A mode for solo players or players who just want to enjoy PvE content.

  • Hello, I want to talk about something that has bothered me about this game for quite some time. I truly enjoy the game and it is one of my favourite games regarding game content, PvE encounters, lore and almost everything else. But every second session I have ends in frustration or even anger against the community. I am a player that most of the time goes solo due to not having many friends - some sessions go great, I can do the voyages I wanted to do and even get some PvE encounters I enjoy greatly whether it's a Kraken, Megalodon or a skeleton sloop but then there are the sessions that just make me rage quit. Some Voyages take hours to complete, whether it's a athena's Voyage or a Merchant Voyage, while the payout is great I rarely get it. I finally finish it, am on my last run to an outpost just to be sunk by a bigger ship or crew who gets the fruit of my three hour Voyage with barely the effort I had to put into it. It is so frustrating and then I just sit on the Ferry of the Damned to come back to a sunken ship without anything even though I put in so many hours. It makes me wish for an option to just enjoy Voyages and PvE without having to constantly worry about getting sunk on the last few chapters or on my last run to an outpost to sail.

    I know that it is part of the game and part of the concept of the game as it's about being a pirate but as a solo slooper I have no chance against people being gods in my eyes in PvP on a Galleon who see easy loot. It makes so much fun of the game itself disappear in seconds and makes me want to stop playing this wonderful game I adore so much. I try to reason with people so often just to hear "I am bored" or "I am just a thief on the sea of thieves!" and then I ask myself why not more people are like me who just have the alliance flag and just want to chill in a session of Voyages and PvE. Without players like me there wouldn't be easy loot for said PvPers and a lot would be lost and I just see myself losing interest on those Voyages because I don't see why I should keep trying just to be sunk and lose everything including those hours of work. It's making me genuinely sad that most of my memories of this game currently are losing hours of my work or even just starting a session with being sunk in the outpost because "The server is empty and I am bored!". It's really making me sad when I just want to enjoy the game on my own or with some friends by doing some Voyages or hunt for Megalodons or Krakens because that is what is fun to us. We try our best to make other players like us get hope while we can't keep that hope ourselves. Not only me but others just lose their hope over this and beg for two modes - those who enjoy PvP and a mode for people who just want to enjoy the content of the games whether it's tall tales, Voyages or sailing around without a direct goal and just to see what the wonderful game will throw at them.

    I just wish I could have more pleasant sessions instead of frustration and now payout just because we are easy prey.

  • 10
  • I am a solo player too and...


    If you cant understand how sandbox games work, thats fine.

    You can play other lore heavy games.

  • Says SoT is 1 of their favorite games, then asks its devs to change the core of its gameplay because of a solid 50/50 win/loss ratio and apparent inability or forgetfulness to turn in loot more often. 🙄

    Don't ask a game to change for your shortcomings!

    Also, devs are clear on this point. In before lock. 😉

  • @ghostyboy6673 The developers have been consistently clear that they are not going to release a PvE mode. Content creators may get access to a private server without any progression, but no PvE only servers. There are many valid reasons for this decision. But you can adjust your play style to thrive on the seas. From what I read in your post, the most important advice I can give you is do not keep hours of loot on your ship. Turn in regularly to limit your losses.

  • This game in a nutshell:

    • You never know who you meet on the seas. (They can be friendly, goofy or hostile.)
    • 50% of the value of any loot is in the risk of loosing it. (This one is important.)
    • No loot is yours until you bank/sell it. (Gives you a reason to fight for and protect your ship/loot.)

    Ship summary/advise:
    If you are on a sloop, you can easily outrun a galleon. Brigantines are more tricky to escape from in any ship, but it can be done as all ships are balanced. Brigantines sink as a stone if you put some holes in it, while the sloop is perhaps the tankiest ship in the sea. The galleon, well its a clumsy gun platform.

    SoT is an adventure, you never know what will happen in a session. And that is how is should be.

  • Yeah, I get you completely. As a solo slooper myself I have oftentimes spent an hour gathering loot, then the next defending it from a hungry galleon.

    Sadly, there are already people complaining about so little pvp, and I can agree! Because the player base is so split sometimes. But by offering the choice of how active a server you wan to join before entering the game all that would be fixed! Check my forum post for more details

    Another fix is something you can do to fix this.
    When joining a server run around and look for the following things:
    Empty barrels - this signifies that someone has recently spawned at the outpost, and sailed away. Stray away from these servers because that means they are still close by
    Sails on the horizon - obvious one
    Emissary tables - check each emissary table to see if any small toy shops are on it. That means someone is currently flying that flag. If there are none, your server will most likely have very few ships
    World events - when joining a server, check the sky to make sure there are no good world events. If there is: a skele fort, a skele fleet, or joke at all, that means all the server pve hopper probably skipped this server in search of better loot.
    Hope this helped!

  • I get it getting sunk sucks sometimes but to make a mode which makes PVP an option? no that is very silly and would only hurt the game.
    if you want to protect ya loot I would suggest doing the ghost fleet voyages as they will help you get better with ship combat and maintaining your ship

    Hope this helps happy sailing ladey!

  • Ahoy Matey !

    Rare has already given their thoughts on the topic of PvPvE and discussed it in their Podcast.

    Unless there is a fundamental change to the game, Sea of Thieves will remain a Shared World Adventure Game with elements of both PvE and PvP.

    You can also read an article by Joe Neate in regards to Private/Custom Servers here.

  • Did we not just have this same exact post.....
    Answer will always be No.

    and I am as well a Solo Slooper.

  • @ghostyboy6673 Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/136693/pvpve-the-team-s-thoughts/1

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

5 out of 10