GOLD Sinking

  • EDIT: 100k for empty storage crate, must be PL is the current idea.

    Purchasable supplies in storage crates. As seen most people don't have the time to spend for several hours of resource collecting, especially those who just want to jump into a game real quick. The limited amount of supplies I agree help balance the game. But what if you could get, let's just say, 99 cannons, 50 planks, and 50 coconuts all for 15000 gold or more. If someone just wants to waste their gold, each game day, and buy all the supplies they need to take on galleon for the next seven years go ahead. Most ships won't last more than a few days, even being passed on. This is a bare bones idea. It could be limited by merchant level, and have to be purchased like a quest from a merchant. The cost would be displayed also. Or even make it purchasable from the tavern. Giving outpost a little more love. The new items have been great at sinking gold, but as a player who sails almost 5 days a week for multiple hours. These one time gold sinks do nothing for me other than lower my amount of gold for the next 2 weeks. By having something that is a play to win and can on daily take away 15k or more of gold. Might entice people to trade in that ever accumulating gold to stabilize.

  • 31
  • @chuckn0357

    Supplying your ship is part of the gameplay loop. It has never been easier and does not require you to sit around at the outpost at the start of the session. How much you gather is dependent upon your efforts.

    When you are sailing you can shoot out and get a full inventory, when you pass barrels in the water you can harpoon them on, when you are at an island you can fill your pockets, look out for storage crates and cycle through rowboats as portable barrels that you unload on your ship. I literally take 2 inventories of supplies at the start of my session, one from the tavern and one from the shipwright. After that it is happy sailing.

    The rich pirates should not be able to simply skip this element of the game, because they spent more time in it. That is the point of a session based horizontal progression system. Not to mention, contesting cloud events, server hopping, coming back with way more supplies after a sink for revenge and even drawn out battles being dependent upon supplies gathered. Gold sinks are fine, but they should remain in the cosmetic space.

  • @chuckn0357 No.

    @CotU42 is right!

    Even if the crates were empty, it would still impart a few advantages such as circumventing barrel placement. Reducing the time to resupply hurts others' ability to sneak up on you, attack you, steal from you, kill you, and sink you. This game follows a deliberate pace to allow for those kinds of things to happen. Sure you don't have to grab supplies if you don't want, but be ready to be shorthanded at a moment's notice...

  • I would spend 150,000 for 99 Cannonballs

  • I think having this feature would be very nice, but what I think @CotU42 is trying to say; I think it must be a very balanced and delicate addition to the game. I'd happily spend quite a lot of gold on things like wood and cannonballs (maybe more for cursed .ect) but to balance this maybe it could take some time for the crate to be 'made' and maybe you'd have to pick it up from another outpost for example. Either way, I do think this game needs to let you do more with gold aquired; but that's something for another post!

  • @callum5771

    It isn't ever balanced if I can just buy it. I play solo and fight other crews, the supply battle is crucial for me to have a chance if the other crew isn't a bunch of flat out noobs.

    Also 15k is nothing for some while a huge pile for others, I wouldn't even blink at that cost, 100 cannonballs alone is worth more... an average haul for me is 100k or more. The rich do not need an game advantage over the poor that are trying to gain treasure, it makes it even easier for the rich to steal from them. Not to mention crew sizes, eliminate the cost even more.

    Stocking has two functions: Creating value by investing into your ship, slowing down the ability to set sail and fight at full force, be it at the start of a session or after a sink. A fully stocked ship is a powerful advantage to have and is often a key factor in the duration of a naval battle. Naval playstyles are founded in a supply battle versus competent crews and some key moments in battle. I really do not need multiple hour battles and returning crews, because everyone just effortlessly stock up.

    I literally contested a brigantine yesterday at the Fort of the Damned and the only reason I won was because I shot them so many times with cannonballs and chain shots that they ran out of planks and I had enough to spare. It was a good 45 mins of pure naval combat, yeah I can avoid boarders and both parties knew how to disengage and reset. If they could stock up instantly they might have came back and keep doing it till I had nothing and then I could do it in return. Now with their limited supplies they called it quits, they gave up on the event they started. Even though they had ample time to stock if they wanted... took me a while to do it alone.

    This btw is not some uncommon fight I have. When I meet a decent crew this is how I need to fight as I cannot afford leaving my ship versus them, a single level 1 hole can sink my ship... I am alone. A single stray cannonball will sink me if I leave.

