Crossplay On/Off Option please

  • @KnifeLife It was talking bad 'bout my momma. ;)

  • @conal-cuan To far bro, I’ll go get my blunderbuss well show it!

  • @knifelife Woot Woot! Free Glue at Golden Sands coming soon!

  • @d3monwo1fx So what if it is at launch, the ratio may well have stayed the same, none of us know whether or not that is the case (only Rare does). Also I would argue that the ratio is likely still the same or perhaps worse as just because someone bought the game doesn't mean that they will still be playing it.

    PC players get a lot more choices of great games than console players and tend to swap games a lot more frequently (in my very long experience as both a console and PC user, and I have a lot of experience to draw from as I am an old old gamer with my gaming dating back to playing on a green and black monitor using an Amstrad - i.e. before 086sl and even before DOS was around, and in those days if you wanted to play a game you usually bought a book of games and then typed in the code yourself in BASIC from the book saving it on a cassette).

    Edit: I wanted to add that of my 8 friends on PC who tried SOT (all through the free 14 day Gamepass trial), I am the only one that still plays regularly with one other who plays occasionally to check out the expansions when they come out. Now maybe my experience is different to others but I doubt that is the case.

  • Eh. Not really. Outside of gunplay there is no difference.

    PC or xbox wont matter what angle I'm sailing on the waivers, how my making the trajectory on my cannon shots, the strategy of dropping barrels in the water....etc.

    If the other players can get on your boat, you are doing things wrong.

  • @d3monwo1fx said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    I’ve had enough, this is starting to not be fun anymore. The game is in such a bad state on console. I know I will get attacked from the PC crowd as I alway do for having this opinion. I just want an option to turn off if I choose too. Why am I being forced to play crossplay? There are more cons then pros reguarding crossplay for console. Only pro is playing with pc/Xbox players. I’m not having fun anymore. This game is amazing and I don’t want to stop playing it. Hopefully Rare can put my feedback into consideration bc most people won’t speak up and won’t give back feedback. A lot of experiences being ruined.

    Thanks for your time.

    They're giving us mouse and keyboard support soon; you can dry your eyes now.

  • I play on PC and on gamepass. Which is a total ripoff if you don't own an Xbox because there's maybe 10 games that are gamepass and play anywhere.

    Turning off crossplay would mean dead servers and many more server merges and would be terrible. Playing on PC also saves the xbox live subscription because why would I want to pay extra to play online? This is a console scam.

    I have a midrange gaming PC and play locked at 60fps (cheap 60Hz monitor) And we have a PS4 in the house. Sony kills Xbox for exclusives. Hands down. Sea of Thieves being crossplay enabled allows me to play the only Xbox exclusive I'm interested in.

  • @y0urhandyman I think you've misinterpreted me. I'm not sure what you're replying to.

  • @m1sterpunch

    Nobody is talking about "turning off" crossplay. Having the option of crossplay would not necessarily equal dead servers. Unless you think that everyone would opt out, and if you think everyone would opt out I'd ask you, why? I mean if everyone did its a pretty good indication of an issue I'd say.

  • @m1sterpunch said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    I play on PC and on gamepass. Which is a total ripoff if you don't own an Xbox because there's maybe 10 games that are gamepass and play anywhere.

    Turning off crossplay would mean dead servers and many more server merges and would be terrible. Playing on PC also saves the xbox live subscription because why would I want to pay extra to play online? This is a console scam.

    I have a midrange gaming PC and play locked at 60fps (cheap 60Hz monitor) And we have a PS4 in the house. Sony kills Xbox for exclusives. Hands down. Sea of Thieves being crossplay enabled allows me to play the only Xbox exclusive I'm interested in.

    Good news for you Sir.

    I saw recently that your library of games available on game pass for pc users is about to explode into a huge library of games.

  • @swimplatypus7 I don’t want to play on M&K

  • @swimplatypus7

    1. KB and Mouse wont really level the playing field and everyone knows it.

    2. Better than forcing players to adapt to a new to the ecosystem control it would be better to give them the option of choosing.

    3. There's not much reason to oppose the option unless you think that everyone given it will opt out, which is kind of acknowledging that there's an issue, isnt it?

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    1. There's not much reason to oppose the option unless you think that everyone given it will opt out, which is kind of acknowledging that there's an issue, isnt it?

    There is a perceived issue for a lot more people than there is an actual issue - re: the guy above who has encountered magic players who can teleport and shoot through walls.

    Rare has the data on players and encounters and nothing has changed, nor have they mentioned any kind of discrepancy. That acknowledges that there isn't an issue, doesn't it?

