Remove/Increase level 10 Athena cap

  • Dear Rare, Ahoy!

    Increasing the Athena level cap will give A10 players more incentive to get back and enjoy the game. This has been requested before, but it is needed now more than ever, especially with the new addition of legendary commendations and their rewards (and the controversy around them).

    Increasing the cap will have an overall good impact on the game, it will make more people active and bring more people together. So please Rare, for the good of the community make it happen.

  • 48
  • are you bloody nuts?! xD pls for the love of SoT please dear god no! NO!

    alt text

  • @cptproto
    Really wish that rar do it .
    We need more levels to comeback and play the game .
    Me and my crew at max level on Athena and there is nothing right now that give us motivation to come back and play the game .
    Adding more levels will be really great and most successful games do increase the level cap .
    Please add at least more 10 levels so our crew comeback and rule the sea .

    With best regards
    Legend captain hulk

  • I am not a big fan of numbers going ever increasingly higher for no purpose or gain other than someone's dopamine trigger.

    I do not want them increasing the cap of anything ever unless there is going to be an actual gameplay related point behind it.

  • @hulk-q8 said in Remove/Increase level 10 Athena cap:

    Really wish that rar do it .
    We need more levels to comeback and play the game .
    Me and my crew at max level on Athena and there is nothing right now that give us motivation to come back and play the game .
    Adding more levels will be really great and most successful games do increase the level cap .
    Please add at least more 10 levels so our crew comeback and rule the sea .

    With best regards
    Legend captain hulk

    You have all these new commendations to work on, that are tied to legendary cosmetics.

  • Don’t increase the level Cap never! I’m Athena 7 and I’m so happy only 3 Levels to Max! Let Athena like it is, a much much better solution is a new Pirate Legend Trading Company with new Goals, new different Voyages, new Game Mechanics!

  • @king-deka
    Hi my friend
    We played this game 6 month straight from release day .
    We did everything that can be done on the game and made to pirate legend with max Athena .
    There was nothing else for us to do then attacking other ships .
    I understand what you mean but I’m talking about all the hardcore players who want level motivation .
    Most successful online games do this over time .
    Before the friends list was full of players playing sea of thieves but now you only see few players playing because most of them have made it to max level on everything .


  • Athena 10 here and NO do not remove or increase cap if its up 2 me. The whole point of a max level is getting there. Now im there (couple a months allready) and its how i like it. Now i dont NEED to grind stuff to max it out. Now i can just pirate around and show off max lvl cosmetics.

    Why u want to finish a marathon just to ask to put the finish further away?

  • @personalc0ffee it is not for every one I understand, but there is no harm in doing it and it would would benefit others, so why not?

  • @king-deka I would also love more content to be added but that would take more time, mean while what's the harm of increasing the cap?

    Almost all players I knew who reached A10 stopped playing the game the week after. Increasing the cap, will invite more people to get back and enjoy the game.

  • @weakdexx they've just added new commendations that would require you to "run the marathon" again if you want to unlock them. Wouldn't you like little recognition for doing the marathon the second time?

  • @coyote4711 I know I know, you would rather get more content, me too! but meanwhile let's increase the cap so we can all enjoy the working towards the new commendations and existing updates.

    Cheers mate.

  • aye
    my dagger is on this one

  • @cptproto

    which i am getting at the moment. yes.

    And yes recognition for a 2nd marathon yes thats fine.
    But this is not askin for another its add more miles to the one im doing at the moment.

    Anyways its up for all to want what they want.
    Im just not a fan of increasing caps. The whole point of completing something is to complete it. To me its than just wrong to UNcomplete it. But thats me.

  • I stated my opinion. I feel quite strongly about numbers getting higher for the sake of dopamine and other such neurotransmitter/chemical rushes.

    It's pointless and it detract from actual real gameplay reasons.

    It's a skinner box and skinner boxes are pointless. Too many games and franchises are doing it and engaging in these practices. It's funny or interesting when it's a parody or joke but it is not funny or interesting when your entire end game is building on it.

    SoT is a sandbox. The only reason to play it, is to enjoy the sandbox style gameplay.

  • @weakdexx
    I know what you mean but this is in online game so it is normal if they increase the level .
    Sooner or later they have to do it .