  • The issue of attempting to gold sink a game like Sea Of Thieves, which has most if not all of it's gold transitions focus on non-gameplay altering cosmetics, is that the intended design for the game is to have minimal to no difference between a new player and a veteran player.

    If a system were to be introduced where you can buy items such as storage crates, I can see them easily becoming a necessity and overtaking the balancing act of "time = supplies". Overall I think there's a much better fix to this.

    Storage crates should remain random and only be found in their normal circumstances, however, I believe a buff is in order for their functionality. A system where you can interact between two storage containers at once is needed.

    A mechanic which will show you the inventory of both the storage crate in your hands, and the inventory of the barrel you're interacting with is long overdue and would be a welcome feature, allowing you to pick and choose which items you want without having to transfer from barrel to inventory, to crate, or vise-versa.

  • It's not like it's even hard to gather supplies anymore. I hate the way it's become so easy. There are supplies EVERYWHERE! I would love to see it go back to year 1 where you had to work hard to stock a ship. And now you want it even easier?

    Why does everything have to get nerfed? I guess you play too much if you have far too much gold, not everyone has that luxury of time. This game is not pay to win and no way should players be allowed to stock a ship with a purchase.

  • @chuckn0357 sagte in GOLD Sinking:

    most people don't have the time to spend for several hours of resource collecting

    never did and never needed to spend "several hours" for it.
    I grab all i can get at the pier and set sail, i pick the first rowboat and collect all i come across, mostly i stop doing it after 2 stops, because too many supplies would make me fell bad when i got sunk :P

    buyable supplies or crates would take away this as a part of the gameplay loop and it is an intended part of the gameplay loop many dont like - but i dont want to miss as it is an important part to me from an immersive pov.
    The requests are one evidence that most people get the game wrong from scratch, but so be it.

    buyble supplies and or crates would make the SoT become very much imbalanced and cater to serverhoppers who can then fully stock a ship.

    BIG NO from me!

  • I would spend my gold on a crate of fireworks to shoot out of cannons.

  • So the 2 main arguments it seems its too easy to get supplies and its imbalanced. Even if its an empty storage crate for a high price, there is no advantage other than you get out of the gate a little faster. If its so easy to gather supplies while sailing what difference does it make having an empty storage crate, or ridiculous priced supplies. Maybe just for PLs that these voyages purchasable maybe once a month where you can stock a ship or some kind of timer on the actual crate of sort. I know there has to be balancing and thats where I want to discuss where that balancing really comes into play. The idea is to not punish new players. But after about the 1000th time stocking a ship, an empty storage crate is not going to make anyone better at the game. What would be wrong with an empty storage crate, lets start with that first.

  • 100k, must be pl, buy it from merchant. Empty storage crate.

  • Why is a gold sink needed at all?

    Gold isnt a resource in this game. I know its hard to break out of the habit from the numerous other games that use it as a true currency, but that doesnt make it one in sea of thieves. You dont interact with other players (such as in any mmo trades) or change your gameplay at all (such as buying TP or potions in a single player arpg). The gold is worth nothing. Adding any sort of thing to transform it into a true currency would drastically alter the game and just be a slippery slope. It's a great system for alot of games, just not for this game.

    I think alot of the concern about the gold economy (despite it not exisiting) stems from people who aren't used to open ended session based games where the adventure you have is the reason for playing, or who made obtaining alot of gold their motivation for grinding out voyages and are coming to the realization they couldnt see the forest for the trees

  • Take a storage crate to tributes peak and keep scuttling your ship.

    I managed to gather 1000 cannon balls in around 6 minutes.

  • @jaegerdelta3465 the whole idea is something to spend your gold on. After buying everything, what purpose does it actually have. Voyages are chump change. Cosmetics are bought. Now what do I do when I go on to make another 15 million. Wait for the next 5 cosmetics and buy them. By that time I will already have another 20 million. So the idea is making gold useful. Dabloons are balanced enough with the quest being at 50 and generally all items that sell for dabloons dont go over 15 dabloons. Granted everyone is probably sitting on 5k dabloons at least. Game changing to have a storage crate is least of the issues if any an issue. It's also a way to say hey your a PL and you've earned the right to get a storage crate. Its not like this is overpriced either. There needs to be a goal to get gold at somepoint to. I have other ideas for gold sinking but this is just generally an idea to push the use for gold.

    If anything I dont see any arguments to why this would be a bad thing to have. It gives only the advantage of time by not having to run back to your ship multiple times.

