The Compass Man: A Sea of Thieves Fan-fiction

  • This Fan-fiction novel is based on actual events that took place for me and my crew in Sea Of Thieves.

    It's somewhat of a chronological timeline of various experiences and happenings that took place for us while out at sea.
    For those of you who like a good book have a read and tell me what you think here's my chapter one, Pt1 for

    The Compass Man

    Chapter one, Pt1

    The night is dark as the rain is cold.
    Our lanterns so flooded, the only light to guide us is the flash of the storm.

    It is chaos on deck, Demise below.
    The storm has already taken half of my crew, those that are left throwing buckets of water in hysteria, but the damages are too great.
    Our Tea merchant vessel not set on a course but for the sea bed, after our foolish Captain. Stricken with the burden of time, desperate to come good on his deadline.
    Ignored the pleas of his questioning crew, to moor for the night and alow the mighty beast of thunder and lightning to pass. Even I, his so "well mentioned" first mate and advisor, went unheard. And now... we are doomed.

    Our captain rides to his fate, drunken and regretfull. Locked in his captain quarters I hear him sing his last songs.

    I see no reason to leave the ship like the rest already have, only death awaits us.
    The turn of the tides was not in our favor this night, and nore mine.
    I was struck into a mind singing darkness by a toppling mast, and thrown into the hands of jagged waters.
    The only thought, as I accept deaths embrace, is in prayer to the sea.
    "What have I done to make you so angry?"
    That is all I can remember of that heartbreaking night.

    "You prayed to the sea?" Mr Hollins questioned with a raised brow.
    "Indeed, twas the only god that be in my presence at all times" Young Nayfe replied, with heavy hearted tone.
    "hm" Mr Hollins giggles lightly as he asks.
    "So what of you now, Mr Nayfe?"

    Clearing his throat, Nayfe raises his tankard with a crooked grin.
    "I DRINK!... till my woes of loss depart me. Then I'll hunt pig for the nights meal."

    Mr Hollins projects his interest.
    "Pigs you say? I need some for a delivery, could you show me where you prefer to hunt?" He said with vigor.
    "I have a still on my boat, I can supply you all the grog you desire." Hollins adds with charm.

    "Then I suppose the next round is on you, Mr Hollins" Nayfe replys with comfort.
    Shaking hands, Nayfe tips the lovely Tracy and departs on what he is yet to discover, his most memorable journey.

    Upon leaving the tavern, the sound of loud, drunken banter and tankards colliding with hard wooden tables is quickly replaced by a voice,
    "SLOOP ON THE HORIZON! BARING OUR TRUE COURSE!" The unfamiliar voice echos through town.
    Mr Hollins gestures to Nayfe for a speedy move threw the outpost market, as the voice crys again.
    Nayfe asks with timidity, "What do red flags have to do with anything? Are we under attack?"
    Mr Hollins speaks while Fiddling through a weapons box attached to the Smith shop.
    "Red flag means a fight to the death", young Nayfes eyes widen with worry
    "A fight to the death?.. but I'm no fighter! I just sell pigs and drink."
    "I dont expect you to be filled with confidence Mr Nayfe," Hollins claims.
    "I only ask you swing that cutlass. Its time to show your worth!" Mr Hollins says with an under beard grin.
    Young Nayfe is slapped in the chest with a belt of weapons as a now familiar voice screams out
    Young Nayfe catches the weapon belt in his forearms and looks to his hands, thinking only of the weight carried in the instruments of death. He can hear gun fire and cannons near by, People shouting and yelling.
    "AVAST! Ye scurvy dogs!"
    Young Nayfe still finds himself lost in a paralyzing ponder of fear and uncertainty. A rogue cannonball that did not meet its intended target. Hits the roof of the smith shop young Nayfe is out the front of.
    He is knocked violently off his feet, with an all to familiar ringing, piercing his fearful thoughts.

