The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing

  • Why aren't we able to do things when we're seated? Let us drink, play music, fish, etc. while sitting down.
    The way it currently is, sitting is just an alternative pose for being afk.

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  • @onequackyboi622 It's a good tool to make nice screenshots ! :) Functionally it's just another emote that's tied to an ingame item.

  • @grog-minto that is true, but it could be much more than that and be better off for it.

  • It could be more for sure. But at the same time it's better than nothing. We love to find them in the wild and play musical chairs or drunken chairman* during downtimes.

    *: requires a single stool, placed upper deck, all participants drinks 4 grogs then the first one that manages to sit is declared the winner. Sounds stupid but it is a lot of fun. :D

  • One could say the same thing for the stool.
    Yet here it is.

    Could also say about sleeping. It function is to heal you yet…that what food is for.

  • @burnbacon said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    One could say the same thing for the stool.
    Yet here it is.

    Could also say about sleeping. It function is to heal you yet…that what food is for.

    #BuffSleeping, getting in and out of bed should be faster, and the amount of health regenerated per second should be increased. I think folks would use the bed way more if it were more practical.

  • @onequackyboi622 it sure would be nice to sip a grogg whilst watching the world go by

  • @danbeardluff said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @burnbacon said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    One could say the same thing for the stool.
    Yet here it is.

    Could also say about sleeping. It function is to heal you yet…that what food is for.

    #BuffSleeping, getting in and out of bed should be faster, and the amount of health regenerated per second should be increased. I think folks would use the bed way more if it were more practical.

    Risk = reward. 😉

  • @galactic-geek said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @danbeardluff said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @burnbacon said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    One could say the same thing for the stool.
    Yet here it is.

    Could also say about sleeping. It function is to heal you yet…that what food is for.

    #BuffSleeping, getting in and out of bed should be faster, and the amount of health regenerated per second should be increased. I think folks would use the bed way more if it were more practical.

    Risk = reward. 😉

    Practical and used > impractical and unused

    Edit: That's supposed to be greater than sign :p

  • @danbeardluff said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @galactic-geek said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @danbeardluff said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @burnbacon said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    One could say the same thing for the stool.
    Yet here it is.

    Could also say about sleeping. It function is to heal you yet…that what food is for.

    #BuffSleeping, getting in and out of bed should be faster, and the amount of health regenerated per second should be increased. I think folks would use the bed way more if it were more practical.

    Risk = reward. 😉

    Practical and used > impractical and unused

    Edit: That's supposed to be greater than sign :p

    I hate that we can't use yhe greater and less than signs... 😑

    Anything and everything is only as useful as you make it - otherwise, it just sits there. 😜

  • @luciansanchez82 said in The Sitting feature is bland and disappointing:

    @onequackyboi622 it sure would be nice to sip a grogg whilst watching the world go by

    Exactly! Or to sit somewhere and play some shanties while enjoying the sunset. It would just add so much to what is otherwise just another emote.

  • i think that Rare slowly is developing new moves behind the scenes...First , we couldn't sit , then we could sit everywhere , then we even got stools to sit on and move them where we want...So in time i think playing dices , fishing , playing music and maybe some sitting emotes will become available in future Updates / Seasons...

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