirate that strikes a fair amount of truce deals. I really wonder if people complaining about KoS aren't doing the same and whether they use the horn before they lost control of the situation. There is no use in begging for mercy after they are on your ship in full control. Negotiating from a point of strength is a far better way to get a truce or alliance. I think people would be surprised how often people would be willing to lay down arms if talked to in a playful and enjoyable manner.

  • @kingslayer406 the seas are dangerous yet not impossible to traverse, even when alone. Losing is part of games, if you always lose maybe you need to learn to be the pirate you want to be, use the tools provided? #BeMorePirate

    I can manage my own on the seas, I am no pro... which means I do indeed sometimes get sunk. I dont understand why this is unexpected or something that needs to change.

    Don't play a multiplayer online game if you don't want to play with others... they are a key part of the design of the seas, shared world and all that.

  • @craftin248 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    It would be pretty funny to see the high tier streamers all in one server tucked on the same island waiting for the other crews to play the rest of the game for them.

    So basically: "I want PvE-only servers."


  • @craftin248 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    I've noticed a massive influx of tryhards playing in adventure mode. Most are decked out with the arena cosmetics or cloaked in black to hide aboard ships.

    Or maybe because black is a cool color. Don't worry though, I'm making it easier for you guys!
    I'm starting to wear more red.

    The vast majority I've witnessed solely do pvp. Perhaps a new update requiring teamwork from start to finish would calm this down? Something that can't be swiped at the last minute by some 1000 hour arena player would be nice to see.

    Bold to assume it would take someone of that level to steal. This Saturday I took a fort from a galleon, sloop, and the same brig twice, on a brig with two people who have barely played the game. If I can somehow squeeze through that, what's to stop me from pillaging your new event?
    The entire fun of the events in this game is that they all can be contested. Meaning anyone can come at any time and challenge you for what you'r working for, and it's disappointing how many people wanna wake up and play this game on recruit difficulty.

    It's increasingly frustrating to go against a crew of players that have 0 interest in playful battle or anything similar.

    "Playful battles."
    What kind of fights are you imagining?

    "I do say, my good chum, I just happened to be sailing past and noticed you docked at this island, what a fine island it is, and what an even finer ship I do say. I happen to be in the itching for a bit of a rumble, would you like to engage with me?"

    "Why thank you for asking, old bean. I too would like a bit of a brawl. Shall we stack our loot separately on the island, to keep it safe from sinking, and trust that neither group stall steal it?"

    "Jolly good! To the decks!"

    "Oho! Good shot my friend!"

    "Many thanks, you are a worthy opponent! Sadly, you do seem to be sinking, so I shall remain here to safeguard your treasures until you return, and we shall both depart as equals."

    "Very good!"

    The beauty of the game is that it allows people to interact like that. And it's just as beautiful for allowing the usual kind of interaction:

    "Hey dirtbag! Is that foul skull on your ship? YOINK!!"

    The seas are composed of crews that run and crews that chase. The alliance flag only attracts trouble and attempting any new content is a joke.

    The only true statement out of your mouth.

    I would love to see something like a leveling system implemented. Players with high arena hours lumped with other players with high arena hours. It would be pretty funny to see the high tier streamers all in one server tucked on the same island waiting for the other crews to play the rest of the game for them.

    Oh boy, segregation! Let's condone people who play one way by locking them all together, making them feel like bad people for simply enjoying a different playstyle than everyone else!

  • @craftin248

    I know the ones you mean dressed in black and trying to copy their favourite streamers😂 the black clad costume summit wannabe's is a running joke with the lads I sail with, to the point where it's become a meme in our discord, don't suppose they are doing any harm like, no different to when we were kids dressing up and imitating our favourite superheroes I suppose.

    I would just embrace it, have fun with them when you know they are 'tucked' kill them, bait them with an Athena then do something totaly different, sail in a massive circle while watching a movie or something.........use your imagination.

  • @heavyreaper102 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    "Hey dirtbag! Is that foul skull on your ship? YOINK!!"

    I haven't been playing for very long, but so far my pvp encounters have mostly gone like the one yesterday:

    I was sitting on my sloop solo, reading my tall tale journal entry, when a galleon crew rammed into me at full speed and flooded onto my ship.

