Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4

  • I've discovered a workaround. Change your map radial button to something other than 'F', I made mine 'Y' as a test and everything works fine. If I change it back to 'F', it has the same map radial issue.

  • @cattaleyaathena well aren't we a constructive commenter ;)

  • Rare, ever heard of priorities?

    Forget about floating candles when several island never spawn skeletons no matter how many times you sail away and come back to them later.

    I have played as a random since launch and everyone has said the same about Discovery Ridge has NEVER spawned skeletons during a soul quest.

    While this may not be the top concern with SoT's endless list of issues, it sure as hell is more important than little Timmy's character doesn't have the same scars or hair colour.

    I have fallen through to the inside of cliff faces, I have fallen in between interior and exterior walls of a galleon. That c**p should never have happened, not even in beta stages.

    You have over 100 staff at your disposal and it's been a month since launch. How can anyone there justify their pay and man hours they have done since launch?
    If you think it's acceptable I'd love a job there. I am a programmer with 20 years experience of making maps and cars for games.

    Fix the actual core of the game before pissfarting with cosmetics, PLEASE.

  • It says 1.3 gb but my update us just under 11 gigs? Anyone else finding this as well?

  • @zanmi Re-skins =/= content. Honestly would've been better if ibwas a completely different ship. A desk in is kind of disappointing. At least the figurehead looks nice.

  • Well done guys. Keep up the awesome work!!!!!!

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    RARE is hiring, there's a link at the bottom of the page

    maybe YOU are exactly what they need, my dude

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Patch Notes - 1.0.4


    • [PC] Push to talk option will reset to default (disabled) between sessions.

    Not just the push to talk option, all of the keybinds get reset to default between sessions as well. I have to rebind my keys every time I start a new session.

  • @hoboprof Cheers mate. :o)

  • Yarrrrr! So pumped for them new Legendary sails, hull, and figurehead!

  • @twitchtv-mohky написал в Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    The most annoying problems don't get adressed??

    1. The Push-to-talk-issue 'has been fixed' but its still here... ?!?
    2. The respawn distance of ships sunk hasn't been changed ?!?
    3. Still no private sessions/kick option for random people joining your session ?!?
    4. The 'only-one-weapon' bug hasn't been fixed

    instead they fixed some floating candles... really? come on

    1. Game minimize fly out from crew making menu(since alpha).
  • 1.3gb for 3 ship skins and one sound effect? How? How you guys do that?

  • @sonicbobjr написал в Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Hey @LogansDadToo, this change provides PC players who use Controllers the same rebind options as Keyboard & Mouse. This replaces the 'Always On' Mic with a 'Push to Talk' setup. No player will hear you (Crew or Enemy) until you press the assigned button, we don't differentiate by crew!

    we don't differentiate by crew!

    Lol why not? Why don't you add seperated button to talk to enemy or mode switching button btw talking to own crew and enemy(like in pubg)?
    At current state, i hear random enemy crews telling their plans, because they have no other choice. What's the point of crew voice-chat if everybody hears them?
    I'm not saying that "talking to enemy" option shouldn't exist, it's nice feature, but not allow crew to speak without be heard by enemy, isn't normal.

  • @shrek-t-t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @khaleesibot what about people that beach there ship on land so it can not sink when its between objects ? this issue been around since alpha still no fix?

    Any ship beached will automatically de-spawn after about two three minutes unless it gets back into deep water. Regardless of damage. Try it out yourself (a good location is Lagoon of Whispers with a sloop).

    This has never been exploitable, as the de-spawn mechanic was in there since the Beta.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Rare, ever heard of priorities?

    Forget about floating candles when several island never spawn skeletons no matter how many times you sail away and come back to them later.

    The only location where that still happens is Thieves Hideout. All other locations have skeletons spawn INSIDE THE CAVE SYSTEM and people just unable to find them.

    I have played as a random since launch and everyone has said the same about Discovery Ridge has NEVER spawned skeletons during a soul quest.

    That is false. You have to go INSIDE the caves. Most people just appear to be unable to find the entrance.

    While this may not be the top concern with SoT's endless list of issues, it sure as hell is more important than little Timmy's character doesn't have the same scars or hair colour.

    Dude, different people have different priorities. And if Timmy spend an hour to get just the right character in the stupid random char selection screen, then that IS a major issue for him.

    I have fallen through to the inside of cliff faces, I have fallen in between interior and exterior walls of a galleon. That c**p should never have happened, not even in beta stages.

    I only ever once fell through a gap in the map, and that was fixed the very next day. But if you don't report where and how that happened, this will never be fixed (how could they?). Do a proper bug report by filing a support ticket please.

  • @pvp3rv3rt said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @sonicbobjr написал в Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Hey @LogansDadToo, this change provides PC players who use Controllers the same rebind options as Keyboard & Mouse. This replaces the 'Always On' Mic with a 'Push to Talk' setup. No player will hear you (Crew or Enemy) until you press the assigned button, we don't differentiate by crew!

    we don't differentiate by crew!

