Rares new game: “Everwild.”

  • It’s just been announced and I think it looks beautiful!!! It definitely has that unique Rare art style.

    What you all think so far?? :)

    ”Rare has introduced its new IP during XO19 in London, lifting the lid on 'Everwild', a bold and colourful adventure set within a "natural and magical world".

    Promising "unique and unforgettable experiences", the announcement trailer for Everwild doesn't give a whole lot away, other than showcasing its vibrant world and a hooded, white-haired female protagonist who can seemingly commune with the world's gentler creatures.

    Of course, not every animal will welcome you, more intent on causing you harm than nuzzling you gently. Everwild has yet to be given a release date, but you can take a first look at the game in the first trailer below. And it goes without saying that the game will be available via Game Pass on launch day.”

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  • it does look beautifully made. Hopefully see some more of this soon.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar Yeah its looking stunning, I’m intrigued to see what it’s about.

  • It looks beautifull aand i taste a little avatar somehow 🤗

  • I saw this today and instantly sadly realized that the SOT’s that we have is the SOT’s we’re getting.

    Don’t get me wrong awesome game with tons of unique memorable experiences but any and all expectations of it growing and expanding just got kicked squarely in the balls!

    Like I no longer expect another ship. Different ships...really anything. And that’s ok! I got more than my monies worth!

    New game looks great though!

  • @knifelife what type of game is it? is it a story based game or an online survival type game kinda like SOT

  • @glannigan said in Rares new game: “Everwild.”:

    I saw this today and instantly sadly realized that the SOT’s that we have is the SOT’s we’re getting.

    Don’t get me wrong awesome game with tons of unique memorable experiences but any and all expectations of it growing and expanding just got kicked squarely in the balls!

    Like I no longer expect another ship. Different ships...really anything. And that’s ok! I got more than my monies worth!

    New game looks great though!

    Well, all of this depends on the games players.
    As Joe mentioned in a Dev update a few weeks back, now we are into the realms of Sea of Thieves being a monetary game, if it continues to be financially "sustainable" then future content will continue to be created.
    So if you keep spending money on the game, you might get new things!

    That doesn't really fill me with hope.. As i won't be spending anything else on this game until they start to treat Xbox players equally and ................. ......


  • @d4m0r3d said in Rares new game: “Everwild.”:

    @knifelife what type of game is it? is it a story based game or an online survival type game kinda like SOT

    I don’t think they have said yet to be fair. From the trailer it possibly looks like it could be co-op as there was a few characters together for a bit.

    But my guess is maybe it’s a single player game.

  • @glannigan said in Rares new game: “Everwild.”:

    I saw this today and instantly sadly realized that the SOT’s that we have is the SOT’s we’re getting.

    Don’t get me wrong awesome game with tons of unique memorable experiences but any and all expectations of it growing and expanding just got kicked squarely in the balls!

    Like I no longer expect another ship. Different ships...really anything. And that’s ok! I got more than my monies worth!

    New game looks great though!

    One thing they made very clear is, there are two teams at Rare. One that is dedicated towards the new game, and one that is dedicated to SoT. I am not convinced that Microsoft is ready to pull the plug on SoT as it still remains somewhat viable. Now, how long that will last is a mystery. Almost everyone I know spent at least some money for pets or cosmetics. That kind of cash boost has to have helped support the studio for a while longer. Not to mention the continued income from game pass. So, for now, I am not to worried. However, if Rare doesn't get their act together, and fix the many issues they have created themselves, then the games demise will only be accelerated.

    As for the new game, it looks awesome. I am very intrigued by it and can't wait to check it out.

  • When it comes to the continuation of Sea of Thieves : Rare has an unique reputation in the Gamesworld , every employee that has moved elsewhere always keeps a good Heart towards Rare , so if Rare is going to work on two games , who says they can't hire extra staff?

    When it comes to this "Everwild" game...This minute and a half trailer has only shown very little about the game...Don't get me wrong , i love the graphics , and i absolutely love the music ...i've seen that there are other persons too , so will it be a co-op game or will it be like SOT , a shared adventure …

    And how will it be played , this trailer seems that it goes about discovering animal species and try to befriend them...Knowing that all Good things can be turned into vile ...Will players be able to kill these animals ? If so , i have my doubts a bit as many will just kill those beautiful animals…

    On the other hand , i could be totally wrong ( * wouldn't be the first time ,hey ?moron) and the trailer didn't even betrayed what it's all about…

    i do wonder if Rare will take the same route as in SOT , meaning having a Forum , Alpha Testers and so on ...Or develop it in silence under the watchful eye of Mr Spencer ...Only time will tell… i hope.

  • @glannigan

    @glannigan dijo en Rares new game: “Everwild.”:

    I saw this today and instantly sadly realized that the SOT’s that we have is the SOT’s we’re getting.

    Don’t get me wrong awesome game with tons of unique memorable experiences but any and all expectations of it growing and expanding just got kicked squarely in the balls!

    Like I no longer expect another ship. Different ships...really anything. And that’s ok! I got more than my monies worth!

    New game looks great though!

    Exactly... All the potential of the game seems to be wasted. Just sounds like they aren't even compromised with SoT. You have a whole world of pirates, I would even say the best Online Pirate game no one ever created. And we must be happy to get new cosmetics for the arena and fire balls?? Shouldn't that had to be in game since launch, not at year 2?
    I really love SoT but lately i've been hopeless with the decisions they are making with the game. However, its cool to see some improvement from time to time... even if it's that late with thoose tiny adds.

    Not trying to hate, the game looks great btw! And I will play it for sure!

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • Absolutely beautiful!

    Looking forward to seeing what the gameplay experience will be.

  • Really excited to see what this is. Rare's modern artstyle theyve been evolving since Kinect Sports Rivals is gorgeous and I love the creature designs.

    Something that has me intrigued about the nature of this game is in the trailer, you only ever see 3 people max and they're never interacting with another group of humans, just the creatures. Makes me think this will be more of an adventure with co-op than a full on shared world like Sea of Thieves. Could always be wrong, but these early CG trailers tend to include key parts of their pitch so I feel like if dealing with other groups of players was part of the game we'd have seen an example of it (unless you can also play as the animals!).

  • @clumsy-george I was also wondering if we would get a new forum for this game. I suppose it would depend if it was multiplayer or not maybe..

  • Meh..... quite boring and bland. It just shows there is nothing left to make in a game anymore.

  • @knifelife
    i would love to see a Forum about this game , certainly now that we can only speculate what this game was all about...i get a warm glowy feeling inside when i remember how Great and speculative this Forum was before we had more info or more Trailers of Sea of Thieves… Back then this Forum bursted from the Great Ideas that were unleashed by the first members of this Forum...

  • @clumsy-george I wasn’t as early as a lot of people. But I do have very fond memories before the game launched and we was all playing the TA.

  • Is there an official website for the game yet with its own forums? Really looking forward to this game. 😊

  • @mik29

    This is a very old thread you necro'd.. @Deckhands
    But tune in to Inside Xbox on July 20th and you might see something new about this?? 😉

  • @mik29 There isn't yet... but there is a Discord.

    However, as this thread was 8 months old and revived today, it will now be locked.

    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our Forum Rules.

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