Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?

  • So, one thing that's cropped up over the few days the mystery has been revealed is the question: Is it all out there?

    By this I mean, is the entire mystery out there ready to solve right now, if players were to be smart enough or lucky enough?


    Does it rely on Rare adding more pieces as the community discovers things? In other words, the Mystery CANNOT be solved or progressed until Rare says it can by adding the next piece?

    This might seem like a subtle difference but I think it's a major difference in philosophy... one has players out there looking, and other has players waiting.

    Can we please know which one it is?

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  • I'm wondering the same thing because right now it doesn't feel like we're taking part in solving a mystery as much as we are slowly being drip fed a story via various forms of social media updates.
    I would love to jump in to the game and both literally and figuratively turn every single island up-side-down looking for clues but... If there aren't any new clues to be found until the next update is released and we're told to go to X place in a tweet... Well... I'm not very inclined to take part.

  • @sinsabre said in Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?:

    I'm wondering the same thing because right now it doesn't feel like we're taking part in solving a mystery as much as we are slowly being drip fed a story via various forms of social media updates.
    I would love to jump in to the game and both literally and figuratively turn every single island up-side-down looking for clues but... If there aren't any new clues to be found until the next update is released and we're told to go to X place in a tweet... Well... I'm not very inclined to take part.

    Yes, this is the exact feeling.

    And that would be ok too, but that's not what it was built up as.

    If it's true that this is an incremental story drip (as evidenced by having to retweet a tweet 2000 times??) then this is far away from how I imagined something like this could go.

    I'd much prefer the mystery to be all out there, all at once, and it's up to the players. Blizzard did this with WoW in recent years, and it turned out quite awesome!

    If the Mystery is only completed by Rare releasing step 2, step 3 and so forth, that's not what I was hoping for :(

  • @lethality1 Yeah I'm hoping that maybe it's just starting out like this and that there'll be other parts that are much more in game and player involved. I would love for it to be a crazy in game obscure easter egg hunt! Kind of like a crazy cod zombies easter egg if you've every seen those.

    That's what I was hoping these would be. Right now this feels even less immersive then downloading an update to check out world changes now I'm just waiting to see a number on a social media platform go up to probably see a single small thing that I'll then have to wait for another post on social media to continue.

    Though Rare does seem to be famously not great at first impressions so maybe these will get there eventually. I don't mind having the whole social media thing be a part of it but it doesn't feel like a mystery right now. A mystery implies something to discover and right now it doesn't feel like there is anything to discover I'm just waiting a long time to be told the answer

  • I worry about the same thing, if it was all out there I believe someone would have found another part of the mystery.
    It must be drip fed to fill in the gaps between adventures.

    I assume pieces of the mystery are likely saved to release after the plunder passes have been out for a while to get player counts back up a bit to see the new display in the "museum tour" they'll call storytelling.

    I hope im wrong and it's all out there but thats wishful thinking imo.

  • Is there anything to do in the game at all? Aside from going to see the skeleton...

  • @pithyrumble
    Sailing around fighting Ghosts, other ships, skelettons, Fish... Plenty indeed... And don't Forget it's THE Skeletton... Not a normal Skeletton! What Else could you Wish for?

  • @sabreman5454 said in Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?:

    Sailing around fighting Ghosts, other ships, skelettons, Fish... Plenty indeed... And don't Forget it's THE Skeletton... Not a normal Skeletton! What Else could you Wish for?

    I meant special to the mystery. Smarnacle.

  • @pithyrumble
    Oh... Then i misunderstood :'D
    Well in fact i am currently traveling around on the neighboring Islands trying to find clues or traces... It's kinda fun trying to piece it together... But until rare gives us another hint actually noone knows if there is more...

    Fun Fact tho: the skeletton itself actually brought me Back from Retirement :'D

  • @pithyrumble said in Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?:

    Is there anything to do in the game at all? Aside from going to see the skeleton...

    There is now from what I'm hearing. People have found a lantern that's revealing hidden secrets on various islands. Best get in there and check it out!

  • @gundy-the-shark sagte in Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?:

    @pithyrumble said in Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?:

    Is there anything to do in the game at all? Aside from going to see the skeleton...

    There is now from what I'm hearing. People have found a lantern that's revealing hidden secrets on various islands. Best get in there and check it out!

    Scratches His old Bones Out of his bed and Starts racing to His ship!

    Finally! Thanks Mate! Lets get this coward of a Killer!

  • So with the appearance of new mystery related content in game as soon as the retweet goal was met we now know that there are "hard stops" that can't be overcome/bypassed until Rare flips the switch that enables additional progression.
    There are things to discover in-game right now but it would be safe to assume that there is a limit to how much can be discovered and that there are more switches to be flipped in the future.

    With that the answer to the initial question of -"Is it all out there?" is clearly -"No".

    Now I personally find that a bit disappointing and would prefer to be Sherlock Holmes, finding the clues and unraveling the mystery at my own pace, but being John Watson and piece by piece being told what happened is okay as well I guess...

    Just not what I would've hoped for.

  • Insider is under NDA

    A reminder Pirates that if you have that Insider badge you signed and agreed to follow the terms of a NDA.
    This means you never confirm or deny what is in the builds, or even hint or speculate...

  • @lethality1 I would hazard, based on this thread: that there is already stuff out there matey to find!

  • @sshteeve
    No one is arguing or claiming that there isn't stuff to find in the game, the game world is massive and there are easter eggs and references in there to keep you busy for weeks if you're so inclined.
    The question was whether or not a pirate with smarts enough or dumb luck enough could right here and now make their way through and "solve" the entire mystery with what is available in (and out of) game right now.
    And as I said with the magical appearance of new content as soon as the retweet goal was reached we know for a fact that there are limits to what the community can discover on their own.
    For example the lantern mentioned in the thread you linked was not available in game before Rare flipped the switch and allowed it to be found.
    So -"Yes, you can find stuff." but also -"No, you can't completely solve the mystery."
    No criticism, no speculation, just a logically derived conclusion.

  • Follow the Mysterious notes and see what you dig up. 🙃

  • @sshteeve said in Mysteries Feedback - Is it all out there, or not?:

    @lethality1 I would hazard, based on this thread: that there is already stuff out there matey to find!

    The thing is this... was that there to find BEFORE the community retweeted the tweet, then Rare unlocked/added it? Or was it ALWAYS there and players just hadn't found it yet?

    Because it certainly sound like the former, that these next steps did not exist... finding the item, or seeing the additional person, etc... until Rare unlocked them due to community interaction.

    In my opinion, it should not be that kind of community interaction at all... it should be solely community ingenuity and teamwork that solves the mystery.

    Edit: I am trying hard not to type literal spoilers here... I know what you liked is different than what I am talking about as well.

  • I don't know how I feel about Rare's appraoch. On one hand having to hit goals in social media in order for changes to actually take place is a little lame, but on the other I don't think I'd want someone to solve and spoil the entire mystery in the first day just because they had the spare time.

  • Hope its all out there because otherwise they are literally wasting our time.

    If its in pieces, they should say that so far we got everything needed, ghost chase is not cool.

  • The tweet based unlocks for additional clues/content kind of makes me not want to waste time participating in hunting down clues for something that can't be solved.

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