  • @mythrl Out of curiosity, have you ever tried moving something from 1 container to another WITHOUT using your hands? 🤔

    Your proposal seems sound, but the reason why we don't have that time-saving feature is exactly because it saves time. Having to transfer from one container to your inventory to another container deliberately sets a pace for how long it takes, thus forcing you to decide how and when you want to move large amounts that might potentially leave you vulnerable.

    For example, yesterday while duo-slooping, my crewmate went to find some chickens on an island while I gathered supplies with a storage crate. We were so absorbed with our tasks, that we neglected to keep an eye out, and we were subsequently approached, and summarily sunk, by another sloop as we attempted, and failed, to escape. Had we been more vigilant, that might not have happened. Had I been able to resupply faster, it might not have happened - and that's 1 less scenario for your open-world sandbox.

  • @galactic-geek this also reinforces the point that having a crate available to purchase at an outpost may save time, but still allows people to sneak up on you.

  • @chuckn0357 gold is just points. If it is a motivator for you, that's great. But it is like coins in super mario. Heck, the game even tells you that the gold doesnt matter in the story.

    Any feature, such as this one, that allows gold to affect gameplay would change the game on a fundamental level. Supplies are what actually matter, in terms of actual gameplay. If ship A sinks ship B at an active (but not yet completed) fort of the damned. Ship A has expended supplies to do so, and there is a finite ammount of additional supplies on the island. Ship B now can sail to an outpost and buy supplies while ship A is still finishing the fort. And fort of the damned often draw in more than one interested ship, so ship A is supposed to defend against people with functionally unlimited supply while having limited supplies themselves.

    It's bad gameplay and opens the door to any number of such scenarios where how deep a pirates pockets are determines the outcome more than then strength of their backs and sweat on their brow. The game is a session based sandbox, the only effect your previous adventures should have on your current one is what you have experienced and learned along the way.

  • @jaegerdelta3465 Empty storage crate is what im pushing for, price negotiable but it would be nice to buy something to help but not imbalance the game.

  • @chuckn0357 oh I read that wrong then. Lel.

    Yeah, if its empty, have at it. I dont see that being a problem. Although it would be interesting to see just how much time it saves at each outpost versus making multiple trips. I dont imagine it would be significant but only one way to find out. Break out the stopwatches homies

  • @chuckn0357 said in GOLD Sinking:

    @galactic-geek this also reinforces the point that having a crate available to purchase at an outpost may save time, but still allows people to sneak up on you.

    If it saves time buying a crate, it means that they have less time to sneak up on you, so please explain to me how exactly it still allows people to sneak up on you.

    Without a storage crate, emptying out an outpost of its supplies takes 10+ minutes. With it, less than 5...

  • @glannigan said in GOLD Sinking:

    I would spend 150,000 for 99 Cannonballs

    Take a storage crate to the shores of gold. You can gather 1000 cannon balls in a mere 5 minutes nevermind 99 cannonballs. As long as you have the gold hoarder coin chrckpoint you cna sail straight there too!

    Scuttle, load up, scuttle, load up.

    Thats why i can fire shots i dont even expect to hit. Resourse rich! 😉

  • @chuckn0357 said in GOLD Sinking:

    So the 2 main arguments it seems its too easy to get supplies and its imbalanced. Even if its an empty storage crate for a high price, there is no advantage other than you get out of the gate a little faster. If its so easy to gather supplies while sailing what difference does it make having an empty storage crate, or ridiculous priced supplies. Maybe just for PLs that these voyages purchasable maybe once a month where you can stock a ship or some kind of timer on the actual crate of sort. I know there has to be balancing and thats where I want to discuss where that balancing really comes into play. The idea is to not punish new players. But after about the 1000th time stocking a ship, an empty storage crate is not going to make anyone better at the game. What would be wrong with an empty storage crate, lets start with that first.

    If you are agreeing its so easy then why do you need a storage crate??

    The main issue here isn't supplying the ship. Its you.

    How much time do you need when you load into the game?? Do you need to spend 15mins?? 30mins?? As long as it takes to grab every supply from every barrel??

    That looks to be a personal problem to me and everyone else.

    You don't have to SPEND that much time at the island. You are doing it WILLINGLY and you want us to agree to give you a way to make it easier. How about instead we just say No.

    You are choosing to spend that amount of time, you are choosing to tell yourself - "I need everything off this outpost". You really don't and you will always get a storage crate by just sailing to another island.

    Doing a quest that takes you to one of the main islands?? Guess what, theres a row boat there and a storage crate there.

