Gold and Glory is going to ruin Athena's Fortune

  • I personally feel that 6 DAYS of double gold and rep is way over the top and will finally kill the rare and exclusivity of reaching 10 on Athena's Fortune.

    If you didn't know, excluding rep through commendations, it takes 93 normal athena chests to get all the way from Athena 1 to 10, which in turn equates to about 46.5 Ashen athena's. With double rep active this will mean ashen Athena's will be worth 4 TIMES a normal athena meaning only 23.25 ashen athena's would be needed to get all the way from 1 to 10, so through the 6 days all you would need to get from 1 to 10 would be to average 4 a day. Wheres the difficulty? This is from a standpoint from a brand new PL as well, most pirates will have made progress prior meaning you need even less to reach 10.

    Now I know it's inevitable that as time goes on the 'end-game' achievements will eventually become less and less valuable but I feel this is just too much. I just feel this will just turn in to what Pirate Legend has turned to, a great achievement that has become so over saturated that it means nothing with the ways of reaching the feat getting easier and easier. With unlimited doubloons and unlimited level purchases (which they have thankfully changed) you made it incredibly easy to get PL, now this? You constantly add quicker and far easier methods to reach the higher ranks but never increase the ceiling by which you can go and it's getting stupid.

    You've constantly mistreated us who reached the max level by barely adding any more rewards for us to unlock, no more progress for us to make in terms of levels and constantly making it easier for others to reach this 'rare' achievement.

    Edit: apologies, just realised this turned from a dig at the G&G weekend to a rant on the progression, anyways, thats my thoughts

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  • @maciver01 the last Gold and Glory was what 3 or 4 days? it's not like they havent done this before.

    Here's a fun metric for you. A full alliance doing Ashen Athenas on a G&G weekend could go from lvl 1 to 10 Athenas Fortune in about 7 hours. Why does 6 days matter then?

  • @captain-coel Last one was 3 days, which back then, I felt was a bit much but 6 days is complete overkill. I have a very negative opinion with regards to alliance servers which I won't delve in to but those are pretty rare and just highlights the problem further about how easy its going to be.

  • @maciver01 antihe question, What does Athenas Fortune 10 actually mean or matter? a hat and figurehead?

  • @captain-coel It's supposed to be a rare achievement, somethings that shows other players that your a 'master' of adventure mode and shows how much hours you've put in to the game, but the time it takes to get it is so much less compared to months ago that its beginning to mean nothing, which is why we need more, a level cap increase for example. Cosmetics are another thing but there so little of them that are PL or A10 exclusive that they mean nothing nowadays.

  • @maciver01 I'm not gonna argue the need for more. I believe all companies should be uncapped.

    Gold and Glory allowing more to be legends and/or A10 will just highlight the need for more endgame stuff. And I've been a PL A10 for while.

  • @maciver01 I've said this before and I'll say it again. It does not matter what other people do in this game. It does not matter how fast they do something compared to me. I soloed the fort of the damned a couple days after release and I felt that was a pretty cool accomplishment. Since then I've heard of other people doing the same but in no way does that take away from my experience or my sense of accomplishment. I was legend within a couple months of release and I was athena 10 shortly before the cursed sails dropped. People that played back then know it was more difficult to do both of those things compared to now. I put in my work and earned my titles, and no one can take away the glory I felt by doing those things. I don't care that treasure is easier to find. I don't care that reputation can be purchased. I do care that cargo runs replaced animal runs in athena voyages but that's for another reason.

    If someone earns athena 10 during this upcoming event, then congratulations to them. I was legend and athena 10 over a year ago when times were harder but those people were not. They may not have even been to the sea of thieves yet. Them finally becoming legend or even athena 10 doesn't effect me whatsoever. In fact as far back as the hungering deep, I've periodically given away treasure to people because it's more valuable to a person that can earn rep from it. If I'm part of an alliance that does the fort of the damned, I tell them I'll take a reapers chest and let them keep literally everything else.