    Galleon crew:
    "Get wrecked you (explicative) (explicative)"
    "(Explicative) you, you (explicative) (homophobic slur)"
    "Eat it, you (homophobic slur)"

    I just shook my head and remembered this was a pirate-themed game, so players are allowed to act any way they wish and do whatever they wish, because you know, it is a pirate-themed game and all. Jack Sparrow would totally act like that.

  • Im sorry, what? This is a PvPvE game, and just because someone is better than you doesn't mean that they are doing something wrong. This is sea of THIEVES, not friends. Sure, you may be trash talked, griefed, and thrown around, but there are implementations to prevent this that you are unwilling to use. Scuttle to avoid spawnkilling, mute other crews to avoid trash talk, or just leave the game if your getting targeted. The style of the game isn't meant to be fair because its a PIRATE GAME. The only way to grow better at the game is to fight people that are better than you. Sitting around complaining about the game being too hard is the best way to not improve one bit, and will eventually make you quit. Accept the game for what its designed to be, not for what you want it to be.

  • @merazin-sot said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    This is sea of THIEVES, not friends.

    👍😂 Knew it wouldn't take long.

  • @elusivemako

    Verbal harassment is actually against the rules of the game (though it's somewhat accurate to pirate times). You can report the players doing it through their XBox accounts, though I'm afraid you're not going to regain progress on that tall tale without redoing whatever got you to where you were.

  • @elusivemako
    Mute and report them if they're toxic. I keep my mic off to avoid trolling

  • @elusivemako said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @heavyreaper102 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    "Hey dirtbag! Is that foul skull on your ship? YOINK!!"

    I haven't been playing for very long, but so far my pvp encounters have mostly gone like the one yesterday:

    I was sitting on my sloop solo, reading my tall tale journal entry, when a galleon crew rammed into me at full speed and flooded onto my ship.

    Galleon crew:
    "Get wrecked you (explicative) (explicative)"
    "(Explicative) you, you (explicative) (homophobic slur)"
    "Eat it, you (homophobic slur)"

    I just shook my head and remembered this was a pirate-themed game, so players are allowed to act any way they wish and do whatever they wish, because you know, it is a pirate-themed game and all. Jack Sparrow would totally act like that.

    Welcome to sea of thieves unfortunately it has been like this since launch, I have been called the 3 letter homophobic slur so many times I have lost count, only thing you can do is block and move on, unfortunately the positive and fun interactions that made this game great are getting less and less with one sort of (troll/trash talking) play style becoming more dominant with the rise of certain popular streamers.

    Anyway welcome aboard and don't let the above put you off, find yourself a solid group of friends and have fun.....see you in the seas.

  • It's pretty sad to see that you can't even make a legitimate complaint about the relentless population of over-aggressive trolls in this game without then being chastised and belittled by those same children on the forums.
    Let me say this nice and slow for you...

    You. are. not. a. pirate.

    You're sitting around playing a video game that happens to be about pirates, but you are not some hardened seadog, not some famed sinker of merchant vessels... you're a gamer.

    Your decisions while playing multiplayer games say plenty about exactly who you are as a person, the fact that it "is a game" does not justify your pathetically immoral and selfish decisions to ruin someone elses day for your own amusement.

    is pvp acceptable? of course. Should you feel bad for sinking someone? no.

    but there's a pretty clear line between good sportsmanship and pathetic showboating for egotistical gains.

    some of us just want to sail the seas, sink some skellies, and be left alone... we should have just as much right to that kind of playstyle as you seem to have when it comes to trolling that lone solo sloop. (you even have your own pvp focused mode to play on. gasp)

    we paid the same price for the game as you .. so please .. get off your highhorse, it's not as stable as you think.

  • @avariku said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    It's pretty sad to see that you can't even make a legitimate complaint about the relentless population of over-aggressive trolls in this game without then being chastised and belittled by those same children on the forums.
    Let me say this nice and slow for you...

    Wow, what a great start, complaining about belittlement while doing the very same by calling people playing the game differently than you aggressive trolls and (slow) children.

    You. are. not. a. pirate.

    You're sitting around playing a video game that happens to be about pirates, but you are not some hardened seadog, not some famed sinker of merchant vessels... you're a gamer.

    I.. am.. not?

    I think people can differentiate video games from reality and I doubt anyone here think they are real pirate... I am not sure why anyone would think that.

    Let me say this to you though... You. are. not. dying. for. real. It's a video game! Maybe people should stop acting like they are being robbed and killed in real life?