    Lol why not? Why don't you add seperated button to talk to enemy or mode switching button btw talking to own crew and enemy(like in pubg)?
    At current state, i hear random enemy crews telling their plans, because they have no other choice. What's the point of crew voice-chat if everybody hears them?
    I'm not saying that "talking to enemy" option shouldn't exist, it's nice feature, but not allow crew to speak without be heard by enemy, isn't normal.

    Discord exists, and even console-players on their home TV can use mobile phone discord app if they have no PC.

    The In-game directional Voice-Chat is perfect for Role-Playing though.

  • @pvp3rv3rt said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @twitchtv-mohky написал в Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    The most annoying problems don't get adressed??

    1. The Push-to-talk-issue 'has been fixed' but its still here... ?!?
    2. The respawn distance of ships sunk hasn't been changed ?!?
    3. Still no private sessions/kick option for random people joining your session ?!?
    4. The 'only-one-weapon' bug hasn't been fixed

    instead they fixed some floating candles... really? come on

    1. Game minimize fly out from crew making menu(since alpha).

    Press Alt+Enter to interact with other apps while the game keeps running in the background.



    That has been a non-issue since alpha.

  • @enviousbriefs said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @zanmi Re-skins =/= content. Honestly would've been better if ibwas a completely different ship. A desk in is kind of disappointing. At least the figurehead looks nice.

    The figurehead is new content. It looks nice (the only usable part of the new set IMHO)

  • Good stuff, maybe in a years time, this game will feel complete!

  • @fatbeardedguy42 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @admiral-rrrsole said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Rare, ever heard of priorities?

    Forget about floating candles when several island never spawn skeletons no matter how many times you sail away and come back to them later.

    The only location where that still happens is Thieves Hideout. All other locations have skeletons spawn INSIDE THE CAVE SYSTEM and people just unable to find them.

    I have played as a random since launch and everyone has said the same about Discovery Ridge has NEVER spawned skeletons during a soul quest.

    That is false. You have to go INSIDE the caves. Most people just appear to be unable to find the entrance.

    While this may not be the top concern with SoT's endless list of issues, it sure as hell is more important than little Timmy's character doesn't have the same scars or hair colour.

    Dude, different people have different priorities. And if Timmy spend an hour to get just the right character in the stupid random char selection screen, then that IS a major issue for him.

    I have fallen through to the inside of cliff faces, I have fallen in between interior and exterior walls of a galleon. That c**p should never have happened, not even in beta stages.

    I only ever once fell through a gap in the map, and that was fixed the very next day. But if you don't report where and how that happened, this will never be fixed (how could they?). Do a proper bug report by filing a support ticket please.

    So there is still an issue with skeletons not spawning. Thank you, I couldn't remember the name of "Thieve's Haven" for the life of me. lol

    Ok, thank you. I shall look for a tunnel at "Discovery Ridge" in future.

    Sorry to little Timmy, but as a game developer the priorities should lie with Game / server Access and stability before anything cosmetic related.

    Since falling through / behind walls I have started to video record all gaming sessions. It has not happened again but probably more so because I avoid doing the same. I think it was Thieve's Haven that I fell behind the cliff wall. When on top of that hill, I steer clear of it now. lol

    The galleon was on top of the Port side ladder I prematurely jumped to the right whilst climbing up and could see inside the captain's cabin.
    There is also a place on the bow where you can stand on the ship's edge (in front of the foremost cannon) and drop a chest which then gets stuck between the hull wall. It's safe from most looters as it requires the ship to be scuttled at an outpost (or sunk at sea) to retrieve the chests stockpiled there.
    You can see them from inside the ship (below deck) but not from the outside.

    @fatbeardedguy42 You've made good, valid points.
    Thank you for showing maturity in your reply post.

    Fair winds and happy sailing to you sir. :o)

  • @fatbeardedguy42 написал в Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Press Alt+Enter to interact with other apps while the game keeps running in the background.



    That has been a non-issue since alpha.

    Maybe you think you just gave me some pro tip, but i have to disapoint you, i am using this windows hotkey since when you was sucking ur moms udder.

  • "Increased quality of island rendering at a distance when using the spyglass on all quality settings on both platforms.
    This has no effect when the island is too far away to be loaded"

    i wonder how far that is because a spyglas is a tool to see thing in long distance. If i sail past a island and could shoot with a cannon at it, it should be rendered full with all its stuff on in if i look throug a spyglas

  • @Shinbabo It's not far at all, the distance is still exactly the same, what's changed is that once an island is loaded, you'll have less stuff popping in and out of existence than before. The improvement is more noticeable when walking on big islands than smaller ones.

    The way they worded it is slightly deceiving (shocking, in know...) since you still won't be able to see anything with the spyglass unless you're already close enough to the island for it to 'load' (which means, very close...)

    Basically the spyglass is still half useless...

    Besides, players/creatures rendering distance is still complete garbage, which is the biggest problem i have with the game since 1.0.1 and still hasn't even been officially acknowledged by the devs.

