4 Players on a Sloop

  • @mri1ama Yeah, raise your sails and turn on a dime and wait for someone with a boom barrel to swim your way becuase youre now a sitting duck.

    You ignore everything everyone writes who know what they are talking about. Real world generally the ship with the most cannons won yeah.

    Youre boring, this is my last reply to entertain you.

  • @uvg-reign Because you lost the argument and cant rebut my points. lol byeeeeeeee.

    Then you watch the waters and shoot the boom barrel out of the guys hand, THEY HAVE TO SWIM. You cant launch someone with a boom barrel out of a cannon. And no I read everything everyone writes and I respond accordingly with logical points and wait for the same in return. But instead I get people like you that feel entitled to your flawed points and get mad when someone engages you with a logic based argument.

  • @mri1ama said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    @uvg-reign Because you lost the argument and cant rebut my points. lol byeeeeeeee.

    Then you watch the waters and shoot the boom barrel out of the guys hand, THEY HAVE TO SWIM. You cant launch someone with a boom barrel out of a cannon. And no I read everything everyone writes and I respond accordingly with logical points and wait for the same in return. But instead I get people like you that feel entitled to your flawed points and get mad when someone engages you with a logic based argument.

    No, not because ive lost 'the arguement', becuase everything you write is giving me eye cancer

  • @uvg-reign And more personal attacks, you can leave now as you said you would. And I will continue to read posts and respond with logical points and get a good debate going and possibly someone with a cool head on their shoulders will arise who may be able to give me a good reply. Until then ciao

    Have a good weekend and good luck on the seas in 3 days :)

  • @mri1ama Hope you have a good weekend as well, Hopefully I come across you while youre in a galleon and you can put your logical 'ideal world' theories to the test :)

  • I’m having a hard time understanding why people post videos of a two man crew sinking a galleon as proof that the sloop is superior. There are many videos of galleons sinking sloops.

    The last video posted showed a sloop chasing a galleon for multiple in game day night cycles. It was edited in a way that could potentially remove the fact that the sloop sank. I’m not sure that it did, but it’s possible. The video also shows a second sloop crew attacking the galleon. The only think that I took from the video was that galleons are fairy hard to sink.

    I understand the argument that a sloop with 4 crew could in theory send 2 to board. A galleon with 4 crew could as well. The larger ship has more locations for holes so the gun powder barrels are more effective no doubt. Really the only way to sink anyone is to either

    A: use a gun powder barrel
    B: board and prevent repairing
    C: run the other crew out of planks

    I could be wrong but I believe the galleon and sloop both have 1 barrel for repairs. Assuming both crews hit with the same percentage of shots, the galleon wins the war of attrition quicker. The sloop is a harder target so they will likely be missed more but a good crew should easily hit 2 times for every one of the sloop.

    The maneuverability of the sloop is negated by remaining stationary with sails raised. You risk allowing boarders but it’s a risk I take often. I’ve gotten fairly good with the blunderbus and sword and have no issue repelling enemy’s who try to climb the ladders.

    In short, the crew and tactics matter much more than the number of people. If 4 people want to cram onto a sloop, more power to em.

  • @getschmiton I think four people on a Sloop would be ideal. 8 people on a Galleon, too.

  • @uvg-reign every argument youve made has been ideal for the sloop and not the galleon... you say someone just swims over and blasts it with a barrel, yeah, sure, if the galleon is moving in your direction or isnt moving at all... otherwise it's not going to happen just like that.

    You think I'm going to allow a sloop to get in front of my ship and cut it off? No, I'll simply turn with the wind as much as I need and leave you behind or to the side. You're going to swim with a barrel? I personally keep the rifle on me for that occasion while my crew has already sent one to board and has two firing on you from before you're in range.

    FYI. One cannon shot to your cannoneer blasts him away or kills him, leaving two cannons still bearing down on you. Once the cannoneer is removed we simply fire at the helmsman and disable the ability to control your ship. By this point my boarder is now on your ship and has dropped your anchor or turned your ship away, or otherwise going to spawn kill you, if he hasn't decided to hide until a better moment to take you out by surprise.

  • @crash4654 said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    @uvg-reign every argument youve made has been ideal for the sloop and not the galleon... you say someone just swims over and blasts it with a barrel, yeah, sure, if the galleon is moving in your direction or isnt moving at all... otherwise it's not going to happen just like that.

    Yeah, the galleon wasn't moving in the scenario that I was referring to ... uh oh not another one o.O

  • @uvg-reign said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    Yeah, raise your sails and turn on a dime and wait for someone with a boom barrel to swim your way becuase youre now a sitting duck.

    @Crash4654 see?

  • @uvg-reign raise sails, yeah, they're still moving and firing at you as you approach broadside, that was the scenario. You can immediately lower sails again and take off.

    Don't take on part of the scenario and completely negate the other. That's foolish. This is why context is important.

  • @mri1ama said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    @uvg-reign None of those galleons even prepared for these engagements, you can see a ship from far off, if you see a sloop coming at you. Raise all sails and turn on a dime firing at whatever side they come at. It still comes down to skill as this game usually has.