    "Nathan C O'Brien jr...
    ...What have you gotten yourself into? Your not a fighter, and certainly not a killer. How does this sort of trouble always find you?"
    A gravelly voice, grunting and laughing under a broken breath, interrupts Young Nayfes body locking thoughts, laying on his back with his weapons belt still in hand, Young Nayfe notices a very scrappy man standing over him with a cutlass above his head, gripped tight in both hands.
    Nayfe acts on impulse and rolls aside to his feet, as the scrappy man lunges forward to where young Nayfe once lay.
    As the man turns to attack a second time Mr Hollins shouts from behind.
    "KILL HIM!"
    Nayfe, startled by the shout, falls to the ground  and looks up to a flintlock barrel pressed against his forehead.
    "Welcome to Sea of Thieves! Hahaha" the scrappy man cackles loudly as Nayfe watches his arm brace for the guns recoil. Nayfe shuts his eyes accepting his death once more.


    Nayfes eyes JOLT open. Knowing the gun he heard was not the gun to his head, he looks up at the scrappy man who has a pain look in his face... he drops to his knees and explodes in glowing green mist that sprinkled over Young Nayfe.
    "I just saved your life." A voice from a man who approaches as Mr Hollins helps Nayfe to his feet. Nayfe looks around and sees a rather large gentleman in the distance, taking items out of the water where the mast of a sloop slowly vanishes under the waves.
    "Who is this sloppy young blood, Hollins?" Says A well bearded man.
    Hes dressed in black, Trimmed with green gems and a wide brimmed hat with a large yellow feather out the top.

    "Captain!" Announces Mr Hollins.
    "The new recruit. Goes by the name Nayfe" Mr Hollins explains.
    "Ah! the young blood. Explains why that scrub tossed you around a bit. No matter. Mr Nayfe" He said as he holds out his hand.
    "I am Beattie. Captain of the RED DOG." He said as he shakes Nayfes hand.

    "Me and my crew have sailed many miles on these seas. Concurred great odds for even greater riches. We are possibly the mightiest pirates on these seas...."
    "Pirates?!, you are all pirates? Like what you just killed" Nayfe preaches with concern.

    "No, haha." The Captain bellows.
    "not like what I just killed. You have a lot to learn Mr Nayfe. Come I'll introduce you to my lady." Beattie says with gusto as he gestures for Young Nayfe and Mr Hollins to follow him to his ship.

    "We should move quickly" Captain Beatie announced eagerly.
    "Hollins, you and Pithen search the island for supplies, Sanctuary should have plenty to reap."
    "Aye!" Hollins responds.
    "Mr Nayfe" the Captain calls.
    "I need you to collect our order of crates from the merchant alliance tent and stack them in the captains quarters. We make for mermaids Hideaway before the pirates return"

    "Return?, I dont understand you killed that man" Nayfe questions with great concern.
    "I'll explain on the way Mr Nayfe, now make haste!" Captain Beatie projects in desperation.
    Young Nayfe, still with weapons belt held loosely in both arms, hurries down the dock toward the Mrechant alliance tent. He is nearly stopped in his tracks by the sight of a humungous ship, making the boat he had once sailed on look like a mere canoe. With a hull coated in bright red and white with a golden lion figurehead, the deck of 8 cannons is shaded by three tall masts of black sails that flicker lightly in the wind while tight in tie.
    Nayfe cannot believe the vessel he has laid his eyes apon tho he knows time is short. So he collects himself from the amazement and proceeds along the dock towards the Merchant Tent. Along his way he is passed quickly by Mr Hollins and another larger man who stares at the passing young Nayfe with an ominous glance. Nayfe cant help but feel uneasy as the unknown man shoves past Nayfe with a heavy shoulder, nearly knocking Nayfe off his feet for a third time, sending the weapons belt to the boards of the dock at Young Nayfes feet.

    "Who in the devils shroud?" Nayfe thinks to himself before picking up his weapons belt and refocusing on his task.
    He collected 2 pig cages and a snake basket as the order had demanded and moves them onto the boat as requested.
    His first glance at the 12 piece, candle chandelier lit, captains quaters had his attention well captured. It was nothing like the Captains quaters of his old merchant vessel. This one had a bed for starters.

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