  • @d3adst1ck

    Not really. Its not like they fixed the problem with switching weapons in a timely fashion, it had become an epidemic. It's existed forever, but was exacerbated by what I suspect was an influx of pc gamers. Making the "perceived" issue worse as well.

    It may take the Arena being a complete disaster for Rare to get with it on Crossplay.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:


    Not really. Its not like they fixed the problem with switching weapons in a timely fashion, it had become an epidemic. It's existed forever, but was exacerbated by what I suspect was an influx of pc gamers. Making the "perceived" issue worse as well.

    It may take the Arena being a complete disaster for Rare to get with it on Crossplay.

    Blaming the "double gun" exploit on PC players is a huge unfounded accusation. I play on PC like I said. We encountered a crew double gunning lastnight. They were shown no mercy and I and my console owning crewmate dispatched them and sank them with no remorse. Most players (PC and Console) hate the double gun.

    For all of you crying about framerates, know that the game is optimized for the console so that you won't get dropped frames. on the base XBox you get 30fps but it will at least be consistent. Higher fps might be preferable but it does not equate to skill or advantages in battle.

    Console is getting M&KB and that is the last hurdle for the crossplay argument. PC players can play with a gamepad (I do occasionally) and console will be able to use a mouse.

    I couldn't care less if it's implemented or not. If splitting the community is something that has to happen for you all to stop spamming the forums with complaints then so be it. If you feel that disadvantaged then I probably would feel bad taking your loot so easily anyway.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:


    Nobody is talking about "turning off" crossplay. Having the option of crossplay would not necessarily equal dead servers. Unless you think that everyone would opt out, and if you think everyone would opt out I'd ask you, why? I mean if everyone did its a pretty good indication of an issue I'd say.

    If you believe the kool aid that all PC players are using "macros" and cheat in any way they can then that's exactly what will happen. It will be the norm for console players to exclude PC players on their servers because of the slight fear that they could be cheating on account of how good they are with a mouse. It will be the new rule like turning out your lanterns when you spawn in.

    "You want an easier voyage? Turn off crossplay so you won't have an PC Pirate Legends ganking you every 5 mins"

    I hope if this comes to pass that crews with PC players will be the rule and non crossplay will be the exception and that those players will see empty seas and constant server merges. Then maybe you will see why it's a bad idea.

  • @m1sterpunch to kind of piggy back off you saying this would lead to dead servers, i kind of agree. I've noticed a lot lately that the servers are empty, although I can't fully confirm because there could be crews on other parts of the map, but I would hate this because I believe being one of a few on a server means you get attacked more by random events. It seems like when the servers are dead I get way more ghost ships and krakens, which sucks because I'm solo slooping a lot

  • @y0urhandyman said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @d3adst1ck I’ll never buy a PC to game on. I only have a Xbox for my kids to play on everynow and then and if they think I’m switching to PC I’ll just stop playing Games all too gather.

    If you ever do switch to pc you will never go back. PC hardcore gamers spec out pc not for the speed but for the graphics. I've met a few good xbox players in game, but man.... this game NEEDS to be played on high end graphics. Every moment, every flicker, every second that passes by is a picture perfect moment. Think ur just hating on pc cuz you haven't really "gamed " in one yet. Actual manipulation of controller feels different, not better, but I prefer a mouse for immersion in row boats and with gun firing and the controller provides some great naval sailing and steady movements. As for actual improvement I don't notice a difference between the mouse or a controller, they are both different. Perhaps the mouse is a bit better, but I wouldn't be able to tell

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:


    1. KB and Mouse wont really level the playing field and everyone knows it.

    2. Better than forcing players to adapt to a new to the ecosystem control it would be better to give them the option of choosing.

    3. There's not much reason to oppose the option unless you think that everyone given it will opt out, which is kind of acknowledging that there's an issue, isnt it?

    It's impossible to have a level playing field by the definition many use. Early X-box 1 can only render 720p @ 59Fps (what I typically play on)

    Xbox 1S can deliver 4K apparently, but @30 FPS; ( most PC's can't go faster at 4K)

    Xbox 1x (not sure about its specs)

    Xbox 1enhanced is like the S I read, but also like the PC limited to about 30FPS.

    So no matter what Rare does you will never be happy even if you got rid of the one dude on my crew that uses a PC full time because not even all the versions of X-box are equal, not will they ever be considered that Microsoft has 4 different X-box 1 platforms with different degrees of performance.

  • @red0demon0 said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @y0urhandyman said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @d3adst1ck I’ll never buy a PC to game on. I only have a Xbox for my kids to play on everynow and then and if they think I’m switching to PC I’ll just stop playing Games all too gather.