    My friend and I had the athena chest stolen from us last night and it hardly bothered us at all since we are both a10. I have 6.5 million gold and he's up over 12 million so one athena chest gone is like losing a single drop of water that was about to drop into a swimming pool. We saved the rest of the treasure so more power to the guys that made off with what was to them the single most valuable item in that vault. To us however, it didn't really matter. They could have allied and they would have benefited much more but I can't be angry at a pirate for being a pirate.

    I earned my "Legend of the Sea of Thieves" title by sinking 500 skeleton ships. I did that mainly solo with the fleet battle and before a time when sloops randomly roamed the seas. The end of that journey didn't even have emergent ships that would spawn to attack me. Part of that journey I would get shot off my ship by eye of reach wielding skeletons with knockback. I lost a lot of ships that way. Part of the journey included ships dropping my anchor when they hit it with a cannonball. Again, a difficult situation that doesn't exist anymore. I put in a lot of time and work to earn my title and now it can be agreed that it's easier to earn, but that doesn't take away the glory I feel for doing it the way I did.

    Don't worry about how others earn their glory. No one can take away the glory you felt when you made legend or A10 or any other awesome accomplishment you decided to go after. You have your history, you have your story, and just because things have gotten easier, doesn't make your past voyages any less special to you.

    If someone actually goes from athena 1 to athena 10 during this event, that would be an awesome tale to share, and I'm sure a great experience for the crew that did it. Imagine they grind out for about eight hours one day accumulating tons of treasure, numerous athena chests, various other kinds of treasure, and multiple moments where they could sink to the depths and end up empty handed. Imagine the excitment and tension they would feel. I felt those high stress moments a lot when the game was young and I kind of miss that intensity and adrenaline rush. I would salute them for their efforts and accomplishments but would be somewhat envious of their voyage. I'm sure it would be one they would always remember and the glory they feel from it would be theirs. Not more or less than the glory I feel for my same accomplishment, but unique to them and their journey. Just like the last time we had double rewards, it doesn't benefit me at all, but I'm still excited for the community and the stories it will produce.

  • Having an athena chest in a Fort kinda ruined it already.

  • Man here is the deal.

    People like me, we can careless. Heck this post is the first I’ve heard of it.

    Grinders? Bro it don’t matter. They’ll just let everyone get PL 10 the release PL Prestige cause grinders wanna Grind and they’ll throw a carrot on the end of the stick for you all to “Separate” yourselves.

  • Two allied crews can finish a FotD in under half an hour. Crew 1 sells while crew 2 starts the next FotD, and this continues until you run out of skulls. Athenas rep is already kinda ruined even without double xp.

    Rare should have uncapped factions a long time ago. I have helped friends old and new with reaching pl and a10. It would be nice if my athena level reflected this(maybe a14 by now, assuming the progression continued the same).

  • Dont compare yourself to others.
    It's not important what others do.
    It got easier to become Legend and A10 the whole time with additions to the game.
    Early A10 had no Devils Roar for example. And the Roar was a dangerous place to do an Athena, bareley soloable and very hard to do, now it's soloable, quick and relatively easy.

    I dont care who what how, my adventures cannot be compromised or need to get compared to others journeys to PL and A10.

  • @itz-majman said in Gold and Glory is going to ruin Athena's Fortune:

    Having an athena chest in a Fort kinda ruined it already.

    And getting Athena rep. from other items, while not actually doing an Athena voyage.

  • Really do not matter, Im PLA10, an even after they reach A10 then they will need to deliver 100 chest an so on for the commendations

    Imagien that you deliver 93 chest, then a update come that send you out after 100 more, that what happen to me an some other PLA10.

