Game state just the day before a big happening

  • Ahoy!

    I’m making this post because I’d like to state how concerned I am (and I’m sure we all players are) about the state of the game as now, just days before Sea of Thieves landing on PS after 6 years of its course.

    I get that we all pirates should be somewhat used to tolerate some bugs here and there, but the game has never been like this since I started playing and presenting a product in this form may be detrimental in building up a new player base on the new platform.

    From HG not working to anti-cheat being ineffective, from players unable to play with KnM on Xbox since weeks to software continuously crashing on every platform, I fear that a game with such problems may be overlooked by PS players and lose a very big opportunity.

    So, I think that a public message from the devs is really needed after the big miss of latest update and the only way to try to keep a tiny bit of our trust after so many issues.

    Being one of the players unable to play after knm stopping to work, I keep waiting patiently but at some point I’ll find a game that will catch my attention more than sot and just leave. And I feel bad about it because I really love it and have many fun memories while playing with friends. I feel like this can happen to a lot of fellow pirates as well…

    I hope this will not be ignored.

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  • Imo as an outsider I think the nda filled environment has reached a point where it's probably making things worse.

    For years it's been steadily piling up and for years people do the whole "it's going to get better" "big things are coming/changes" "wink wink" and over hyping the horizon and it's long past the point where anyone really buys into that anymore.

    Realistic optimism helps

    False hope with a history of uncertain outcome just builds resentment and cynicism

    People feel they can't rely on what they are told, that's always going to lead to a lot of frustration. At least on the more experienced side of participation. As the issues become more widespread and aren't just affecting small groups in SoT it'll frustrate even the people that often are more generous towards Rare with feedback.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Game state just the day before a big happening:

    Imo as an outsider I think the nda filled environment has reached a point where it's probably making things worse.

    For years it's been steadily piling up and for years people do the whole "it's going to get better" "big things are coming/changes" "wink wink" and over hyping the horizon and it's long past the point where anyone really buys into that anymore.

    Realistic optimism helps

    False hope with a history of uncertain outcome just builds resentment and cynicism

    People feel they can't rely on what they are told, that's always going to lead to a lot of frustration. At least on the more experienced side of participation. As the issues become more widespread and aren't just affecting small groups in SoT it'll frustrate even the people that often are more generous towards Rare with feedback.

    I get what you say but at this point the NDA thing is getting way less important as the content is there. The problem is the game just doesn’t work.

  • This game has been broken for me for over a month.
    First it was a PC gamepass error code 0xc0000005 which never allowed me to fire up the game, which received zero attention from the dev team.
    Then, with the recent update, the dreaded Unknown File Version (SoTGame.exe) bug, which has also precluded me from opening the game, and it likewise receiving zero feeback from the dev team.
    The dev team should really prioritize fixing these fundamental PC Xbox app versions, before fiddling with skins and other cosmetics because the game is literally unplayable to a large swath of fans and newbies.

  • Its pretty bad on the seas atm..
    I stopped stacking too much loot for fear of dropping out.
    I no longer stock up prior to HG for fear of dropping out and losing said supplies.

    I seem to drop at high intensity moments.. Like In the middle of a fight or chase.

    Yes.. i can usually rejoin my previous.. but by the time i load back in.. alot can go wrong & usually does.

    My personal favorite is the eternal blackscreen after death where u can hear your ship sinking.. :(

  • game is completely broken atm; currently, i cant even make it to my sloop before crashing. I've tried repeatedly. i've been troubleshooting for days, and support just sent a copy and paste message with links to troubleshooting articles I've already tried. it's a joke, the update made the game unplayable for me.

    if you were considering buying this game, don't. also, don't be foolish enough to spend money in the cash shop because you can have the game taken away from you with just any single update. I regret my in game purchases so much, now that I realize I am at the mercy of RARE, whom is unable to maintain a reasonable standard for their game. All I want to do is play.

  • @sejm-flop

    For what concerns in-game purchase, I’m already very much invested into the game having bought multiple items from the emporium and other sea of thieves items/merchandise such as the loot crate collectibles.

    I love the game and I can’t wait to be able to play again and this whole situation is making me sad because it seems like the whole project is so badly managed…

  • @gaezoso said in Game state just the day before a big happening:


    For what concerns in-game purchase, I’m already very much invested into the game having bought multiple items from the emporium and other sea of thieves items/merchandise such as the loot crate collectibles.

    I love the game and I can’t wait to be able to play again and this whole situation is making me sad because it seems like the whole project is so badly managed…

    accountability is important but so is being understanding of the situation people are in.

    SoT is a lot of firsts for the dev team, PS5 is a first, it's a unique game with a lot of firsts even though the game has been around years.

    That's frustrating to play through and to be a part of but they are learning as they go on a lot of this. People tend to focus more on what is still wrong than what has improved or been repaired.

    Right now it's a bit of a mess in some ways but they are learning from working through it, they are gaining experience from it. It's always for something if people stick with it, they are sticking with it so it'll help them out in the future.

  • @gaezoso said in Game state just the day before a big happening:

    So, I think that a public message from the devs is really needed after the big miss of latest update and the only way to try to keep a tiny bit of our trust after so many issues.

    I hope this will not be ignored.

    Your post is not being ignored, none of the posts concerned with the state of the game are being ignored; and as proof of that SOT support has recognized there are issues and they are working to solve them.

    As pointed here before the game is going through important events, an anti-cheat system was introduced for the first time,PS5 players are joining SOT and new servers are being used to support the game. Let's have some patience and let the devs sort things out, till now they have kept a close relationship with us gamers!

  • @WolfManbush @Metal-Ravage

    I don’t criticize your optimistic approach but I don’t justify it.

    When you’re selling a product, the first thing you need to guarantee is its function.

    If players can’t play there is no content, no acceptable waits, no excuses. It’s up to the developers to test the builds in order to be sure that everything is working before rolling out updates; however it’s been at least two years that every single line of code added to sot has caused major issues.

    A new event is about to start and the game is unplayable for thousands of players. Why don’t you just postpone it? I see bad management in every single aspect :(

7 out of 10