    Your decisions while playing multiplayer games say plenty about exactly who you are as a person, the fact that it "is a game" does not justify your pathetically immoral and selfish decisions to ruin someone elses day for your own amusement.

    No, decisions people take in game have nothing to do with who they are as persons. I consider myself a pretty neat guy and make pals wherever I go, work, or hang out. Does it mean I have play every video game the "goody two-shoes" way? No, it's fun to play different ways. Thanks for your psychiatry analysis though. Do trolls exist ?(internet variety, just in case you think people believe they are actual trolls on top of pirates) Absolutely. Does it mean every player you meet that engages you do so with intent of ruining your day? No, most of the time there is nothing personal and you are at the wrong spot at the wrong time.

    is pvp acceptable? of course. Should you feel bad for sinking someone? no.

    but there's a pretty clear line between good sportsmanship and pathetic showboating for egotistical gains.

    Is it clear though? It seems to me like people love to shift that line depending on when it suits them. When they attack it's fine, when they are attacked, oh no now it's not so dandy anymore, people are over-aggressive trolls, yadda-yadda-yadda.

    some of us just want to sail the seas, sink some skellies, and be left alone... we should have just as much right to that kind of playstyle as you seem to have when it comes to trolling that lone solo sloop.

    Absolutely, you have the right to play however you want, within the environment that is being provided to you. If it doesn't work out for you, there exist plenty of single player games catering to that type of gameplay. It was never advertised as a solo game, sorry.

    (you even have your own pvp focused mode to play on. gasp)

    Gasp, except arena is not a pure pvp mode, just a condensed competitive session including both PVP and PVE as well.

    we paid the same price for the game as you .. so please .. get off your highhorse, it's not as stable as you think.

    Absolutely, we all paid the same price to access this multiplayer shared world. Please get off yours and play your game however you like and others will do the same 👍

  • @avariku don't post here, email rare. The people here are all all about pvp. There is no room for anything else.

    Email Rare. Skip this forum to post anything in. They do trash you. If you don't play like they do, all pvp all the time.

    Now let the hate begin.

  • @violet-oddsauce

    Emails to Rare are going to be given as much attention as posts here, Rare monitors these forums and every post on them.

  • @violet-oddsauce said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @avariku don't post here, email rare. The people here are all all about pvp. There is no room for anything else.

    Email Rare. Skip this forum to post anything in. They do trash you. If you don't play like they do, all pvp all the time.

    Except that's really not true. Most people embrace the combination of both PVE and PVP, yet the PVE-only peeps trash the multitaskers because they are able to manage to do more than 1 activity at the same time.

    Now let the hate begin.

    Why should there be hate exactly? Are you trying to bait people or what?

  • @bloodybil

    They'll consider it hate if you disagree with them, pretty much.

  • @elusivemako said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @heavyreaper102 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    "Hey dirtbag! Is that foul skull on your ship? YOINK!!"

    I haven't been playing for very long, but so far my pvp encounters have mostly gone like the one yesterday:

    I was sitting on my sloop solo, reading my tall tale journal entry, when a galleon crew rammed into me at full speed and flooded onto my ship.

    Galleon crew:
    "Get wrecked you (explicative) (explicative)"
    "(Explicative) you, you (explicative) (homophobic slur)"
    "Eat it, you (homophobic slur)"

    I just shook my head and remembered this was a pirate-themed game, so players are allowed to act any way they wish and do whatever they wish, because you know, it is a pirate-themed game and all. Jack Sparrow would totally act like that.

    No that behaviour needs reporting, but that has nothing to do with them attacking out of the blue, that has to do with the trash talk everything else is allowed, cause you said it....it's a pirate game

  • Why does everyone take this game so seriously?

    It's a game, play it. You hear so much about all the "work" people are losing from PvP. It's not work. Anyone who calls it work has clearly never had a job, you don't know what work is.

    Digging chests and fighting skeletons is not work. Fighting other players and sinking is not losing. It's all playing. If you don't enjoy what you're playing, go play something else that you do enjoy.

    If playing video games is "work" to you then you're either playing the wrong games or you need an actual job so that you have something in your life that's actually worth taking seriously.