  • @personalc0ffee
    Believe my friend it is really normal to increase level on such game and what harm will it do ?

  • @hulk-q8 said in Remove/Increase level 10 Athena cap:

    Believe my friend it is really normal to increase level on such game and what harm will it do ?

    Addiction style gameplay for people who don't know how to stop watching numbers climb, typically your gambler's and lootbox crowd.

    If it doesn't make the game more enjoyable to play or give it a point to being there, it doesn't need to be there.

  • Increasing the lvl is not a solution the cap is good what we need is other things to do as pirate legend not the same thing repeated 200 hundred times

  • @personalc0ffee
    If you played the game from the start like we did you will see how much different it was to the players that was playing at that time.
    After they maxed the level they just stopped playing .
    Most of them will comeback when they add more levels .
    Please think with reasons for other players and don’t just take what you think is best for you .

  • @hulk-q8 said in Remove/Increase level 10 Athena cap:

    If you played the game from the start like we did you will see how much different it was to the players that was playing at that time.
    After they maxed the level they just stopped playing .
    Most of them will comeback when they add more levels .
    Please think with reasons for other players and don’t just take what you think is best for you .

    Goes around aswell there be people who want increase cap and those who dont want it.

    And to me if gaining levels is the reason to play than this game might not be for u.

    And yes they do it in other games doesnt mean they need to do it here.

    We are just on diffrent opinions

  • @personalc0ffee but it does make the game enjoyable, not for everyone, obviously not for you. That’s fine, thanks for sharing your feelings.

    Have a good day matey.

  • @hulk-q8

    im from day 1. Athena 10 for months now. Still playing. Still pirating! Because thats where the game is about pirating!
    Not leveling.

  • @leonewgate Sure, I agree with you we want more things to do, not more of the same things. But Rare have already decided to introduce commendations that require players, especially A10, to repeat the same thing if they wanted to unlock them.

    Increasing the cap will make the experience more enjoyable, while we all wait for new content.

  • NO!
    better develop more sandbox elements

    the Numbers are completely uninteresting, what would be interesting is more sandbox stuff like we recently got.

    and what @PersonalC0ffee @WeakDexx and many others said who are already PL and A10.

  • @weakdexx Good on you mate, some other people would like to pirate and level yerrrr

  • @hulk-q8 said in Remove/Increase level 10 Athena cap:

    If you played the game from the start like we did you will see how much different it was to the players that was playing at that time.
    After they maxed the level they just stopped playing .
    Most of them will comeback when they add more levels .
    Please think with reasons for other players and don’t just take what you think is best for you .

    I've been here since Closed Beta.

  • how much athene voyages i need to complete? for the i guess it was the capstan cosmetic.i dont get it why is cashing in legendary chests not tied to a cosmetic instead they gave seasmiles a cosmetic

  • @bugaboo-bill YES! more content is welcome, but untill we get there, we want more LEVELS!

    It’s not like they are going to dedicate the whole team for this. I bet the mechanic is there, they just need to flip the switch.


  • @cptproto sagte in Remove/Increase level 10 Athena cap:

    @bugaboo-bill YES! more content is welcome, but untill we get there, we want more LEVELS!

    It’s not like they are going to dedicate the whole team for this. I bet the mechanic is there, they just need to flip the switch.


    YOU want more levels :D
    i don't !!!

    i play since technical alpha and i'm no PL anyway ^^
    Because i just didnt grind and play "ineffective" a lot of the time, i even don't buy any voyages and just do whatever comes across.
    Message in a Bottle, Meg, Karen, Skalleone, Players friendly or hostile coop alliance or pvp.
    I never "worked" on anything.
    You ask for something to do, because imho you arent able to immerse and have fun with what we have but concentrate on progression what this game was never meant to be about.
    You are an achiever/ progression gamer. Nothing wrong about that, most games are about exactly that: grind, achieve, progress, get better. SoT is not, sure it has this ladder to climb to PL and further to A10, but it grants you nothing but cosmetics. There is nothing gamechanging or special meaning to it. Therefore what you are aksing for is just a longer ladder, but nothing gamechanging what we all would profit from. On the other hand i will maybe never reach A20 or even A100, because i just dont have the time to play that much and more important i just approach the game very different, like i said more sandboxish and less progression oriented.
    Why? Because i can :D
    Seen the latest Atlas discussion in this forum?
    Atlas is maybe the game for you. Work off tons of stuff to get to higher ranks, bigger ships etc.