    If you ever do switch to pc you will never go back. PC hardcore gamers spec out pc not for the speed but for the graphics. I've met a few good xbox players in game, but man.... this game NEEDS to be played on high end graphics. Every moment, every flicker, every second that passes by is a picture perfect moment. Think ur just hating on pc cuz you haven't really "gamed " in one yet. Actual manipulation of controller feels different, not better, but I prefer a mouse for immersion in row boats and with gun firing and the controller provides some great naval sailing and steady movements. As for actual improvement I don't notice a difference between the mouse or a controller, they are both different. Perhaps the mouse is a bit better, but I wouldn't be able to tell

    My buddy plays on a very expensive PC, I don't know what resolution he's playing at, but it looked really crisp.

    I'm not complaining about the Xbox 1 (original version), but dude I admit it's tempting after see what an expensive PC can do. My laptop simply cannot compare to that. Heck, my Xbox looks better than the laptop, but it's 9 years old. The shockers that SoT actually runs decently, just that the graphics are worse than X-box.

  • @d3monwo1fx said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @swimplatypus7 I don’t want to play on M&K

    You're not the only one, I actually like the controller because it's relaxing, and I'll continue to use it.

  • @swimplatypus7 said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    My buddy plays on a very expensive PC, I don't know what resolution he's playing at, but it looked really crisp.

    I'm not complaining about the Xbox 1 (original version), but dude I admit it's tempting after see what an expensive PC can do. My laptop simply cannot compare to that. Heck, my Xbox looks better than the laptop, but it's 9 years old. The shockers that SoT actually runs decently, just that the graphics are worse than X-box.

    You can get a pretty decent 1080p gaming setup for around the price of an xbox and a year of live if you look around. is a good way to get an idea of some basic builds for all kinds of budgets, and you can ask questions on

  • @d3adst1ck said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @swimplatypus7 said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    My buddy plays on a very expensive PC, I don't know what resolution he's playing at, but it looked really crisp.

    I'm not complaining about the Xbox 1 (original version), but dude I admit it's tempting after see what an expensive PC can do. My laptop simply cannot compare to that. Heck, my Xbox looks better than the laptop, but it's 9 years old. The shockers that SoT actually runs decently, just that the graphics are worse than X-box.

    You can get a pretty decent 1080p gaming setup for around the price of an xbox and a year of live if you look around. is a good way to get an idea of some basic builds for all kinds of budgets, and you can ask questions on

    $500 US is enough for 1080P ? That's actually very tempting. Is a 60FPS TV good enough to game on or is that just not up to standard?

  • @swimplatypus7

    Nah, youre way off. There's no Xbox running the game near 60fps. Its 30 across the board and the Xb/s run at 900p each. The X is native 4k.

    I'd agree its not possible to ever have a perfectly level playing field, but you can be a lot closer than what the game is right now. I just actually got done watching a famous streamer play on pc and I think the only way anyone could watch that and come away thinking that its a level playing field would be having never played or even watched someone play on Xbox.

    Right off the bat the guy is 4x the framerate of the Xbox... that is a pure advantage in reaction time and information recieved by the player in the same timeframe. There's just no way that Xbox players wouldn't be like they were mired in mud by comparison when it comes to inputs being reflected.

    Then of course hes doublegunning still (for now), and why not its easier on pc and its easier to be accurate with the mouse.

    Then you have the fact that every single action, right down to emotes even were shortcut. If you've played on Xbox/controller you know that if you want to drop the anchor, you've got to look at it, get the context and hold the button for the contextual activation circle to go round... not so for this guy, he could drop it barely looking at it, much much much faster. Same with getting in barrels, switching to bananas and eating them instantly. Dude never had to stop and access a barrel and select an item or anything.

    The idea that paying Xbox live players on Console should be required to run out and buy a keyboard and mouse and alter how they even set up to play to not have to be at such a large disadvantage is a joke.

    And doubtless people will come here and downplay any or all of these things as not that big a deal and "git gud" and all that, but its the cumulative effect. As i've said before its not insurmountable, but that doesn't mean that paying live subs shouldn't be denied an option of opting out of playing disadvantaged.

    Pc players here on the forum can hate it and rail against it and swear its never gonna happen all they want. Its the right thing for Rare to do.

  • @m1sterpunch Yea yea I know, you're not at any advantage, its just that you're amazing at SoT. lol. The whole server merge thing is red herring. If xplay were optional and everyone opted out of it as some seem to think would be the case, it wouldn't be them sailing on empty servers because all the pc dudes here insist that pc is the tiny minority of players anyway. If it were a mass defection to no crossplay they'd all have people to play with.