  • @bloodybil said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @avariku said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    It's pretty sad to see that you can't even make a legitimate complaint about the relentless population of over-aggressive trolls in this game without then being chastised and belittled by those same children on the forums.
    Let me say this nice and slow for you...

    Wow, what a great start, complaining about belittlement while doing the very same by calling people playing the game differently than you aggressive trolls and (slow) children.

    You. are. not. a. pirate.

    You're sitting around playing a video game that happens to be about pirates, but you are not some hardened seadog, not some famed sinker of merchant vessels... you're a gamer.

    I.. am.. not?

    I think people can differentiate video games from reality and I doubt anyone here think they are real pirate... I am not sure why anyone would think that.

    Let me say this to you though... You. are. not. dying. for. real. It's a video game! Maybe people should stop acting like they are being robbed and killed in real life?

    Your decisions while playing multiplayer games say plenty about exactly who you are as a person, the fact that it "is a game" does not justify your pathetically immoral and selfish decisions to ruin someone elses day for your own amusement.

    No, decisions people take in game have nothing to do with who they are as persons. I consider myself a pretty neat guy and make pals wherever I go, work, or hang out. Does it mean I have play every video game the "goody two-shoes" way? No, it's fun to play different ways. Thanks for your psychiatry analysis though. Do trolls exist ?(internet variety, just in case you think people believe they are actual trolls on top of pirates) Absolutely. Does it mean every player you meet that engages you do so with intent of ruining your day? No, most of the time there is nothing personal and you are at the wrong spot at the wrong time.

    is pvp acceptable? of course. Should you feel bad for sinking someone? no.

    but there's a pretty clear line between good sportsmanship and pathetic showboating for egotistical gains.

    Is it clear though? It seems to me like people love to shift that line depending on when it suits them. When they attack it's fine, when they are attacked, oh no now it's not so dandy anymore, people are over-aggressive trolls, yadda-yadda-yadda.

    some of us just want to sail the seas, sink some skellies, and be left alone... we should have just as much right to that kind of playstyle as you seem to have when it comes to trolling that lone solo sloop.

    Absolutely, you have the right to play however you want, within the environment that is being provided to you. If it doesn't work out for you, there exist plenty of single player games catering to that type of gameplay. It was never advertised as a solo game, sorry.

    (you even have your own pvp focused mode to play on. gasp)

    Gasp, except arena is not a pure pvp mode, just a condensed competitive session including both PVP and PVE as well.

    we paid the same price for the game as you .. so please .. get off your highhorse, it's not as stable as you think.

    Absolutely, we all paid the same price to access this multiplayer shared world. Please get off yours and play your game however you like and others will do the same 👍

    alt text

  • @elusivemako said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @heavyreaper102 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    "Hey dirtbag! Is that foul skull on your ship? YOINK!!"

    I haven't been playing for very long, but so far my pvp encounters have mostly gone like the one yesterday:

    I was sitting on my sloop solo, reading my tall tale journal entry, when a galleon crew rammed into me at full speed and flooded onto my ship.

    Galleon crew:
    "Get wrecked you (explicative) (explicative)"
    "(Explicative) you, you (explicative) (homophobic slur)"
    "Eat it, you (homophobic slur)"

    I just shook my head and remembered this was a pirate-themed game, so players are allowed to act any way they wish and do whatever they wish, because you know, it is a pirate-themed game and all. Jack Sparrow would totally act like that.

    I feel empathy for you, but it's irrelevant tagging my one sentence out of context like you did. I was saying the beauty of this game is that it supports every playstyle, from the generous and peaceful to the toxic and relentless. Fortunately for you, verbal harassment is not allowed, and you can report people who do that, but verbal slander is not a playstyle- just against the rules. It also helps to keep your head on a swivel and constantly watch the horizon. If you do that, there's no chance of a ship sneaking up on you like that.

  • @craftin248 The word "Tryhard" to me sounds like someone who is snarky against people who are better at the game than them.

    I have plenty of times killed pvpers while PVEing, why can't you?

    Funniest moment recently was pvpers who attacked us while doing FOTD and after sunk them we found they had a normal fort key on their ship LOL. After we did FOTD we went and took the loot out of an active fort.

  • @zormis

    A stronghold key on board was probably the result of a server merge removing them from their treasure. As for killing players while PvEing, the FotD is probably the best example of that - PvP players flock to the PvE player doing the event, and it's up to the PvE player to defend themselves with their advantages.

