Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'The Wilds' Screenshot.

  • Something is haunted

    Six pack and capstand to Lukemus2004

  • Home

    6pack: onbuzznichan
    Capstan: Rare Cute

  • Capstan: AustinxAssault
    6 pack: AustinxAssault

  • Ah, see here; the Rowboat in its natural habitat, The Wilds. One day it wishes to be as great as The Sky Galleon, representing the skeleton fleet.

  • The sunset slowly vanishing as a thunderstorm rumbles over shipwreck bay.

  • Banana eating Griffin on Marauders Arch.

    6pack: Qeisla
    Capstan: mantiemo (me)

  • Who can sit here the longest time??.. Started 3, now we are 2 left.

    Capstan - Gravenslund
    Six pack - HDHero7648

  • Capstan:me

  • H0X30WQ.jpg

    the view from atop galleons grave

    Capstan: Meksmun
    Sixpack: TrashPandaJ

  • Holding on to the most important thing in The Wilds

    Capstan: Jostaahh

  • Capstan: Grafus Doekus
    Sixpack: JimpieSV

  • 6 pack: AustinxAssault
    Capstan: Work 2Tap

  • Capstan: me
    Sixpack: Bortanica

  • Beautiful sunset

    Capstan: WiktorHemingway
    SixPack: L0czult

  • Wild seas are too dangerous, be careful! We will miss you captain!
    Capstan : rolls n deck
    Six pack : Bortanica

  • Drunk skeletons on a break in the dagger thooth tavern on the wilds

    capstan: RYZY1059
    sixpack: L0czult

  • Everything any pirate needs: food, something to drink, and stunning view from Crooked Masts
    Capstan: Slick4017
    Sixpack: Slick4017

  • The Wilds is a place of both life and death.

    alt text

    Both the 6-pack and Capstan to me, please (Nero101X).

  • Hello!

    Another day in the Wilds !

    in case of luck:
    -6pack for OldYo
    -Capstan for Theos54

    Have a good day

  • when my dogo past away i dresed how i felt inside. and took my ingame version with me everywhere- when i went to sit on this clif top and the sun came up it was a very emotional time. and i saved that screen shot to remind me that he's always with me

    capstan- Squire Sly
    6pack- EmpressPod

  • 'The Athena's or the Reapers tornado?'

    Capstan: me

  • Me & my pal Yuki watching the sunset.

  • On the Edge of Glory

  • Capstan: me
    6pack: anyone

  • when the fog starts to settle in....

    Capstan: sailor drum

  • )

  • I love oasis in the wilds

  • obsidian capstan: me
    six pack: KKermol

  • Quiet Night

    Capstan: Skyyyy3002
    6pack: Skyyyy3002

  • enjoy the Wilds!

    if i win:,
    Capstan @ Cpt Bl4ckScr33n
    Six-Pack @ Capt Jukeman

  • @popularsp0on just won a 6pk lol so, if i win 6pk goes to ToastiToes

78 out of 193