    But even letting that simple fact go, if we went with the inane empty server argument as legit, if xbox players opted out of crossplay and found out that that it "was a bad idea" they could rather easily NOT opt out because making it optional wouldn't remove crossplay all together. Even if you were right about the "empty server" problem (you're not) it would be a self correcting problem because players would still have the option of playing at a disadvantage. Many likely would anyway just to play with friends.

    So yea... maybe we'll see? Trust me most of us who want to see this as an option are ok with that risk, lol.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi

    I don't have an X or an S to try it on, but if the X natively runs 4K (that's a waste in a video game) then it would actually make sense that the X should also support 1080p at higher frame rate.

    However with that said, a little research shows me that no real top end gaming PC's play at 4k because the frame rates rarely go above 30 FPS, so why in earth did Microsoft even go there?

    As for all the macro command and kerning stuff you're taking about; that stuff is foist upon us here soon with M&K support because some people just had to have it.

    All of this however distracts from what really matters in Sea of Thieves, that being fun and organized team play.

    My crew and I have battled many vastly superior single players, but they almost never win no matter how well they play individually because we work as a team and win 99% of the time simply because team play is 10X more effective than even the best cheater.

  • @swimplatypus7 Youre not telling me anything I dont know. We have sank/escaped/out played doublegunning bunnyhopping strenuous-attempters as well. And you're right tactics and playing smart can go a long way.

    Its still more red herring tho... It doesn't really matter how well you or I do anecdotally, the playing field is not level, it wont be level with mouse and keyboard on console either.

    Optional Crossplay is the right thing to do for Xbox players. Failing that, segregation by input in matchmaking would be the next best thing.

  • @tossico94 There are little to no hardware advantages. Also K&M has only a slight advantage of controller in this type of game because since almost all battles happen in narrow corridors on ships and that there is not hit box mitigation. You hit someone, they take full damage, even if its a pinky toe. You don't have to overall aim your shots. I was linked a video earlier in the week by a friend where Summit was getting rekt by console players. He was getting rekt.

    "NO I know for a fact that PC loads faster when dying." - We load faster into the ferry but we DO NOT spawn faster. The timer starts when you die not when you load into the ferry. So if 2 players die at the same exact time but 1 player loads 10 seconds later than the other, they will both still be able to leave at the same time.

    "Then what about going from ferry to ship or mermaid to ship, sometimes I get blackscreened?" - Yeah still the same, even PC players get black screened. So no change there

    The only time PC load times is any faster is when you start the game. Which is not an advantage. Thats because of the SSD drive, which if you wanted to void your warranty can install into your XboX. It wouldn't just work on SoT. SSD would load everything on your console faster. You hit start and its already started basically.

    Now the only system to have a clear disadvantage probably because of hardware reasons is the Regular XBoX One.

    "HAH see, then PC does have a clear advantage." - Still no. Original XboX One fails to compare to other variations of XboX Ones, not just PC. So again. No.

    @D3monWo1fx First off, how do you know it was PC players who beat you? Next what are you basing your skill level on? "If it was a console player I could have won!" Maybe, but not so much. Everyone seems to believe that even the best Console player will be rekt by the worst PC player. You might not be as good as you think.

    You need to learn how to play different and how to do better. I want to believe and be on your side I do, but I just can't because I've spent hours teaching console players how to play. Every one of them for some reason thinks this is PuBG, CoD, Battlefield, or even Fortnite, just with water. Its not stop playing this like a true FPS. Console players all play EXACTLY the same, at least the ones who complain do.

    I die to console players and have used a controller as well. You just have to change your game plan.

    Also here is a question for you. If they just say "hey xbox users. We made the game with M&K support, so you can just go buy them and you'll be at a level playing field."

    OR would you better off with this.

    Rare - "Hey PC players sorry, but you will have to play the game with a controller. No more mouse and keyboard."

  • @swimplatypus7 I just want a optionto play cross play. Trash me all you want and say there’s no difference between the performance. There’s many advantages that can’t be fixed and I’m not buying a PC so I can be equal on sea of thieves so rares losing Xbox one players not just me but all my Xbox one friends have quit playing for this very reason. Nobody on Xbox can defeat us but one Pc player on a solo ship can glitch all over the boat and kill a crew of four and sink us. Y’all love this game as long as your going up againt a Xbox and you know I’m tellingthe truth but you’ll never tell cause the free loot keeps your lips spiting out excuses.

