How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.

  • EDIT: Turns out that it is possible to get the loot out far enough for it to be unretrievable - you get teleported back before you can reach it. So, this exploit is still an issue.

    You know when you have people who think, "If I can't have my loot, then neither can you" and they sail into the Red Sea and sink with their loot?

    Well, have no fear. Don't follow them in far enough to take damage yourself. Just watch them sink, and then swim out to gather it. You don't take damage from the Red Sea when swimming in it.

    You may encounter sharks, though, so come prepared.

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  • AHOY, Thank you for the tip my good man!

  • @ironuzuka said in How to counter folks dumping in the Red Sea.:

    AHOY, Thank you for the tip my good man!

    Aww, shucks, don't thank me. Thank @CAPTGraykid. I learned it from him. :)

  • @entspeak Excellent advice! Just watch yourself though, if they go in full sails, and repair as they go, it will be quite a ways out there. Be patient too. If the loot is in the lower deck(s) you need to wait for the ship to sink and despawn. Then wait for the loot to rise to the top. Can take a while. So just know you may be sitting for a bit. The "Red" is pretty rough too, so makes things tough to spot. Best done with a full crew, swimming that stuff back one piece at a time is quite a labor! Probably easier to just go do a voyage...just sayin'.

    But, if your willing to wait out the sinking, swim the distance, and bring the stuff back one piece at a time, while the other crew respawns and heads your way...Good on ya'! You can do it!

  • @touchdown1504 said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    Probably easier to just go do a voyage...just sayin'.

    LoL. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

  • @entspeak I know right! I mean why sit there and wait for the other crew to come back as you load the treasure...because now they have nothing to lose and you are on the attacked side of the fence! While part of your crew is swimming stuff back...totally makes better sense to just go do another voyage! Or...not..whatever floats your boat!

  • @touchdown1504 Yes, use the force, Luke, use the force.

  • Lol I hate those childish cowards. I'll fight fire with fire and wait to collect next time.

  • Anytime I am about to sink due to loosing a fight, I happily just let them have it haha. I would want the same, and If I started it, they have earned it!

  • @entspeak Its like a "Fort-Lite" there you are recovering said loot...when the crew you just killed (or killed themselves rather) shows back up. Makes total sense to sit there and wait, for the ship to sink, the loot to float to the top, to swim one piece at a time back....anyhow, good tip @entspeak always love your posts, filled with gaming wisdom and well thought out strategies. Thanks again for sharing with the community.

  • But... swimming in the red sea is spoookkkyyyy

  • @gloog said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    But... swimming in the red sea is spoookkkyyyy

    Lol Oh I bet. I myself am awful for oceans in games as I am in real life. I'm terrified of sharks and I have the mentality that they don't come to my house so I am not going to theirs lol.

  • @ve111a said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    Lol I hate those childish cowards. I'll fight fire with fire and wait to collect next time.

    So ... you wouldn't swim out and recover the loot...why not? Seems like a good tactic.

  • @touchdown1504 said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    Makes total sense to sit there and wait, for the ship to sink, the loot to float to the top, to swim one piece at a time back.

    "I know, right!" - Touchdown1504

    Glad you approve.

  • @touchdown1504 said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @ve111a said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    Lol I hate those childish cowards. I'll fight fire with fire and wait to collect next time.

    So ... you wouldn't swim out and recover the loot...why not? Seems like a good tactic.

    No I will that's what I meant. Next time the run I will do this. I will thank them for saving me cannonballs

  • I'm sorry, but I refuse to make it easy for someone to steal my loot. I sometimes sail solo and although I am quite good at boarding ships and running rings around galleons there are some people that just wont give up, and as far as I am concerned this is a form of griefing. I know a lot won't agree but that's my opinion.

    My tip for other people that don't want to give up a boat load of chests, drop them overboard one by one as you are being chased. The following crew then has the option to stop and pick one or two up which gives you a chance to escape and hand the rest in, or they keep pursuing you until you have nothing left.

  • @ve111a Well...Best of luck to you. Have your crew watching for the sunk crew who is on their way back. Last thing you do while sinking in the Red...check where you were on the map!

  • @touchdown1504 Does that follow the respawn distance of scuttling or being sunk?

  • @themuckypaw See that's a better way to do it.

  • @ve111a That my friend is an excellent question. I have no idea! I mean you are kind of scuttling, but being sunk by AI...I will have to experiment and find out. I do know this, it doesn't take long to get back to that point. I have done it twice, and both times the other crew was there either trying to find the loot, or deciding what to do next. Yet to see anyone swim out! You figure on a 4 man Galleon, at least one needs to be on watch, one needs to be swimming out, one needs to be on shark watch, leaving one for whatever. That is a handicapped galleon even if a sloop shows up! Add to that you may be swimming back with a Castaways chest LOL! So , yeah, its a gamble...worth it? Thats up to the guy swimming!

  • @ve111a Don't mind @TouchDown1504 . He's trolling this thread because his view is this, "I will dump it in the Red Sea before I give it up to someone." That's a direct quote of his from another thread.

