Arctic region

  • Please, as a player from the far north, can we have an arctic region? I think it would so cool if you actually had icebergs floating around in the water that ships have to navigate, but they aren't stationary, so, if a ship hits one it now drifts in that direction. And much like the Devil's Roar, you could have islands periodically calve chunks of ice down into the water, creating a bit of a wave, and quite dangerous for any ships parked offshore. The fish that could be caught in the area could be some sort of herring/salmon. And your storytellers could have a heyday making ice caves and Yeti bosses to fight. You could even implement a type of snow blizzard storm that not only gets water into the bottom of the ship but accumulates snow on the deck that you need to shovel off or you ride low and slow down. In addition, you could come up with some pretty awesome polar furry-type cosmetics. Considering the aurora borealis that we actually see in the game only really occurs near the arctic circles in our world, it would make more sense to have an arctic region in the game.

  • 30
    feedbackstory & loregeneral
  • It’s been asked for since the beginning. While I think it could be cool I don’t see it happening.

  • This has been asked for at least a thousand times by now. Absolutely not. An Ice-covered region makes absolutely no thematic sense, since the Sea of Thieves is inspired by the Caribbean and Golden Age piracy in that region of the world.

  • @blam320 I always found this as a bad argument to why there shouldn’t be an ice area. Anything is possible in the Sea of Thieves. it makes as much sense to have a cold region as having a region full of volcanoes and orange crystal things. It’s not like we already have ice themed cosmetics, not too farfetched to think that the shroud is hiding some frozen lands.

  • No.

    No never.

    Not only does it make no sense in the setting - no don't give me the 'Sea of Thieves is magic' argument. Because using that logic I could justify adding F1 cars to drive around in "we have volcanoes, magic fog and skeletons, why not cars!?"

    There is a difference between being unrealistic for the sake of Gameplay and being unrealistic for the sake of just adding content. And volcanoes make at least some sense.

    And the main reason, servers are dead enough already. You can sail for hours and find noone. Don't tell me to raise Reapers or whatever, interaction is an INTERGRAL part of the game. People should be constantly fighting for their loot. But today you can pull up at a FoF and take 3 hours to do it and no one will challenge you. Ship. Density. Is. Too. Low. And adding another place altogether would make it even worse! If they added a new sea, we would need AT LEAST 8 ships a server.

    And finally, there's nowhere for it to go. Look at the Devil's Roar. It's too out of place to really be good for anything.

    The big 3 oceans all interconnect and create a perfect space. The DR is just stuck to the side of the Ancient Isles. No interconnectivity. Hence why the place can be considered a PvE server.

    No sea forts, no shrines or any significant reward. Just aimbot volcanos and irritating geysers.

    So attaching an ice Region to the side of the map would have the same effect. To far away from the main map to be worth visiting.

    HOWEVER having said all this, I think it could be quite fun to have the map get covered in snow at Christmas or something. Sort of an Ice Region.

    P.s. it's arCtic not artic

  • As someone from the far south…


  • I have zero desire to see this come to the game. I find the environment to be bland as an aesthetic, and generally speaking I have never seen gameplay mechanics based around "cold" regions that are actually fun to deal with outside of the Survival Game genre (and even then they typically aren't all that exciting). If anything, the mechanics that tend to come with these things are just generally annoying.

    I know I would never spend time in this kind of an area. I really hope efforts are focused on things that would be leaps and bounds more interesting and enriching to the game than this.

  • think it would so cool if you actually had icebergs

    I see what you did there. XD

    But no. Sorry.

  • 4 years and no region. Frozen horizon and frostbite set but nothing. They should make the dr more interesting and add an ice region.

  • @timedsatyr79799 how can they make the burning, ashen skied, lava filed, volcano erupting area with it's own lore, characters and outpost that starts a unique Tall Tale more interesting?!

  • A couple of tweets that may be of interest...

    Stay frosty!

  • @Sshteeve the dr should be expanded, new voyage types, spawnable outpost, volcanoes nerfed, new enemy type, and more

  • Love the idea! Frozen islands with slippery conditions, fighting yetis or such. And making map bigger is always a hard plus! Atm world is way too small and you can always find other players in 10-15mins sailing. Having less player encounters would make them more meaningful.

  • @killzone1401 though the eastern edge of the Caribbean does have volcanoes.

  • No Ice Region.

    But improving DR would be welcome.

  • @captain-coel i really don’t know, i doubt there are as many volcanoes there all close by eachother like in game though.

  • @killzone1401 Just about all the eastern Islands have volcanoes although some have been dormant for some time now.

  • I also initially read this thinking : yeah it’s what a lot of fans have wanted for a long time now but it won’t ever happen and I’m okay with that. But reading @musicmee ‘s post:

    A couple of tweets that may be of interest...