  • @bloodybil said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @avariku said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    It's pretty sad to see that you can't even make a legitimate complaint about the relentless population of over-aggressive trolls in this game without then being chastised and belittled by those same children on the forums.
    Let me say this nice and slow for you...

    Wow, what a great start, complaining about belittlement while doing the very same by calling people playing the game differently than you aggressive trolls and (slow) children.

    You. are. not. a. pirate.

    You're sitting around playing a video game that happens to be about pirates, but you are not some hardened seadog, not some famed sinker of merchant vessels... you're a gamer.

    I.. am.. not?

    I think people can differentiate video games from reality and I doubt anyone here think they are real pirate... I am not sure why anyone would think that.

    Let me say this to you though... You. are. not. dying. for. real. It's a video game! Maybe people should stop acting like they are being robbed and killed in real life?

    Your decisions while playing multiplayer games say plenty about exactly who you are as a person, the fact that it "is a game" does not justify your pathetically immoral and selfish decisions to ruin someone elses day for your own amusement.

    No, decisions people take in game have nothing to do with who they are as persons. I consider myself a pretty neat guy and make pals wherever I go, work, or hang out. Does it mean I have play every video game the "goody two-shoes" way? No, it's fun to play different ways. Thanks for your psychiatry analysis though. Do trolls exist ?(internet variety, just in case you think people believe they are actual trolls on top of pirates) Absolutely. Does it mean every player you meet that engages you do so with intent of ruining your day? No, most of the time there is nothing personal and you are at the wrong spot at the wrong time.

    is pvp acceptable? of course. Should you feel bad for sinking someone? no.

    but there's a pretty clear line between good sportsmanship and pathetic showboating for egotistical gains.

    Is it clear though? It seems to me like people love to shift that line depending on when it suits them. When they attack it's fine, when they are attacked, oh no now it's not so dandy anymore, people are over-aggressive trolls, yadda-yadda-yadda.

    some of us just want to sail the seas, sink some skellies, and be left alone... we should have just as much right to that kind of playstyle as you seem to have when it comes to trolling that lone solo sloop.

    Absolutely, you have the right to play however you want, within the environment that is being provided to you. If it doesn't work out for you, there exist plenty of single player games catering to that type of gameplay. It was never advertised as a solo game, sorry.

    (you even have your own pvp focused mode to play on. gasp)

    Gasp, except arena is not a pure pvp mode, just a condensed competitive session including both PVP and PVE as well.

    we paid the same price for the game as you .. so please .. get off your highhorse, it's not as stable as you think.

    Absolutely, we all paid the same price to access this multiplayer shared world. Please get off yours and play your game however you like and others will do the same 👍

    . . . I can't even pretend this was a good response, so I won't try.

    first, it's pretty cute that you admit we paid the same price for the game and that we both should have a right to our different playstyles and then immediately follow up by telling me to go play a different game.
    that's not how this works, I'll continue playing and continue voicing my distaste for the excessive levels of pvp and trolling in the game.

    second, you 'debunk' my claim that people think they are pirates, and while I was being facetious with it originally(a fact that either went over your head or you tried to 'debunk' in a clearly disingenuous attempt to negate the point I was making) the forum is filled with players using that obnoxious excuse at every turn to justify their behavior. "It's a pirate game." "we're pirates, it's what we do" ad nauseam...

    third, the only insult I intended was calling them children, never did I say 'slow' so if you can avoid putting words in my mouth that would be helpful. I DID however call them over-aggressive trolls, which is a fact, not an insult.

    fourth, That line never shifts with me, I do not attack unless provoked, I prefer to keep all ships at a close distance and voice a distinct warning to any ships that refuse to adjust course... so you can drop that inaccuracy from your argument too.

    and finally, say what you want, but your decisions in a game have a realworld impact on your fellow players. yea, it's a game, but it's a game that requires hours of your time to accomplish anything of significance and sometimes hours can be spent avoiding one troll-ship that wants to harass you for nothing, keeping you from actually playing the game or accomplishing anything.

    for people who have jobs and have to work 40+hrs a week, I'd appreciate it if the developers would help us out by balancing their game in such a way that immature little brats don't harass their players relentlessly and then come to the forums to defend and justify their poor behavior anytime someone speaks out against it.

    (in case you were wondering, that one actually was an insult, just trying to help you know the difference. )

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