    @Crash4654 Umm ... yh. He's referring to a tactic of turning the galleon into effectively a turret. To turn like a turret you have to be stationary. Please leave me alone now.

  • @uvg-reign shoot, that was quite a few posts ago, I can remember lol. Even then, you're advocating swimming there, you honestly think a good crew isn't going to see it? You keep playing a perfect scenario. Your method is not infallible

  • Sloop honestly doesn't need 3 or 4 players on it at all. Do I want 3? Yes, just because I'm not a fan of running a Galleon with 3 people. Does it need to be in the game? No. In my honest opinion, it feels too unbalanced. A solo player and a 2 man sloop can take down Galleons all day. 4 players on a sloop, even inexperienced, could still be unsinkable.

    Again, I would love to have 3 players because I mostly play with 2 others and I hate 3 manning the Galleon, but I think it's a bad call.

  • @crash4654 It was him playing the perfect scenario as if there wasnt a counter for anything the galleon did. IMO they are pretty balanced, as much as 2 vs 4 can be.

    Yeah youre going to catch people swimming towards your ship, but its easy to miss and happens all the time. This thread is derailed so much it was about sloop becoming op becuase of more crew and more potential boarding parties lol and if your galleon was sat there just spinning, it would have enemy crew swimming in their direction. I wish that damn AMA never happened and they never said they we thinking of 4 man sloops w*f

    edit: yours and theirs mean general crews, not yours specifically

  • Lots of people are compairing the 4 man sloop to a galleon, but, if there were a 4 man sloop then a 5+ man galleon wouldn't be out of the picture.

    What I'm more concerned about is dropping the viability of a 1 man sloop.
    During my time in the betas, I spent a while as a 1 man sloop and honestly the 2 man sloop was more scary then galleons were. Not saying galleons are worse but I can capitalize on the differences in my ship like sailing against the wind to escape or fight them. A 2 man sloop was simply the same as me but they could angle their sales faster, fire cannons and steer, and of course gang up on pvp. I'm not saying it was unbalanced and terrible or anything like that, I really enjoyed my encounters. But a 4 man sloop would be the worst possible thing for a 1 person sloop, being able all the time to sail and fight at peak efficiency on a ship that moves exactly as you can.

  • Just a friendly reminder for everyone to visit THE PIRATE CODE again. We are all here together.

  • Sorry for the long post but please bare with me.

    Short answer: NO. Why? Cause people could fend off galleons as 2 man already. A nimble ship that small which just 1 crew member can repair and bucket the water out, telling his captain to dodge a bit more while the other is fixing the ship. What do you think adding 2 more crew members will be? As long sloop got some resources, good luck sinking it.

    Long answer: You could basicly have 2 ppl constantly on repair/remove water on that small ship which takes no time compared to a 3 deck galleon running up & down. I can say another issue is that you could also send 1-2 crew members on a suicide run, try board the ship and one lowers the anchor and the other focusing on killing the crew or if they brought some explosive barrel(s). Just the anchor alone, do you even know what harm that does to a single galleon?

    Playing smart in a sloop should pay up. Most of the times when my friend and I lost a battle, regardless of ship type was not we got so hit and sunk instantly, but from a bit carelessness on our end getting blown up from a cannonball or pushed off the ship. Making it one man left to do everything. But if you have more crew it removes the feel of you had to play smart.

    So again no 4 man crew for sloop. Maybe, just MAYBE 3 man on sloop but that would be absolut maximum and imho, overkill. No offence ment to anyone. Just wanted to get this off my chest and try explain (along with others in this thread) why this is not a good idea. If you are a "4 man premade" grouped up and on voice, you could also have two sloops well coordinated. Imagen what two good sloops could do to one galleon, same number of players, and adding 2 more crew members on each sloop, no, just no.

    EDIT: A galleon with same number of crew members have alot more work to play optimal compared to a 4 man sloop, hands down. Sure has more firepower but you NEED a rather good/perfect team play, everyone talking on voice and helping each other out. A well played 2 man sloop can sink any half competent 3-4 man galleon. Did it myself with my mate on our sloop, and by that I don't mean to sound like some elitist/tryharder snob. Tho when we faced good galleon crews, that became far more difficult, but still not hopeless. Sorry for the long reply and grammer but english is not my native language :)

  • @cardshark-360 said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    Just a friendly reminder for everyone to visit THE PIRATE CODE again. We are all here together.

    Good call. If we want to give feedback, better do it in good manner and with constructive critisism explaining things and not go all-in ranting each other. Give the devs and PR folks some good info they can accually have a use for. +1 for the reminder, nice form.

  • @uvg-reign said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    @mri1ama Youre really getting boring with your inexperience of the game and what actually happens when situations arises.

    After a few holes in a galleon, its more or less crippled becuase of the crew memebers needed to stop it from sinking, causing the galleon to become ineffective if they actually try and fight back, all the while still attaining pressure from the sloop

    edit: grammer

    WOW! That is shockingly naive. One of the most important roles on the galleon is the repair/bail water role. A fews hits to a galleon is perfectly normal I'm not sure what caliber of players you have spent your time in SoT with but my recommendation is find better ones. Fast.