  • @xultanis-dragon it’s easy to tell Pc players causethey are about to type in chat that unique. To the chat wheel on Xbox. And they trash talk while they eat a banana and jump spin and shoot and kill me all at the same time with out aiming and that’s impossible on Xbox. Plus I spawn in front of them looking the opposite direction to die from one shoot to the back on my head instantly. I’m done with this game till I can play with my Xbox friends alone. It’s a Pc game as far as I’m concerned and it’s not Xbox compatable. This game is cross play for marketing and for PC players and not for Xbox players. I thought rate had cleaned this game up but I realized cross play can’t be fixed. You can’t make a flintstone car out run a rocket just Paddling my feet.

  • @d3monwo1fx have you noticed PC players are really afraid to have this become a option and all Xbox players are begging to have this added? Y’all can’t stand the thought of actually having to earn your loot and not be able to take it from Stone Age console players. 😭poor people.

  • @y0urhandyman No what I notice is that there are actual console players out there that can fight against PC players. After teaching my crew what to do they can take out PC players. What I notice is a clear lack of understanding from console players as if the only reason they are dying is because its a PC player. There are even console players who say this but you guys immediately think that anyone who is against this is PC players only. Learn and get better.

  • @y0urhandyman said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    @swimplatypus7 I just want a optionto play cross play. Trash me all you want and say there’s no difference between the performance. There’s many advantages that can’t be fixed and I’m not buying a PC so I can be equal on sea of thieves so rares losing Xbox one players not just me but all my Xbox one friends have quit playing for this very reason. Nobody on Xbox can defeat us but one Pc player on a solo ship can glitch all over the boat and kill a crew of four and sink us. Y’all love this game as long as your going up againt a Xbox and you know I’m tellingthe truth but you’ll never tell cause the free loot keeps your lips spiting out excuses.

    Players glitching all over your ship are laggy players, it has zero to do with a type of platform.

    The way multi player games works vs latency can actually be to the detriment of the the player with the stable connection.

    The system commonly used is not an exact science.. Your client calculates just the rendering of your world view, but has nothing to do with damage calculations at all, it's just a UI and rendering engine.

    So when you fire your pistol the UI attempts to start animations, and at the same time tells the server the intent. If conditions are "Pass" then the server issues command to the client to display that action.

    The movement side of the situation is similar, so if someone has higher latency then you can see a rubber band kinda effect or them teleporting around the game as their client and the server "argue" the place where the character is.

    The problem comes in for players with a good connection when we are vs a lagging player who can see us and attack us where we are because latency on our end is "good" in turn they can hit us because we are indeed where we appear to be while they are not at all where they appear to be.

    And that's why regional servers are actually really great, but Rare can't afford that. Instead they lump people from some crazy distances giving us this situation.

    I assure you it's not a platform problem, I have played with some guys from AUS that were also on X-Box and they to me were super laggy.

    I don't think they were lag hacking, and just so you're aware lag hacking is something that can unfortunately be abused on any platform, it is not just a curse of the PC players.

    And now days even cheats are present on X-Box; it's something of the reason I went away from FPS type games in late 2003, because of the raw abundant number of cheating players.

    Fast forward to 2019, and cheating players exist in every platform, but to my surprise Sea of Thieves is 99% clean, and that's something I really enjoy because it makes game play awesome.

    Something you can do to better enjoy Sea of Thieves is to do some basic latency tests. Run around the ship, jump up on railings and check out the server before committing. This saves me a lot of frustration, because playing on a lagging server is not fun.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi said in Crossplay On/Off Option please:

    Then you have the fact that every single action, right down to emotes even were shortcut. If you've played on Xbox/controller you know that if you want to drop the anchor, you've got to look at it, get the context and hold the button for the contextual activation circle to go round... not so for this guy, he could drop it barely looking at it, much much much faster. Same with getting in barrels, switching to bananas and eating them instantly. Dude never had to stop and access a barrel and select an item or anything.

    This is absolutely false. You can't shortcut the emotes. The options just aren't available.
    emote and text emotes are a radial menu just like console (keys are Z and G by default) The sub menus aren't available as keybinds. So nice try.

    There's no "keyboard shortcut" for dropping the anchor. In fact, the shortcuts available for PC are almost identical to the controller binds. When I play on a controller (and i do occasionally) I have the shortcut to banana on left d-pad. I've also changed L3 to be jump so I can jump and slash and bunny hop like any other "PC cheater".

    Muscle memory means a lot in this game which is while I think many folks were so upset with barrels 2.0 because it was something that had to be relearned. Why don't you link the video of the streamer you were watching? I'd like to see it with my own eyes then trust anecdotal evidence.

  • @m1sterpunch Take your pick of streamer and do your own homework, (i'm not into linking to streamers I dont support) if they are playing on pc, they are bypassing radials and able to manipulate barrels/winches/and yes even emotes without spending the same time in radials/menus.

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