The Mystery Begins!

  • @realstyli

    alt text

    There are little keys dotted about the website as above... just a lot of people crawling all the pages...

  • And more from Twitter... in response to the Seek The Dead music box video with the MMM and wind symbol

    Sea of Thieves tweeted:

    We think we feel a change in the wind, or are we winding you up?

    No, you're definitely doing something. Bring more pirates.

    Maybe an in-game ritual requiring multiple crews??

  • @realstyli

    There’s a little key symbol you can click on

  • I wonder if the words they appear next to have any significance? Do we have a list of those? Lord, Alliance... etc..?

    The MMM was probably actually WWW, hinting at searching the website? facepalm

  • Sooo… what (if any) changes have been made to Sea Dog’s Rest? Or elsewhere in the game?

    So far, each “meta” change out-of-game has accompanied an in-game change.

    Rare has hinted at this with their latest reply to the “Are we hearing things?” Tweet, which also points out the dichotomy of wind (WIN-d, as in weather) and wind (WINE-d, as in twist).

  • @b0ttle-0-rum

    Which is also backed up by all the keys being roughly synonyms... and the "wine-d" one having the "win-d" symbol

  • Looks like everyone's back in full swing on this! I was wondering where all these keys started popping up from. So where do these keys leave us? Is there something we need to do to actually obtain these keys in game to look for? I feel as if I've gotten out of the loop here x.x

  • And we seem to have done something...

    Tweet text:

    Your desire to wind has been felt...

    Followed by another video of the music box on Sea Dog's Rest, this time playing "Row, Row, Row Yer Boat".

    I don't see any fresh markings? So perhaps the next step is in-game. Bearing in mind, we had another "boat" clue earlier with the Sanctuary Outpost image. So there could be a link? In any case, I think the next step involves rowboats somehow.

  • @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:

    And we seem to have done something...

    Tweet text:

    Your desire to wind has been felt...

    Followed by another video of the music box on Sea Dog's Rest, this time playing "Row, Row, Row Yer Boat".

    I don't see any fresh markings? So perhaps the next step is in-game. Bearing in mind, we had another "boat" clue earlier with the Sanctuary Outpost image. So there could be a link? In any case, I think the next step involves rowboats somehow.

    'Boat' appeared on one of the beached rowboat props, so I imagine we have to check all of those now in the same way as the graveyards.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Yep, that's the rowboat I was referring to...
    alt text

  • So if the next step involves us rowing boats, the question is where? Do we need to row and pay poor Demarco another visit? At this point I'm all up for doing something and figuring something out in world rather than on the web.

    EDIT: That's another idea to check rowboats with the lantern. I checked out Sanctuary Outpost and didn't come up with anything. I'll be on the lookout for other rowboats however!

  • @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    EDIT: That's another idea to check rowboats with the lantern. I checked out Sanctuary Outpost and didn't come up with anything. I'll be on the lookout for other rowboats however!

    That's what I was thinking. So far I've checked all the ones as TH and found nothing.

    Never mind, AM I BLIND???

    Adding an image in 3..2..1..

    Ashen Reaches

  • @limend

    Nice find! So we're onto something with the rowboats then!

  • Yep I found one too! Smuggler's Bay

    alt text

    Get ready to scramble the next conversation around. :o

  • @capt-brookes

    Darn, just found the same one! XD

  • Sunken Grove

    alt text

    How could I not be! They're coming for me. I can feel it.

  • Old Faithful
    alt text

    I've never seen you this upset...

  • A possible order of conversation based on the grave (G) and boat (B) notes discovered so far:

    • Don't startle me like that! I nearly shot you. (Smugglers' Bay - B)
    • As if you could. (Mermaid's Hideaway - B)
    • You're the last person I expected here. (Lone Cove - G)
    • You thought I'd just let this go. (Wanderer's Refuge - G)
    • You said yourself we were done. (Crooked Masts - G)
    • So? I lied. (Kraken's Fall - G)
    • Don't tell me you're becoming sentimental after all this time. (Sunken Grove - G)
    • I've never seen you this upset... (Old Faithful Isle - B)
    • How could I not be? They're coming for me. I can feel it. (Sunken Grove - B)
    • You're being ridiculous. (Plunder Valley - B)
    • This isn't a joke! (Thieves' Haven - G)
    • Of course it is. Right from the start, it has been. (Shark Bait Cove - G)
    • I don't think so. I have to cover my tracks. (Thieves' Haven - B)
    • Just listen! None of this feels right... (Ruby's Fall - G)
    • No-one can know I was here. (The Devil's Thirst - B)
    • The truth will come out. It always does, sooner or later. (Ashen Reaches - B)
    • I mean it. I don't trust anyone, not any more. (Crescent Isle - B)
    • He made that perfectly clear. (Flintlock Peninsula - G)

    Is this the skillful Lesedi surprising a fearful DeMarco? If so, the "he" is likely their father Ramsey, though who DeMarco's (real or imagined) pursuers are and why "they" would be "coming for him" remains unclear...

  • @b0ttle-0-rum

    Not bad. I think "I've never seen you this upset..." comes before "How could I not be? They're coming for me. I can feel it." though. (note that you have "it" and not "I" for that one)

  • @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:


    Not bad. I think "I've never seen you this upset..." comes before "How could I not be? They're coming for me. I can feel it." though. (note that you have "it" and not "I" for that one)

    Thanks for noticing that! I've corrected the order below accordingly.

    I was working off of the list at, which incorrectly lists that one note as "how could it not be" instead of the correct "how could I not be". :)

  • I don't think these notes lead us anywhere in particular. There isn't any identifying information in them in regards to who is speaking or where or what about.