  • @cpt-grogmaster said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    @cardshark-360 said in 4 Players on a Sloop:

    Just a friendly reminder for everyone to visit THE PIRATE CODE again. We are all here together.

    Good call. If we want to give feedback, better do it in good manner and with constructive critisism explaining things and not go all-in ranting each other. Give the devs and PR folks some good info they can accually have a use for. +1 for the reminder, nice form.

    Might want to wipe that brown residue off your nose bud

  • @Griefer-Tactics

    One person cannot out-sail a galleon, repair holes, bail water, fire cannons, adjust sails, and defend against boarders. That is an absolutely ridiculous claim and you should be embarrassed for it even crossing your mind.

    False. yes they can. ive done it on a couple occasions, and have seen other people do it. go on youtube and look it up. ive also boarded galleons while playing solo and whipped their crew on my own to sink them.

    This is possible because all of those things dont happen at the same time. you set your sails and the helm before going below deck to perform other tasks. combat is slow and requires you to think on a minimum 15-20 seconds ahead.

    of course it isnt easy. but it definitely isnt impossible.

  • @griefer-tactics also why do you completely ignore logical arguments? there have been numerous counterarguments that have put sever holes in your argument and you just totally ignore them -_- or reply with insults. 150 posts later in this thread and youre still a child.

  • @toastywrath I also have a hard time believing that a solo player is going to be able to deal with 3 cannons bearing down on him while another guy is boarding and him able to keep his ship repaired and return fire all at the same time, while dealing with that boarding member.

    I don't doubt a single person can throw several wrenches into a plan, but for a solo player to be able to survive and compete with all that... no...

  • @crash4654 again its not easy. and again if youre allowing a galleon to catch you on their broadside you wont survive.

    i would love to prove this correct with an explanation unfortunately i cant. considering your average person obviously doesnt believe it to be possible they certainly wont expect it to work. that being said im not giving up too much info on my tactics XD

  • @toastywrath said in 4 Players on a Sloop:


    One person cannot out-sail a galleon, repair holes, bail water, fire cannons, adjust sails, and defend against boarders. That is an absolutely ridiculous claim and you should be embarrassed for it even crossing your mind.

    False. yes they can. ive done it on a couple occasions, and have seen other people do it. go on youtube and look it up. ive also boarded galleons while playing solo and whipped their crew on my own to sink them.

    This is possible because all of those things dont happen at the same time. you set your sails and the helm before going below deck to perform other tasks. combat is slow and requires you to think on a minimum 15-20 seconds ahead.

    of course it isnt easy. but it definitely isnt impossible.

    This perfectly outlines your senseless thought pattern, you think because "I sunk a galleon while solo in a sloop" that it supports your argument.
    We have no idea whether there were four on the galleon, whether they were noobs or jokers, or anything else. Stop using one off events to support your arguments

  • @griefer-tactics It wasnt once. ive done it 4 times. so your saying in all 4 of those situations they didnt have all 4 people? if you understood anything about sail ship combat youd know this is definitely possible due to the level of immersion the game offers.

    and in addition to that you'd understand why 4 people on a sloop would be absolutely over powered.

    im not saying its not extremely difficult because it is. and if done correctly the fights are typically suuuper long. but it is possible.

  • @griefer-tactics Im with toasty here, sunk several galleons with sloop. Only one galleon made us flee into the wind.

    But that being said, if there were 2 more of us, we would have sunken that galleon- I really really tried, but could not do meaningful damage while being chased. now if there were 3 of us with gunpowder... different story. sad story really - we escaped to the wind making it impossible for galleon to actually do anything while we harassed and teased it.

  • @toastywrath there's no explanation you could give me that I couldn't find a counter for or have one of my members, a particularly good and clever individual, keep you from doing.

    I'm not saying it's impossible to survive, but against a semi competent crew. I'd say no dice

  • @crash4654 And the beautiful thing about it is you have the right to believe that. im still not saying anything more about how i do it. but even against a competent crew. its possible

  • @toastywrath you're talking ridiculously specific instances then, otherwise it won't happen like you say it will. I can guarantee it.

  • @crash4654 Guarantee what ever you want man. And no there is always a way to come out on top. but to do so with a solo sloop just take a suuuuper long time regardless of how you accomplish it. usually isnt worth the effort.

    honestly im not going to put any more info on how. and you are going to continue to disagree until you see it for yourelf. its pointless to continue with a "yes it is" "no its not" continuous convo. lol

  • Some of the conversations going on here..
    alt text

  • @Crash4654

    If people can say a good sloop crew won't let you get into the wind, I can say a good galleon crew won't let you force them against the wind.

    If a sloop lets this happen then they are far too aggressive. And honestly pretty bad. Anyone who knows what they are doing isn't going to fall into that.
    Considering your average galleon is the aggressor in a sloop vs gally scenario. its much more likely (unless the sloop doesn't know what they are doing) that the sloop will make the galleon come to them. or simply not engage. This gives them a lot more control over the situation.

    As for an aggressive solo sloop. lol your probably right he wouldn't stand a chance.

  • @toastywrath isn't that basically what I said? A ridiculously specific setup? And even then, that can still be countered

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