    Stay frosty!

    As well as reading Chapman’s responses on twitter from just a day ago I really don’t know what to think now. I still think an Aztec are would be cooler as it would fit the theme better. But as said in the tweet the cold would come from a curse not the climate.

  • You know what is to the north... the Bermuda triangle, can you imagine the strange lore that could be added to the game.

  • @killzone1401

    just a quick google image

  • @blam320 I guess you haven't watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End." Regardless, there was a heavy exploration of the arctic regions at the same time as the Golden Age of piracy when merchants and explorers searched for the elusive "Northern Passage" route to the "Orient," thus avoiding the Caribbean altogether. Perhaps you've heard of the HMS Erebus and the HMS Terror of the British Royal Navy frozen in ice North of Greenland losing 168 souls.

    As far as it working in the game, I dunno. Just thought it'd be a cool idea that would "fit" into the theme. There could be a few islands between the Coral fortress and Tribute Peak.

  • @captain-coel didn’t know we had that many volcanoes on earth lol

  • @blam320 but the IcE zOnE

  • With all due respect to Mike Chapman, a quick glance at the night sky within the game would dispute his claim that the SoT is in the Caribbean. They are the music makers, and they are the dreamers of the dream, so they are welcome to limit the world to whatever boundaries they like. But if Mike’s tweet is the final word on it (and of course it would be), then that undermines some pretty cool theories. I have always felt like there was something deeper going on that is hinted at through the paintings, elements, and ruins around the map. Mysteries that would eventually reveal more if we paid close attention to them. Some of it has been revealed within the game. I felt like Suds, the telescopes placed around the world, and the night sky was a huge clue that we are somewhere else entirely. Nothing about the positions of the SoT stars matches our own. It sounds like maybe they just did the sky that way for “reasons” that they might address somehow when they decide to think it up. It strips the feeling of depth from the world for me.

  • The movie potc 3 had just an ice region because they were going to davey jones locker. No such thing as an ice region, it does and doesn't fit, so i would love to hear alot about the benefits. Pass

  • @budmaniak said in Arctic region:

    @blam320 I guess you haven't watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End." Regardless, there was a heavy exploration of the arctic regions at the same time as the Golden Age of piracy when merchants and explorers searched for the elusive "Northern Passage" route to the "Orient," thus avoiding the Caribbean altogether. Perhaps you've heard of the HMS Erebus and the HMS Terror of the British Royal Navy frozen in ice North of Greenland losing 168 souls.

    As far as it working in the game, I dunno. Just thought it'd be a cool idea that would "fit" into the theme. There could be a few islands between the Coral fortress and Tribute Peak.

    The scene from "At World's End" didn't take place in the Caribbean, now did it?

    You don't find tropical islands literally right next to ice-covered wastelands. It's not natural in the slightest. This isn't the early days of Minecraft where you could find a Tundra next to a Jungle. Just because pirates or sailors visited in the past, doesn't automatically make it "thematic." We don't have any East Asia-themed area in the game, yet Pirates were very active there. Same with the Mediterranean. No, we are in an environment clearly intended to be an analogue to the Caribbean. Which means no natural ice.

  • @blam320 Alright, that's fine if you and others aren't into the idea. For the record, I would be into an "Eastern" region as well. But I wouldn't say it would be hard to "transition" from say, The Wilds, to The Arctic, when the game transitions to other areas all the time, such as when you get close to the Reaper's Hideout, or The Fort of the Damned, which turns a greyish green regardless of whether it is day or night elsewhere in the world. I agree with others that it probably won't happen, but was thinking it might be cool.

  • @budmaniak said in Arctic region:

    @blam320 Alright, that's fine if you and others aren't into the idea. For the record, I would be into an "Eastern" region as well. But I wouldn't say it would be hard to "transition" from say, The Wilds, to The Arctic, when the game transitions to other areas all the time, such as when you get close to the Reaper's Hideout, or The Fort of the Damned, which turns a greyish green regardless of whether it is day or night elsewhere in the world. I agree with others that it probably won't happen, but was thinking it might be cool.

    You say that as if the Reaper's Hideout or FOTD aren't under a magical curse that makes them that way.

  • @blam320 Yes, much like transitioning into the Devil's Roar. And as Chapman said, the only way there would be snow and ice in SoT is if by a magical curse, so if it were to be then that's how I suppose. The northern part of The Wilds north of Old Faithful seems cold and desolate anyway.

  • @budmaniak

    I would love a frozen or Arctic region but considering that the Devils Roar is dead there is no reason to build another region that will die off.

    Rare didn’t add ashen versions of the sea forts, lost shipwreck voyages or the ghost fleet voyages. If it wasn’t for the 2 tall tales, the Devils Roar would suffer the same fate as the Arena

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