Voyages before forts. (Game changer)

  • So anyone who has played this game knows that forts are an easy way to level up, basically leaving voyages in the dust on all fronts: Forts have combat, Forts have PVP, Forts have loot, Forts are all centralised (No need to go to other islands), Take less time to complete than voyages etc.

    Voyages should be fun instead of tedious and changing a few things can help that. Now what i think Rare should do is make voyages have a final reward that rivals that of forts.

    Lower level rep (0-20) = Gold hoarders: Captains chests. Order of souls: Villanous skulls. Merchants: Golden animals.
    Mid tier rep (20-40) = Gold hoarders: Grog/Chest of sorrows. Order of souls: Skeleton captain skulls. Merchants: Exquisite spices/Extraordinary minerals.
    High tier (40-Legend) = Gold hoarders: Stronghold chest. Order of souls: Stronghold skull. Merchants: Mega keg/Bone dust.

    I know this may already be implemented in the game to a small degree, but you would be more willing to do voyages over a fort if your guaranteed that better loot at the end as its safer against heavily populated servers. It would also help those level 40's push slightly easier to pirate legend rather than focusing down forts and forcing lower level players to stay away.

    Tell me what you think below!

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  • @flamelord-blaze Voyages aren't meant to be the "meat and potatoes" of Sea of Thieves. They're more meant to encourage us to leave port and loosely guide us around the world as we interact with the many elements and dangers out at sea. As such I don't think they should have rewards that rival that of Skull Forts. The major draw to a Skull Fort is in the temptation of guaranteed good treasure...if you're able to defeat the skeleton hordes and onslaught of other players. I think forts should remain a tier above voyages in order to retain their purpose. Tempting pirates with great loot by ecouraging PvPvE interactions.

  • The reason forts have more reward is because they are harder and riskier

  • @jonavuka said in Voyages before forts. (Game changer):

    The reason forts have more reward is because they are harder and riskier

    They were harder and riskier... Back when they weren't always available and if you did happen to be on a server with a fort, it was pretty much guaranteed you would have to fight off 3 other crews, twice. And there was only half as much treasure...

    I think it would be better if the frequency of forts was decreased.

  • @little-squash What we need is current forts as they are but make a super fort worth triple the loot every 5 hours or so to have best of both worlds. Old system and new. Differentiate the skull cloud and I bet many would try to win the super fort.

  • @starquest Maybe that's what the fort in the Devil's Roar is for.

  • @flamelord-blaze Voyages rewards are already increased in the DR. Also i'm sure as time goes on they will add harder areas and more enriched adventures. Forts though need to stay lucrative or nobody will contest them and that's boring. So if voyage payout goes up then forts better as well. Just how cursed chests arent worth the hassle currently because they did not increase their value with all the new items.

  • @little-squash It most likely will be harder due to the volcano but who knows if the skull cloud will look any different or be worth more. I would just like some of the old system strapped onto the new. Before people hopped servers which wasnt good but now less fight over forts since they come so often. A rarer super fort would get some of that old fort magic back into the game. Make the key to open it unique as well. Red glow or something.

  • @flamelord-blaze This would def make them more rewarding, but the problem with voyages isn't the rewards. The problem with voyages is they are dull as dull can be. I recently read a 2 year old post about what rare wanted to do and they mentioned that they want to enable players to create their own place in the world and adventure. They completely failed in that regard. Players have virtually zero impact on the world and the voyages turn you and your crew into a glorified postal service. Forts are a little more interesting because they feel kinda raid like(unless you just blow the fort to kingdom come with your cannons), but they are ruined by essentially just an OOS voyage with more skeletons, more loot, and everyone knows where it is. The main things holding forts back are PvP, RNG availability, bad Ai(like all PvE), and uninspired gameplay; Voyages only suffer from the latter 2, but since it's the main activity of the game it's problems are more offensive.

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