    You don't want to spend that much time when you load in then DON'T. How many times have PvP'ers loaded in the game and grabbed 1 set and then set sail only to have a ton of supplies within 30mins of sailing without stopping.

    Get better at the game broski. Learn to manage your supplies better and learn that you don't need to empty every barrel when you load in.

  • @daringclarky said in GOLD Sinking:

    @glannigan said in GOLD Sinking:

    I would spend 150,000 for 99 Cannonballs

    Take a storage crate to the shores of gold. You can gather 1000 cannon balls in a mere 5 minutes nevermind 99 cannonballs. As long as you have the gold hoarder coin chrckpoint you cna sail straight there too!

    Scuttle, load up, scuttle, load up.

    Thats why i can fire shots i dont even expect to hit. Resourse rich! 😉

    What? Dude write a guide for me on a 3rd Grade Level so I understand please!

    Keep in mind I’ve never done a Tall Tale. I needZ THIS!

  • @glannigan said in GOLD Sinking:

    @daringclarky said in GOLD Sinking:

    @glannigan said in GOLD Sinking:

    I would spend 150,000 for 99 Cannonballs

    Take a storage crate to the shores of gold. You can gather 1000 cannon balls in a mere 5 minutes nevermind 99 cannonballs. As long as you have the gold hoarder coin chrckpoint you cna sail straight there too!

    Scuttle, load up, scuttle, load up.

    Thats why i can fire shots i dont even expect to hit. Resourse rich! 😉

    What? Dude write a guide for me on a 3rd Grade Level so I understand please!

    Keep in mind I’ve never done a Tall Tale. I needZ THIS!

    Do the tall tales til the point you have the shroudbreaker.

    Grab a storage crate and sail to shores of gold.

    Load all supplies in the supply crate.

    Scuttle your ship.

    Your ship respawns at the shores of gold at the same place each time.

    Keep loading up supplies and scuttling. You will amasse infinite resources whenever you need them.

    If you have the checkpoint for the final tall tale (Goldhoarder coin), you can summon shroudbreaker from your ship without needing to go to morrows peak.

    If you wanna kill the gold hoarder farm his skulls and keep your tall tale checkpoint at the same time.
    Open the door using gold hoarder key, cancel tall tale and complete it! You must not die though as you may respawn on ship during the fight. Luckily he is easy to fight.

    Hope that helps!
    Never worry about supplies again!

    If you sailing a brig you can fly to the shores of gold very quickly if wind is favourable.

  • @DaringClarky


    lured a Reaper 5 into the Shroud, they didnt know what they were doing, sunk without a cannon shot ^^
    easy loot :)

    edit: oh have fun to unlock the last Tale ☠
    i did it without spoiler within 2 days after they were released. try it's really fun and challenging at times.

  • @galactic-geek
    My example really isn't that much of a time-saver, you can transfer items while sailing to destinations and beyond.

    I'm just sick of having to press F 20+ times just to transfer 50 wood from a crate into my wood barrel

  • @mythrl I use a controller. I find it very rhythmic. 😅

  • @galactic-geek
    And there's the disconnect, honestly, I don't see the problem in allowing storage crates to interact directly with storage containers, it'd be such a good addition I'd expect many people to enjoy

  • @stundorn said in GOLD Sinking:



    lured a Reaper 5 into the Shroud, they didnt know what they were doing, sunk without a cannon shot ^^
    easy loot :)

    edit: oh have fun to unlock the last Tale ☠
    i did it without spoiler within 2 days after they were released. try it's really fun and challenging at times.

    Great now 2 years of bad karma are gonna come raining down on me for the countless people I’ve slaughtered as they screamed

    “Please! No! Why? We’re just trying to do Tall Tales”

  • @xultanis-dragon Again what does that change by me getting a storage crate empty right at the start. If I am going to get a TON of supplies later on and storage crates, then what does it really effect. Does it matter to you? No. Does it matter to the galley that spawns in with the same amount of supplies as a brig? Probably. So I ask you, what does it change for me to have an empty storage crate. Its an option not a requirement I see that as your point. My point is not Supply managment, my point is to be able to clear out an island in a decent amount of time. Dagger tooth compared to Galleons Grave is drastic in terms of gathering supplies. Your argument has no weight to the cons of having a storage crate. Tell me why its bad to have one AVAILABLE to buy, if I usually end my sail with over 400 cannon balls, 200 wood, and food to feed a country.

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