Musings of a New Pirate Legend

  • A wise young man once said -

    The most memorable adventures are with the people you care about.

    I became a Pirate Legend last night.

    I'd been quite content meandering my way through the journey, a journey that didn't begin on release of the game, nor on the start of the Alpha testing, nor even when the forums were created but way back in 2015.

    I'd been searching for something that would scratch my pirate itch for over a year and I stumbled across a video washed up on my facebook shores, a video promising piratical adventures in a gorgeously crafted world to satisfy even the most hardened bilge rats.

    It piqued my interest immediately. But the seas were quiet for what felt like an age after this morsel was released to us. I stumbled across a subreddit, joined it, exchanged views and speculation, found the forums and set sail on a journey which is unlike anything I've experienced before.

    As I mentioned, I'd been very happy to drift along with the currents but a week ago, when I reached 50 Gold Hoarder, it seemed the Fleet of Eoland had different ideas. I was going to be Pirate Legend by the end of the week. What a week it was! It appeared they'd made plans, schemes, plots, strategems and diverse arrangements to make this happen.

    Standing on the brink of the Pirate Legend hideout was an unforgettable moment for me. I'd helped fellow crewmates to Legend along the way, heard the music, explored the depths beneath the tavern floor but that moment when I stood there myself seemed to condense the total sum of my experience so far. Especially now as Shrouded Sails is released and the game itself starts to come into it's own.

    Words of warning have been spoken
    Ancient creatures have awoken
    Still, until our bond is broken
    We shall sail together!
    We shall sail together...
    We shall sail together...

    Online gaming is a funny thing, we are touched and touch the lives of so many others, sometimes fleetingly, sometimes for longer periods of time and bonds are forged between us and deepened.
    As I look back over this journey of mine I remember so many names, so many pirates, so many wonderful human beings and I'm thankful for meeting every single one of you. Whether we've crossed swords on the high seas, fought together as allies, shared laughter and adventure, exchanged questions and theories, shook hands and hugged, helped with a kind word or deed, shared some private concern or confidence and received support in return.
    It's something that should never be underestimated.

    You know who you are and I want to thank all of you for sharing this journey with me.

    May the adventures continue!!

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  • @katttruewalker
    Blessed be your soul, for I have never in my life met someone as kind and lovely as you. Since i met you, around 2 years ago, we've shared so many voyages, built so many memories and explored everything that we could get our hands on. It's been an honor, a thrill and the best adventure that I've ever had, meeting you.

    We have been through almost every imaginable situation and I am proud and happy to be able to call you my best friend!

    Now, you have reached a prestigious position but we both know that for me, you've been a Pirate Legend from the start.

    Thank you for everything!

    With love,

  • @katttruewalker
    Woohoo! congrats Kat!

    You fall into the special category of "legendary pirate legends". This community wouldn't be the same without you.

  • I'm not crying...... YOU'RE crying 😭

    Huuuuuge congrats to you, Kat!! It has been so delightful interacting with you as a part of this community the past few years, and I'm so happy to hear that you have achieved this coveted title! But surely you know already that you were already a legend to so many of us prior to that silly Pirate Lord letting you come visit him in his shipwrecked club house!

    Cheers to many more adventures and wonderful memories aplenty! (And Peg Leg Perez hopes to join you for a grog down in the place of legends some day soon!)

  • Argh, Katt, We all be very honored to be your friend, you are kind and sweet and the most generous pirate in the sea. Although I haven't known you for a long time, I would like to thank you and @eredhar for taking me in, the first time we met u approached me and a friend, u could easily have had killed us, but instead, you let me join your amazing community and I treasure that day the most, cause I probably never would have been able to come across you guys. Your journey sounds like it was quite the blast, and especially since you shared it with all the people u care about, well done on Reaching Pirate Legend and entering the Athenas Fortune, and I hope to duel you once again, once I get to Legend!

  • @sir-lotus @eredhar @RawSouce @jeph86

    Thank you, all of you - it's been a privilege and an honour to sail these seas alongside you!

  • What an absolutely great Post, Mrs Truewalker. Congratulations on becoming Pirate Legend...i'm pretty sure you would have become Legend much quicker than now but the most beautiful thing about you is that you don't live for yourself. Many Thousends of posts , answers and poems, stories and so on have you made ...All for us , Forum Pirates ...

    And all those words came always from yer Heart...Never have you raised your voice even if some were angry at you if you had closed their Topic or deleted their reply...You have had , more than once, a bucket of dirt over you but it never kept clinging on to you , NEVER a feel of retalliation or Vengeance...

    You may know that i have always looked up to you, somekind in the way like : " i want to be as smart , calm and forgiving as this person"...Alas, i will never be able to reach the tip of your toes...

    Your stories , songs and poems in your renown Pirate Writing style will always be remembered in my faulthy memory...It forgets much but not your writings...

    You have turned this Forum into something totally different then what you can expect from a Forum...Even through heavy storms , like the release, you stood firmly on the Helm, sailing the Ship ,without fear nor stress ,through a hard time...It is for people as yourself , that made me return after i digested too much negativity...It is your being here that showed me that i was wrong ...

