Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow

  • Thankyou rare you have done a good job and it really shows. Its night and day the difference. Played a couple of matches and people actually can die and bullets shot at me can hit things other than myself.
    Thanks so much! I bought some stuff from the emporium to show my appreciation.

  • 45
  • Xbox Vs Xbox is great isn't it.

    And they say there is no difference!

    Enjoy your opt out future 😁

  • Yes brilliant now we just need to move further and have it brought to adventure

  • @princessasuna96

    My crewmates are having a blast with it as well. When they completely dominate a server they'll tell everyone they are on PC and everyone believes them and starts screaming and crying. They check the recent players and to troll the lobby they tell them that their account is loaded on the xbox but running on PC.

    There are other times when players ask them "how are you guys so good?" they just say they are on PC. After this the crew immediately leaves the match and my friends win by default since players just leave the game.

    They been winning games left and right by trolling playing into believing they are on PC. Don't even have to play half of the matches. Before they used to win over 50% to 60% of their matches, now they are winning everything without even playing.

  • @xultanis-dragon I would do that too =) Apparently you can start a game in Xbox only and invite PC players too, people think it's Opt out but it's really just MM Preference.

  • @jc-yukaze I think we will just let Rare see this and explain to them the pc community is abusing an exploit.

  • @jc-yukaze Im glad you shared evidence as to how far the pc community will go to antagonize xbox players even by going as far to abuse exploits oh wait they already do that lol.

  • @blatantwalk4260 wait what hold on!!!!

    Dont pull the whole pc community into this... there are bad apples on both sides of this coin and you know this just as well as i do...

    Anyway, just post a bug report and that exploit will be handled

  • @callmebackdraft

    Its not an exploit since the servers are preferences. Nothing stops players from inviting their friends onto the game

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    @jc-yukaze Im glad you shared evidence as to how far the pc community will go to antagonize xbox players even by going as far to abuse exploits oh wait they already do that lol.

    So an xbox player using the opt-out invites a PC player to bypass the MM preference? Sounds like an xbox player is using the exploit here 🤔

    If xbox players can't be trusted with the filters, should there be one at all then? 🤔🤷‍♂️

  • Is there a way to block people on the forum?

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    @jc-yukaze Im glad you shared evidence as to how far the pc community will go to antagonize xbox players even by going as far to abuse exploits oh wait they already do that lol.

    Sorry pal but you are just wrong.

    If that's the way rare made it, then it's not a exploit.

    This smearing of yours the past few days of the pc community is just embarrassing for you.

    I don't think you are grasping the definition of what a preference is my man

    Fact is, you were never really going to get the hard opt out that you always desired.

    Nobody is exploiting anything here ...

    One could say "pound sand"


  • @needsmokes I tried it. 2 of us on a galleon racked up three wins in a row. I think we were playing six year olds! 😂 Competition level was waaaasaaaaaaaaaaay down!

  • Even now pc players are still trying to sneak in and try to ruin opt out crossplay because now they cant win every match lol. Kind of proves itself really.

  • @xultanis-dragon it is a preference yes, but when someone invites a pc player and that pc joins it should st least let the other players know that they are no longer in a xb only lobby.

    I dont personally care because i dont use the option and i play on both systems.

  • @duke-of-spire

    I have been playing open crews, and not been so victorious😂😂😂😂

    But it's great to meet lots of new players who finally feel they can play this mode on their favourite game.

    Can only imagine the euphoria when adventure gets opt out too.

  • I find the controller only too easy, as all these "I don't wanna play cus of PC players" are joining in and are just bad.

    It's funny when they finally realize it's them who are just bad or they start saying excuses like lag, cheater, hacker and best of em all "bet he's on PC and found a way to use kb/m". I heard all of these in the past couple of days when playing arena.

    I tried kb/m on my Xbox in a controller only and it doesn't take any input from them. So even if u get a PC player into these lobbies, pretty sure they have to use a controller.

  • Has anyone actually TRIED to invite PC players/KBM users into Xbox sessions? Or do we all just believe because this [mod edit] guy claimed it?

    If it's the latter, let me just say that I wouldn't believe anything these notorious liars say. A few months ago, [mod edit] claimed that there are entire groups that openly admitted to using hacks and when asked for proof, which he assured me he had, he stopped responding.
    Or remember when [mod edit] just made up how macros work to blame pc players for something that is not happening? Believing a single word this guy says on crossplay is ridiculous.

    So just a little food for thought - before jumping the gun and whining that PC players are exploiting the system, why not confirm that this is possible in the first place? And if it is indeed possible, why go cry on the forums when there's only one rational thing you can do: open a support ticket?

    I know, rational is a strange word for some people, but you might as well give it a try.

