South African Azure Servers

  • Based on Rare using Azure servers and one of their patch notes from roughly a year ago stating they were going to implement South African servers (there are two Azure Data centers based in ZA now), are we ever going to see this come to pass.

    There is a fairly large SoT following in ZA, but due to high pings many have put the game down as it makes certain encounters very frustrating especially when it comes to PvP.
    If we had servers in out region I'm sure Rare won't have any issues filling these servers.

    So my question is: Is there still a plan to implement these servers or has this idea been scuttled and sent to the bottom of the seas?

  • 29
  • @s0ulmuncha
    Here to add my lantern towards this topic.

    Any information regarding this topic from them will be greatly appreciated, as stated it has been well over a year now.

  • @AttacaAlpaca I found you a thread!

  • Here to add my lantern for a South Africa server!

  • I second this.

    Been waiting forever for ZA Servers to make things a little more bearable when it comes to PVP.

    Playing against pirates with 200ms-300ms latency is not very optimal for a PVP based game either. Enjoying it, but would be so much more beneficial for the South African community to have our very own servers.

  • Yip we’re waiting for more than a year already

  • Raising my lantern as well.
    Would love some local servers to improve ping.

  • I quite like adventuring the open seas, but when it comes to pvp & lag, I may as well just burn my own boat down & give the other team my treasure... Hoping a local South African server would mean the difference between my entire crew fighting it out vs rage quitting because we can't even get a single hit in.

  • It's hard to explain how excited me and my group of friends were when we read that we would get South African servers in the patch notes.

    The disappointment of it not turning out to be true left us a very bitter taste.

    Hopefully we can get servers as SOT is really reliant on good ping. We have more than enough players to populate a few lobbies! Arr

  • Raising my lantern for a South African Server!

  • Raising my lantern for South African servers ;)

  • Raising my Lantern for this one!

  • Hey, just posting to acknowledge that we've seen this. Unfortunately there are a bunch of technical reasons why this isn't just a switch we can flick. So for the moment we'll look at fixing those issues before we can do anything concrete for SA servers.

  • South African Sailor here, awaiting with bated breath for a response :3

  • South African Sailor here, awaiting with bated breath for a response :3

  • @roguemat Thank you for everything you do! We appreciate the response and will be patiently waiting- it will, without a doubt, be the best day of our pirate lives lol :)

  • @roguemat - If you need server hosting partners, I know people that have datacentres that might be able to assist with local hosting in South Africa.

  • Lantern raised to The hopeful soon birth of SA servers

  • @roguemat
    The acknowledgedmet is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you sincerely...

  • Been playing this game on and off since 2019. Love it, South African servers will be a big benefit, not only for ZA but also other Southern African countries. Please Rare... ! High Latency is crazy for us on the US and EU servers at times.

  • This would be the best thing to happen.
    So many people i know will get back on the game!

  • This will be great rare. More ZA players will start playing again.

  • Here to add my lantern for a South Africa server!

  • @roguemat - Any update on the SA SoT Servers? It's been confirmed that Microsoft does have Azure servers in South Africa. I have a couple friends that are leaving SoT due to the ping issue. Trying to PVP or just defend your ship against players with like a 25ms ping, is just ridiculous. The SA SoT community is growing (even with people leaving), and with there being no PVE only servers, trying to PVP, in a PVP game with our ping is just defeating the object.

  • @roguemat - Just my monthly followup... anything on SA servers yet?

  • @iceshadehq not yet, unfortunately.

  • @roguemat - Thanks for the update. I'm serious about helping with getting servers this side.

  • @roguemat - Just your quarterly update request. :)

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