  • @themuckypaw I do this as well. At least the loot is still on the map and the game itself won't sink the ship trying to pick it up.

  • @entspeak said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @ve111a Don't mind @TouchDown1504 . He's trolling this thread because his view is this, "I will dump it in the Red Sea before I give it up to someone." That's a direct quote of his from another thread.

    Didn't you invite me here? Didn't you say "a gift for you?" So, now I am "trolling"...what in here is trolling? I even upvoted the post, I think its good to get the information out so people don't assume they have to give up.

  • @touchdown1504 That was a response to your request for me to start another thread. I did. I let you know that I did.

  • @entspeak Oh...So "Here a gift for you" means I started a new thread, please don't join in? I just want to be clear, because I can leave if you want. Not to mention you gave me the bad if I assumed that meant..."Hey man, I'd like to have you in this conversation". I didn't realize it was you trying to rub my nose in s**t because you were salty how the last discussion went. Lighten up, it is just an internet forum.

  • @touchdown1504 said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @entspeak Oh...So "Here a gift for you" means I started a new thread, please don't join in? I just want to be clear, because I can leave if you want.

    I'm not saying you have to leave. I'm indicating the nature of your responses thus far. Saying it's a good idea... buuut... best to just keep voyaging. Why? So you can keep doing what your doing and feeling that it's successful. Hence the "these are not the droids you're looking for" reference. Anyone who knows how you actually feel on this particular issue can see that the praise of the idea and the upvotes are clearly facetious. Just getting everyone on the same page.

  • without having seen it with your own eyes there is no certainty that they have loot, so it might be a huge waste of time. When playing solo i have taken people on wild goose chases when i just felt like sailing and not fighting.

  • Before you jump into swim to the sink site. Be sure to pull out your compass to get a good directional heading...Those waves can get really rough and if you have to turn to fight off a shark you may lose your heading.

    I for one have baited multiple Galleon and sloops out to the Red Sea. Not with intent to sink myself, but to drag them out there (Most of these crews must have been new) Turn and sail out while knocking additional holes in their hull and letting the Devil's Shroud do the rest. Always fun standing on the back of my sloop and watching the Blood Sea suck them down.
    However, if I was going to sail into death to keep a crew from getting my loot, expect a long swim. Cause I'm patching holes until I fall off the flat earth lol

  • All right folks I did the test myself and purposely sent my sloop (which is probably most of the scenarios involving this situation) to the red sea the furthest point I could, and it is true, you can't recover the treasure after a certain point, there is a barrier that teleports you back, if the treasure was sent to where the mermaid is instead of beyond the edge, than the treasure could still be recovered, though you would be going crazy on repairs, but I could maintain the ship afload by myself until the game decided that the ship needed to sink and placed a barrier to prevent me from reaching my ship again, as well as the loot.

    Therefore it is not solved, we have an issue here, and this discussion is still ongoing.

    this is funny to me, people that usually do this tatic failed to mention this glaring problem by pretending you could recover the loot, turns out you can literally make dropable items unreachable in the red sea.

  • @entspeak I am sorry...I thought I was part of the conversation and my opinions were valid. Just so everyone does know, my standing is really simple. Left with no other choice I am dumping my loot in the Red Sea. I do beleieve in..If I can't have it, you can't have it. I also steal other loot, and if someone heads to the red, I just let them go. Not worth the effort. That is the point of going to the Red.

    I will bow out @entspeak because I can understand how pointing out the difficulty of recovering red sea loot pokes holes in your sloop (idea). Difficult yes...impossible! I have faith you can do it. Have fun little buddy! Always enjoy our conversations.

  • @urihamrayne Thanks for doing the test. I will update the OP and the other thread in Feedback & Suggestions.

  • Ayhhoy mateys, I soloed a skull fort with no one to contend with awhile back.

    But after I hauled everything onboard and set sail, a 2 person sloop perused me ship for 45m.

    Neither of us could sink the other and the wind direction didn’t cooperate either.

    So, I sailed The Lost No More out to her watery grave in the Red Sea.

    Both our ships sunk, and the treasure be lost to the mermaids.

  • HAhahaha, I already considered that an option too.
    I am a new player... not even like 3 hours in the game and was already chased by a Galleon.
    Why can't the world gimme a break (?) :D
    I haven't even solved the problem with the Longbeard-Curse yet.

    But they turned around when I approached the Red Sea.
    Very social of them. Not like my Sloop had that much treasure anyway.
    Two of this first-mission chests and thats it.

    I find it hilarious how "strong people" always get so sulky and angry at people who really want to make them earn their bullyings pay. ;)
    Why do people always think they must be revered no matter what instead of loathed? ^_^

  • @entspeak

    I have another exploit. At outposts you can purchase voyages from one of three different factions. Each player can hold up to three of these. You can complete those voyages and turn the loot acquired from them in.

  • Alright, but how do you counter them sailing all the way out to the despawn line? If they repair the ship and keep sailing in a straight line eventually the ship will despawn and the loot will be at the line.

    Trying to get that loot would prove to be a little more tricky, yes?

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