    I guess we wait for Rare to unlock the next part.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Yeah, I think the conversation is more for building the story. Hopefully, once it's over, we'll get the actual timeline of events.

    I expect we'll get the next step soon enough though, if we haven't already had it hinted at. There were still the skull clouds and also the different knot on the flag at the shipwright in the Sanctuary Outpost picture.

    Maybe the skulls are a hint at the 8 hidden key skulls through the map as being the next lantern activated clues?

  • On the key page it says to share the key on twitter. I am afraid that‘s the main thing we have to do next. …

  • @tatapolus said in The Mystery Begins!:

    On the key page it says to share the key on twitter. I am afraid that‘s the main thing we have to do next. …

    I believe we've done that part and that's what "wound up" the music box and got us the rowboat notes.

  • As nice as it is that we're getting things solved as much as some of the hints they're giving us, these conversation logs don't really get us anywhere as far as who killed Demarco.

    I do have one question however, and I'm not sure if it's something that was discussed through this whole case: is there any significance with the footprints on Sea Dog's Rest? I dunno why, but those footprints have been kinda bothering me for some time now...

  • @capt-brookes said in The Mystery Begins!:

    As nice as it is that we're getting things solved as much as some of the hints they're giving us, these conversation logs don't really get us anywhere as far as who killed Demarco.

    I do have one question however, and I'm not sure if it's something that was discussed through this whole case: is there any significance with the footprints on Sea Dog's Rest? I dunno why, but those footprints have been kinda bothering me for some time now...

    Yes. The footprints lead to the rocks where the mysterious note can be found. The note directs you to the red shell, which points to the lantern’s location underwater.

  • @b0ttle-0-rum
    Well I know they lead to the note between those rocks, but... why are the footprints leading to the barrels as well?

    If the footprints were to lead to the note, it should have been a straight and clean path to the rocks. However they're all over the shores around the barrels. Doesn't that seem kinda odd to anybody?

  • @realstyli

    It's not impossible that the skulls with keys on are the next step, but much like what I just wrote elsewhere, these are leftovers from an event many, many years ago. I would find it unlikely that they would be used for the murder mystery, but everything is possible.

  • I'm kinda curious as to what we're supposed to look for next really, unless we gotta wait for Rare to post another possible hint in their Twitter page.

    Before when they had the pic with the MM retweet hint people retweeted. After that happened a video was released with the MMM wind as the next step. Now we did that and there doesn't seem to be anything new with the vid playing 'Row your boat'.

    Anyone have any clue what we're supposed to figure out next?

  • I'm going to sail to Lagoon of Whispera today and harass Umbra and search her island thoroughly. Especially around any rowboat or sunken ships

  • I think an order should be like this (1 is probably DeMarco, 2nd is person that come to meet him):

    1: Don't startle me like that! I nearly shot you. (Smugglers' Bay - B)
    2: As if you could. (Mermaid's Hideaway - B)
    1: You're the last person I expected here. (Lone Cove - G)
    2: You thought I'd just let this go. (Wanderer's Refuge - G)
    1: You said yourself we were done. (Crooked Masts - G)
    2: So? I lied. (Kraken's Fall - G)
    1: Don't tell me you're becoming sentimental after all this time. (Sunken Grove - G)
    2: I've never seen you this upset... (Old Faithful Isle - B)
    1: How could I not be? They're coming for me. I can feel it. (Sunken Grove - B)
    2: You're being ridiculous. (Plunder Valley - B)
    1: I mean it. I don't trust anyone, not any more. (Crescent Isle - B)
    2: No-one can know I was here. (The Devil's Thirst - B)
    1: I don't think so. I have to cover my tracks. (Thieves' Haven - B)
    2: Just listen! None of this feels right... (Ruby's Fall - G)
    1: Of course it is. Right from the start, it has been. (Shark Bait Cove - G)
    2: This isn't a joke! (Thieves' Haven - G)
    1: He made that perfectly clear. (Flintlock Peninsula - G)
    2: The truth will come out. It always does, sooner or later. (Ashen Reaches - B)

    P.S. English isn't my native.

  • how many keys on the web page have been found so far. I've found wind, turn and pivot is there any others than these.

  • @danileros dijo en The Mystery Begins!:

    2: The truth will come out. It always does, sooner or later. (Ashen Reaches - B)

    I think DeMarco is the one who says that phrase, he knows he is going to die and is warning his killer that "The truth always comes out, sooner or later"

  • @epsilon347 пишет в The Mystery Begins!:

    @danileros dijo en The Mystery Begins!:

    2: The truth will come out. It always does, sooner or later. (Ashen Reaches - B)

    I think DeMarco is the one who says that phrase, he knows he is going to die and is warning his killer that "The truth always comes out, sooner or later"

    Probably. This phrase is most difficult one.
    But I'm not sure he is speaking to his murderer. Why would a killer convince DeMarco that no one was following him? I'm not actually sure DeMarco is even dead. What if he faked his own death? We have skeleton, text (who wrote it?) and Sea Dog hat. No sign of battle (although it proves nothing), no jacket (DeMarco was naked?), skeleton is not 100% belongs to him. That's also could be DeMarco speaking to some of ex-seadogs (also it could be Amaranta, although she's my main suspect for now).

  • Another potential clue? Today's Trivia Tuesday tweet is about DeMarco, Lesedi, and a chest that opens when "sharing a drink"... hmmm...

    Sea of Thieves tweeted:

    DeMarco and Lesedi had a tempestuous relationship growing up. The squabbling siblings were encouraged to reconcile by the Pirate Lord, who guided them to the Sea of Thieves and left them a chest that could only be opened by sharing a drink. #TriviaTuesday

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