  • Glad it’s finally coming together, I look forward to when it’s added to adventure mode.
    I will have to give the Arena a go later, I’ve avoided it like the plague since it launched.

    Still can’t believe the toxicity over this is still going aswell..

  • @icymethodman

    You're right. There are some bad players now Joining the arena.

    But, do you know what. None of them now will ever call another player a cheat, a hacker, blame anything other than themselves or their teammates for their losses, because Xbox live has been restored to its former glory where we know for certain, skill will be the deciding factor.

  • @needsmokes said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:


    You're right. There are some bad players now Joining the arena.

    But, do you know what. None of them now will ever call another player a cheat, a hacker, blame anything other than themselves or their teammates for their losses, because Xbox live has been restored to its former glory where we know for certain, skill will be the deciding factor.

    Lolololololol get real man. Xbox players have blamed everything but themselves since day one. Enjoy the kiddy servers

  • @nwo-azcrack

    So you acknowledge there is an easy mode against Xbox players at long last?

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    @needsmokes said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:


    You're right. There are some bad players now Joining the arena.

    But, do you know what. None of them now will ever call another player a cheat, a hacker, blame anything other than themselves or their teammates for their losses, because Xbox live has been restored to its former glory where we know for certain, skill will be the deciding factor.

    Lolololololol get real man. Xbox players have blamed everything but themselves since day one. Enjoy the kiddy servers

    Both sides are literally as bad as each other..
    Your comment even proves it.

  • @needsmokes
    Yes because they refuse to get better. Im am xbox player. You guys sound pathetic. Like you are finally free from some tyrant. Pathetic

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    They been winning games left and right by trolling playing into believing they are on PC. Don't even have to play half of the matches. Before they used to win over 50% to 60% of their matches, now they are winning everything without even playing.

    Then. Why. Even. Play.
    Seriously, I don't get it.

  • @l4chsfps said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    Has anyone actually TRIED to invite PC players/KBM users into Xbox sessions? Or do we all just believe because this fast-bike guy claimed it?

    If it's the latter, let me just say that I wouldn't believe anything these notorious liars say. A few months ago, fastbike claimed that there are entire groups that openly admitted to using hacks and when asked for proof, which he assured me he had, he stopped responding.
    Or remember when BlatantWalk just made up how macros work to blame pc players for something that is not happening? Believing a single word this guy says on crossplay is ridiculous.

    So just a little food for thought - before jumping the gun and whining that PC players are exploiting the system, why not confirm that this is possible in the first place? And if it is indeed possible, why go cry on the forums when there's only one rational thing you can do: open a support ticket?

    I know, rational is a strange word for some people, but you might as well give it a try.

    I'm able to test it, both switching to a K+M on Xbox and joining as a PC user, will report back may take a few days though.

    Purely for the transparency of this thread.

  • @needsmokes said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    But, do you know what. None of them now will ever call another player a cheat, a hacker, blame anything other than themselves or their teammates for their losses, because Xbox live has been restored to its former glory where we know for certain, skill will be the deciding factor.

    My experience thus far says otherwise. Sure there's a few who now say fair play. But in every game there's always handful salty souls complaining and making excuses, and over half of the ppl I meet are mute/in a party yet I still nearly every game get called out as cheater/hacker amongst other things.

  • @icymethodman said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    @needsmokes said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    But, do you know what. None of them now will ever call another player a cheat, a hacker, blame anything other than themselves or their teammates for their losses, because Xbox live has been restored to its former glory where we know for certain, skill will be the deciding factor.

    My experience thus far says otherwise. Sure there's a few who now say fair play. But in every game there's always handful salty souls complaining and making excuses, and over half of the ppl I meet are mute/in a party yet I still nearly every game get called out as cheater/hacker amongst other things.

    Business as usual then 😂

  • @princessasuna96 said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    Even now pc players are still trying to sneak in and try to ruin opt out crossplay because now they cant win every match lol. Kind of proves itself really.

    I mean if it's true that a Xbox player can just send a invite to pc player, the onus is just as much on the console player here.

    I'm a great believer in people having agency over their own actions.

  • @troubled-cells Thanks man, much appreciated.

  • @nwo-azcrack Yes, i almost tought that you gave up.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Just tried the new opt out crossplay wow:

    @jc-yukaze Im glad you shared evidence as to how far the pc community will go to antagonize xbox players even by going as far to abuse exploits oh wait they already do that lol.

    And there is it folks the ugly side of this debate, you should have finish with thanking him for providing evidence but no you just had to say BS about pc community even though in general we are less toxic but please amuse me with your poor logic.

  • [mod edit]

  • @faceyourdemon Are you not doing what you are accusing others of?

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