    I mean ask yourself, what do you want if they give you A50 after you have that worked off?
    Complain about the repetetive fetch quests, quit and then come back and ask for A100 to do more repetetive fetch quests or do you want to enhance the quests and have more sandbox stuff to do?

    I said it some weeks ago. Progressing is not playing a game. If you want to climb ladders, climb ladders and ask for a longer ladder, but then please dont complain if climbing ladders is boring. Instead ask for more stuff to do and forget about climbing ladders.
    More interconections cooperative and competetive, more immersive stuff and more gamemechanics that lead to interesting, diverse gameplay or gameloop and not to longen the gameloop you already have worked off and get bored to.
    Or not?

    edit: and keep in mind it need to be mediocre or others exhaust on it or just don't even start the journey, because they feel its only designed for powergamers/ gamers who play 5+ hours every day and want to be effient all the time.

    I dont want this, i quit many games because of this meritocracy approach. I want to play a game and not game a system or work things off.

  • @Bugaboo-Bill Frankly, i just skimmed over your replay and I don’t think I’ll have time to read all that. But it seems that the gist of your wall of text is that you are great Pirate who doesn’t care about progression. You also recommended some games that I might enjoy which is weird because I never asked for recommendations.

    Look, you enjoy sandboxing, good for you, keep having fun and play the game the way you want and I’ll play the game the way I want.

    That’s the thing I like about SoT it allows everyone to play the game the way they like it, and increasing the cap will not change that, nor it will force anyone to progress.

  • Yes, but what he is saying is this game is not designed in the fashion of how you want it to be nor was it. This game used to have no level progression at all but that was a long time ago and sadly it got a progression system it never needed specifically to hook people such as yourself into it.

    It does, because it falls into that trap of always having to raise the level, always having to balance the game around people for those levels. It's the never ending XP trap. Diablo 3 fell right into this trap with their Paragon system. PoE fell right into it with the Endless Dungeon generator maps.

    At least with Paladins or Fortnite you have a reason for that grind, you unlock a cosmetic.

    If they are going to raise the caps for Athena and the other companies, there needs to be a gameplay reason and reward for doing so not just to make people that want to watch a pointless bar go up.

  • @cptproto

    Increasing levels isn't the answer to giving A10 something to do, because what happens when we all max out at A50? We want more levels!

    Far better to expand by perhaps adding things similar to the commendation/achievement systems - I'm sure Rare are able to come up with systems a lot more imaginative than just level progression.

    We do know that they're working on quest content, this might well be an opportunity to add some type of progression?

    I remember in the past community members have suggested 'collections', so perhaps collect one of every type of precious object, or naturalist collections, riddle collector?

    We already have Mysterious books - there could be a stat for reading each one of these 'Master of Lore', plenty of alternatives. When digging up certain chests maybe you have a chance of finding a collector's piece, an old coin, a relic of some sort.

    Maybe we level up our pets when they get here?

    Maybe new trading companies come along and we need to get rep with them? What if you lost your current rep if the Gold hoarders left and were replaced with another Company and you had to start all over gaining Legend status?

    We'll already have the Arena faction coming in the new year.

    Levels are currently only a badge of honour, so really anything would do the job of providing a sense of progress - raising that Athena number probably isn't the most satisfying way of doing it and as others have said, the progression to A10 isn't really what the game is about.

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    1000 miles
    300 or 500 skelly ships
    and 30 completed athena

    this will unlock all 3 cosmetics

  • @personalc0ffee except that Progression has been part of the game since day one, even before release, Here is a video from the game design director Mike Chapman explaining how progression will work in the game

    So to make this point clear, It's not me who designed the game with progression, the progression already exists. I'm simply asking Rare to make the progression more enjoyable for those who already finished it.

    So no offence, but you are not the game designer. The game is for everyone, it is not for you, or for me to gatekeep it or dedicate how other players play the game.

    P.S. I've been playing the game since early alpha even before skeletons and sharks roamed the SoT but this doesn't change anything does it?

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