    You have been an example for us all. A person to look up to. All of us , including Rare , may thank the Gods that you found and stayed on these Forums.
    i am so glad you are a Legend , but YOU, Ma'am were a Legend way waaayyyy before the Alpha's...You are comparable with that Jezus Statue somewhere in Brazil...You stand lonely at the top but cares for each and every one of us...Never, and i really mean never , have i met a person that goes so far in trying to teach others to what this game is about and even more importantly how to co excist and co operate with eachother...

    May you have much more adventures at the Sea , write many Piratey new Stories in yer Ledger that you hopefully may share with us ...And whatever may happen, please don't ever change...YOU are the Greatest ( * Yep, For once ,moron is right ...Step off that throne, Ali...Mrs Truewalker is the Greatest...)

    Thank you so much for the enormous times you have spend on these Forums...Times you could have spend into becoming Legend earlier but...That is not how you were made...You care first for others and then you think of yerself...i called you once the Queen of Lore and ...i will never withdraw that Title...

    Have a Great Time at the Sea , Legend to All of Us...May the winds , Fortunes and Friends be on yer side ...Forever.

  • Congratulations @KattTruewalker!

  • @clumsy-george

    And how could I do otherwise with mighty legends like yerself joining us on this voyage? May the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, my friend :)

  • @katttruewalker
    Congrats Katt!
    Extremely cool, you were "legendary" before, the title seals the deal.
    I have much to do myself to get there, the time will come.

  • @katttruewalker Congrats!! The road the legend may have been long but at least its full of great memories, friendships and fun times.

  • Welcome to the Legendary Gang! My wife became pirate legend too this week!
    Thanks for all the hard work you do for the SoT community! We will sail with you someday!

  • @katttruewalker congratulations Katt. Truly deserved and what an excellent Pirate you are to sail with!

  • Good work Kat, just for you I'm sailing over to Morrows Peak to review their pub

  • @reedski Hahahaha! I'll look out for your opinion, quite a hot little gem that one, so I'm told :D

  • @katttruewalker warm welcome... something about smoking outside getting out of hand... etc

  • @katttruewalker It's been a fair while we've known each other, and been through many different type of journey, but always been an honour to have met you ! Forget PL in game, you were already Legend to anyone that has ever met you on the forums. Congratulations, I'm actually having to hold back the joy tears lol.

    I'll share a grog with you to celebrate soon..

  • @KattTruewalker Congratulations! I'm amazed you managed it so quickly...although once the outfit got decided I'm sure it flew past by.... :D

    You are one of the few that were and always will be true Legends!

    ( even Sean Astin thinks so ;) )

  • @katttruewalker it ended up being a 3 part extravaganza, I'd link it here but you know full well you'd just have to edit it for me! It's on twitter now though

  • @triheadedmonkey Ha! You know @lizalaroo and me too well, there's only one outfit that would do though, right? Although I have my eyes on the ghosty one now ;)

  • Congratulations @katttruewalker, it's nice to hear ya didn't rush Pirate Legend.
    I think ya miss out on something when you grind to Pirate Legend on the first day.

    I hope you'll be with us until they stop supporting SoT some 5 years from now!

  • @katttruewalker congrats buddy but u were already legendary pirate to me when we first sailed together😁

  • @katttruewalker Congratulations on achieving this highly sort after milestone, but you're not fooling anyone, we all knew you were a legend long ago : )

  • @katttruewalker Congrats Katt !!! I am glad that you made it to Pirate Legend, bet it was an amazing adventure with a lot of good memories, but the journey is far from over, and if you want to take the next step on becoming Athena 10, I'll gladly help you in any way I can !

    Cheers and have fun on the seas as a true Pirate Legend !

  • I'm happy to know you made it. Even though we never played together it's awesome to see passion in the game. Truly well done and nice read. The only question is what's next?

  • @KattTruewalker Sorry I took so long to reply, it's only just because I am just going to echo what others have said, to me and many others here on the forum and in the game you were already a true pirate legend... It's nice to see you now have the title to go with it!


    Here's to many more voyages!

  • @musicmee No need to write at all, my friend, this was from me to all of you - I'll definitely drink to many more voyages!!

    @J4dio Aye, we have that and the Old Salts will always be family.

    Hmm, good question! More shenanigans and adventures on the high seas!! I know a few who aren't far behind me, so we'll be helping them along as well :)

    @Biostructr It truly has been an amazing time and getting better, like a well matured barrel o' grog!

    @Sgt-Palooggoo I'm counting on it, and you as well, ye scallywag!

    @PersonalC0ffee @RL-Captain-Nemo Thank you and I have the gunpowder scars to prove it!

  • @katttruewalker of course with the gun powder 🤣🤣

  • @KattTruewalker

  • A hearty congratulations @KattTruewalker! You’ve always been a legend in my book. I look forward to hopefully meeting you out on the seas one of these days!

  • @katttruewalker Congrats, Kat :) Welcome to the club.

    Not that I've forgotten for a second but this post reminds me why I love this game.

  • @katttruewalker congrats Katt, as one of my top 3 favorite people to follow on these forums I am truly happy for you. May the seas bring you many more adventure.

  • @katttruewalker well said! I did the same and had to go through 10 friends to help get PL. I owed my PL to them for helping. Its only fair I do the same in return.

  • Congrats @katttruewalker!

    Although, if you didn't take so long picking your outfits you would've reached this milestone months ago :P

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