  • While I appreciate all the bug fixes and the hard work Rare is doing to make the game more stable, I'm even less incentivized to reach Pirate Legend with that skin addition.

    Is the gross combination of dark purple, bright turquoise, and urine yellow really supposed to make someone feel legendary? I would sink that ship every time I saw it just on principle. What an eyesore.

    Honestly, why can't we just buy from a variety of matte paints for our ship hull, trim, rails and sails and then purchase different decals for the front hull and sail? The game advertises customization but we're given such limited, and quite frankly some pretty terrible, options to make ourselves look unique.

    I'd personally love to have a dark green hull with crimson trim and white rails, and big black sails with a sword through a skull as the main sail decal.

    Or hell I'd love the option to have a rainbow blast of sail colors on a galleon, each a different color, just for the heck of it. With a great big smiley face outline on the main sail.

    Let me look like the fabulous/terror inspiring/legendary pirate you guys said I could be.

  • @fatbeardedguy42 написал в Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Discord exists, and even console-players on their home TV can use mobile phone discord app if they have no PC.

    The In-game directional Voice-Chat is perfect for Role-Playing though.

    Wow another pro tip. Just facepalm.

  • will sea of thieves ever be going free to play? you can put the progression cosmetics in cash shop for real life money and there would still be the exact same amount of content left in the game afterwards

  • @CattaleyaAthena The moment the playerbase drops enough for Microsoft to start questioning how profitable the game is, we'll probably see sales magically appear. I'm also fairly confident that once the microtransactions store is up, we'll likely see a drop in price.

    I'm not sure the game is ever going f2p, cause the way i see it their entire business model is based on stimulating people to buy the xbox game pass, which is also why the 'big content' patches are monthly.

  • @super-poopsy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @CattaleyaAthena The moment the playerbase drops enough for Microsoft to start questioning how profitable the game is, we'll probably see sales magically appear. I'm also fairly confident that once the microtransactions store is up, we'll likely see a drop in price.

    I'm not sure the game is ever going f2p, cause the way i see it their entire business model is based on stimulating people to buy the xbox game pass, which is also why the 'big content' patches are monthly.

    sea of thieves will never have big content only hot air like a hot air balloon or blimp
    alt text

    xbox game pass more hot air has no value to anyone outside of xbox on any platform
    scroll down to game pass games and click play anywhere a grand total of 8 titles

  • @StinerDasFuhrer The entire map of the game is a migration-zone, which means if the game thinks there are few players on your map, it'll migrate you on a different more populated server. This change was to fix an issue with people getting transferred while being near an active fort, the most common scenario was people completing the fort event and then (for any reason) sailing too far away from the fort (likely with the fort key, to avoid enemies), just to be then migrated on a different server where the same fort wasn't active and so they couldn't get the loot.

    Now there's a bigger area around any fort that will stop the server from sneaky transferring you away.

  • @mad-mordechai said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @zanmi Hopefully they will start adding most of the missing cosmetics and customization from the Beta this way.

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    • The number of instances of rubber banding and teleporting players has been reduced.

    Glad this is being worked on, constantly rubberbanding around was getting really tiresome.

    @mad-mordechai said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @zanmi Hopefully they will start adding most of the missing cosmetics and customization from the Beta this way.

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    • The number of instances of rubber banding and teleporting players has been reduced.

    Glad this is being worked on, constantly rubberbanding around was getting really tiresome.

    nothings changed...if any thing, its worse

  • @shrek-t-t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @khaleesibot what about people that beach there ship on land so it can not sink when its between objects ? this issue been around since alpha still no fix?

    How can it sink if it's on land?

  • @CattaleyaAthena Oh i don't doubt that, we're already watching it happen.

    Although my point wasn't about the quality of the content (notice the quotes) nor how convenient xbox game pass is for pc players, i sadly agree with your points.

  • "Trading companies now inform you when you have reached the voyage purchase limit for the day (Refreshes at 6am in-game time)."

    there's a limit to the number of times you can buy quests? Is this to stop people constantly rerolling trade quests to get the one they want (i.e golden animals?)

  • Are any other pirates experiencing a bug where you can only have 3 cannonballs in your inventory at once? Sometimes, though quite rarely, this affects your bananas as well, though I'm not sure if 3 is the same number in that case. A long loading screen via mermaid or by suicide will fix it, as inconvenient as it is.

    Another glitch will make me unable to interact with my ship - Pressing X won't allow me to steer the helm, man the cannon, use the map table, raise the anchor or set up my sails. Highly frustrating when you see a ship sailing towards you and you've loaded your ship full of treasure. Again, a fix is a long loading screen but good luck trying to survive in the aforementioned scenario.

    Haven't seen a single mention of these bugs, from fellow pirates or from Rare, even though I keep stumbling upon them quite frequently, especially the cannonball bug.

    Also, anyone know the price for the legendary ship customization items and/or ghost costume?

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