Why Shores of Gold quest made me left the game for months

  • [This post is not about creating drama, and I promise you it is a suggestion at its heart. Also I write it from memory so I might miss item names and such.]

    After the release of the Anniversary Update I really enjoyed all the new story missions. I done them all alone like I play the whole game like that. I like the challenge. I solved most of it alone, I did not even look up solutions most of the time: it was one of the best gaming in the year for me. Old-school, taking-notes-on-paper kind of adventures. 10/10. I really loved it.

    Then I finally managed to go to the Shores of Gold. I knew it is big. And I enjoyed it... then I messed up. It was my fault, I thought I have the solution for one of the caves. I thought it was a bug. I even opened a ticket, made a video about it. I was stupid. I felt stupid. In reality I just messed up interpreting the clues. But not this is where I given up on the game. It was a shame but not one I can't get over. But it took me more than a hour to give up on this run.

    My next try was worse. Now I know the solution for the vault. I spawned far from the Shore so it took me about 15 boring minutes to go there. Then I transitioned to the Shore... and there was already another crew, vaults open etc... so I started again in a new sessions, I wasn't about to pick a fight and ruin their endgame.

    Third time the charm right? Nope. I solved the vaults. I got the item I need in the big throne statue... when a galleon appear. They sank my boat and killed me 3 against one is hard 2 of them died before me. I respawned on the island with a new sloop, they even messaged me how did I respawn there after they noticed me. I tried to continue in secret but they found me and killed me again and took my item too. I thought about sinking them, but knowing they will respawn here made it pointless. I was outnumbered, I had no way to know where the item is. And I assume they solved it after I left without having to go to the vaults. They should thank me for the free pass to the ending really.

    And this is the point I given up on this. My question was, that I did not ask here or anywhere else (I was in deep disappointment and rage after hours of gampeplay lost like this, it is rare a game does this to me, so I just quit, deleted the game, did not worth the time after this):

    Why the Shores of Gold island is not private session?

    The story goes there are only one Shroudbreaker. Storywise strange that you are attacked by another crew while solving the puzzles on the island that can't be accessed without the one and only legendary Shroudbreaker.

    There are a lot of times when I just accept that others attack me. Every voyage, chest, skull, gem are fair game. We are pirates. We are pirating. But here: it takes too much time and frustration to let this happen. It should be a private session because it does not makes sense to have more than one Shroudbreakers there. I spent around 5 hours on that island only in the 3 runs I tried it. And 2 runs from that ended beceause others got there too. Once I was the second. An other time another crew was. And it just doesn't make sense.

    Of course I do not know if this still works like this. I did not follow release notes after deleting the game. If it is not like this anymore I am sorry for wasting time writing this down. But now that I coming back to the game to check out the pets, spending actual money on the game after buying it on release for full price: I felt like coming clean about this hard annoyance that made the game bad for me at the end.

    So is it wort to try the finale again now? Or I had to fear from other crews attacking me with another Shroudbreaker?

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  • @yzahkin said in Why Shores of Gold quest made me left the game for months:

    Why the Shores of Gold island is not private session?

    To answer your question, this is an online PVPVE multiplayer pirate game with "thieves" in the title.

    You are a "Founder" and know the game, so this is a silly question from you.

  • @dislex-fx Yeah. On the other hand the story goes: there is one Shroudbreaker so there shouldn't be any other crew at the ending. :D Also I do not mind other pirates pirating anywhere else. Here: it is way too much frustration and ruins the story itself.

  • @yzahkin said in Why Shores of Gold quest made me left the game for months:

    @dislex-fx Yeah. On the other hand the story goes: there is one Shroudbreaker so there shouldn't be any other crew at the ending. :D


  • @yzahkin In a manner of speaking I can agree with you. The island is so large and the quest itself so long that you cannot help but be away from your ship for a long time without being able to check on it. Therefore, the arguement of "keep an eye on your surroundings" is moot, you cannot keep an eye on your ship and therefore are entirely at the behest of chance as to whether another crew comes along whilst you're away.

    Considering there's nothing of value beyond the Tall Tale there (currently), it would make sense for that island to be a private instance. However, we then have a private area on the map that players could potentially run too if they're being chased, which amounts to a safe zone (we don't like safe zones).

    Only thing I can really say is that Tall Tales have been around long enough now that the chances of you coming across another ship doing that Tale at the same time as you is pretty low. The excitement for them has died down now, so it's probably the safest time to try it.

  • @luciansanchez82 Yeah I thought about the safe zone thing too. But you can't go in there without starting the story so it is not too easy to get there. Or a compromise: it could be private for the first completion. This way the story works perfectly, after that it is not logical anyway to go back from the story's standpoint.

    Also I am all about stealing the skull at the end after someone leaves the island. But not messing up the story on the island itself.

    But yeah. I might try again now. Maybe I will be lucky this time.

  • @yzahkin said in Why Shores of Gold quest made me left the game for months:

    @dislex-fx Yeah. On the other hand the story goes: there is one Shroudbreaker so there shouldn't be any other crew at the ending. :D Also I do not mind other pirates pirating anywhere else. Here: it is way too much frustration and ruins the story itself.

    If you actually make it to the end, and hear the Pirate Lords speech, you will quickly come to understand why others have the shroudbreaker. xD

    Bring a friend, this game was intended to be played with friends, asking for the game to change on a fundamental level, just to cater to solo players goes against everything this game stands for.

    Soloing in this game is hardmode, by playing like that, you accept the risks... You said you enjoyed them, so either enjoy them, or bring a friend.

    Trust me, if you bring a friend, you will be done in an hour, the final tall tale is super fast with sloop. Be sure to bring a chest you can place the medallions in, makes the first part exponentially faster to finish.

  • @yzahkin

    The final Shores of Gold Tall Tale has a respawn mechanic that will make your ship respawn at the Shores of Gold if you made it there and your ship gets sunk by another crew.

    It isn't possible to lose your ship from there unless the other crew intentionally takes it somewhere else.

    Basically, as long as you make it into the dungeon, there's no danger of not being able to finish the Tale because there are check points down there too. You may however lose the skull at the end, but your Tale is considered complete when you defeat the Gold Hoarder. Even the "return the Gold Hoarder skull" commendation will count up even if you don't actually turn it in.

  • There are multiple Shroudbreakers. We follow a particular one in the Shores of Gold storyline, but it is only one of the many. The Shoudbreaker was also the name of Captain Morrow's ship, for instance, which had one merged with it's figurehead as it explored new lands.

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