    Have collected 200 chest of legend a least, an the last one I dig up here last week, I gave to a fellow legend, so He could get the thief commendation.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 I thought about what the progress could be and had a few ideas. 10 still considered max, or 50 with the other factions. That first level could be a few things but I liked going from 10 to 11 requiring twice as much as it took from 9 to 10, and it would continue like that compounding. 11 to 12 would be twice the rep as 10 to 11. People wouldn't have numbers that seem to skyrocket that way. You might be athena 13 one day but suddenly you see someone that is 14 and even though it's just a single digit difference, you instantly know he's put in a lot more time delivering chests of legends. A year or two down the road you could have a couple people, maybe streamers, sitting at the same rank and competing to be the first pirate to hit Athena 20 or 25.

    Even without doing goldhoarder voyages, you will rack up on goldhoarder rep through other means. It would be odd seeing a goldhoarder 150 when 50 is supposed to be a master goldhoarder, so with levels that require twice as much as the previous, the higher the number, the much more prestige comes with it. Not to mention the satisfaction you get when you finally hit that next level.

    The only problem I see is the worsening level creep over long periods of time. Earning level 75 merchant alliance would be a great feeling but then you suddenly realize 76 is a long way off since you know it's twice as much as you needed for the last level and that last level seemed to take forever. You might feel discouraged. But maybe if every level, the rep multiplier lowered.

    Athena 10 to 11 requires "x" amount of rep.
    11 to 12 is 2x.
    Then maybe it lowers by .05 each level. So 12 to 13 wouldn't go up by 2 times, it would be 1.95 times the previous level rep.
    Each level reducing the multiplier until it hits a times 1 multiplier. So at that rate, athena levels would require more experience for each level until you hit level 32. Every level beyond that would require the same amount of rep. Those numbers are just a rough example, they could definitely be tweaked and balanced for a better leveling system.

    In other words, I'm all for lifting the cap, but I wouldn't want anything locked behind it. Just a representation of your commitment to these factions. If anything were to be attainable, it would simply be a title that has your level in it, just to show off you are a "Master Goldhoarder 82" or "Athena's Fortune 15". That might be kinda cool.

  • @maciver01 PL exclusivity died almost a year ago now... We're looking forward to the captaincy update now, nobody cares about how exclusive PL status is anymore. :P

  • @sweltering-nick

    Except in recent times they actually give PL extra stuff

  • Maybe just maybe after this double rep and coin there will be many many Pirates at Legend as well as many at Athena lvl 10 thus giving Rare a reason to concentrate on adding more content for those that have reached this goal.

    I mean less that 2% of the entire player base is at Pirate Legend, so why would Rare add a plethora of content for less than 2% of the players to be able to experience.
    I honestly believe Rare are simply waiting for more players to hit the mark before they decide to commit to content for them.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Half an hour? Amateurs...

    You can clear the fort with 4 man on a gally in around 10 minutes, if everyone is coordinated and knows what they are doing.

    Gathering the flames and selling is what takes a long time. So in this regards 2 ships that rotate in selling and doing the fort while the other is away could be faster in the long run.

  • @ixxolos said in Gold and Glory is going to ruin Athena's Fortune:

    Maybe just maybe after this double rep and coin there will be many many Pirates at Legend as well as many at Athena lvl 10 thus giving Rare a reason to concentrate on adding more content for those that have reached this goal.

    I mean less that 2% of the entire player base is at Pirate Legend, so why would Rare add a plethora of content for less than 2% of the players to be able to experience.
    I honestly believe Rare are simply waiting for more players to hit the mark before they decide to commit to content for them.

    Whilst it might only show as 2%, I would imagine a large percentage of players to have tried SOT and put it down an hour later is probably higher than 50% as it is a free to trial game to the millions on gamepass. I wouldn't take too much note of percentages.
    Out of the actual players that continue to play this game, I would imagine the number of those to be legends to be very high.

  • @needsmokes It's also super easy to reach legend right now. I know of someone who joined a server fleet over three days and went from 0 to PL...

    The biggest thing is that since these server fleets are a thing, there are to many Fleet Legends running around who have the title, but have basically no clue about the game itself.

    I had yesterday a PL ask me how an athena voyage works (while himself beeing an athena 10) and no, he was sadly not trolling...

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