Sea of Thieves classic Server

  • I was never a big WoW Fan, but i played it back in 2005 for a year or so. I buyed BC, when it was released and just got to level 60 a week before and played it a little, but not to level 70 and quitted. I don't remember why exactly, 'twas time to move on i think.
    As a Roleplayer i think my best time was in UO on a RP Shard, but i remember i had fun with some RPers in WoW and we were a cool guild called the children of hyjal.
    I have no clue what is the different between WoW and WoW classic in detail, but picked it up and played it yesterday for the first 6 levels.
    Man i couldn't imagine what sort of nostalgia and dejavu i had.
    The sounds, the graphics, the look and feel. I really didnt expect that.
    After 10 minutes i first quitted, but then after an hour or so i said common, try again and then i was suddenly a little bit hooked.

    Rare whatever you do with SoT, make sure when i retire, ok that's a little bit more than 15 years, but not very much :-) you have Sea of Thieves classic servers.
    I'd say pre Hungering Deep :D
    Jk... When i'm able to play the Tall Tales again in 15 years, when i will dig up a chest and get a commendation sound or when i come close to an island, hear someone whistling Becalmed with a drum only, when i hear "we shall sail together" in the tavern, a Meg appearing, the Kraken coming, someone say "Banana?" when offering one ingame, when i grab the first chest of Grog and jump "heeyyy" :D or hear the chest of sorrow crying...

    Oh my... this will be so much more nostalgia and dejavu, i think i will maybe have some wet eyes :D

    Lets hope we are here in 15 years from now on and have that experience ^10

    Do it Rare, just do it and make it happen.

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  • Classic WoW is an interesting situation for devs of all games to analyze.

    As a WoW player since vanilla, something I have heard over the years (and quite agree with) is that Blizzard casualized the game more and more, and caved to so many nerf requests of all kind until the game became a shell of it's former self, with so much less challenge than it once had.

    People have been mourning the good old days more and more after each new expansion, and playerbase has been going steadily down, despite the surges at every expansion start.

    Now that classic is here, people who missed the challenge, difficulty, tediousness and grind of the good old days are back in droves, twitch views are beating the current expansion, servers are already getting filled to capacity, some people even going as far as saying that classic will beat the current expansion in terms of players.

    Just a nostalgia trip? Who knows. One thing is sure though, when a game gets watered down over and over and made too easy, people lose interest.

    Back to Sea of Thieves, I am curious to see what the game will be like in 15 years! Classic might be interesting, but hopefully won't be considered a better alternative to the current(future?) version, otherwise it means the game has been going the wrong direction for too long.

  • Interesting! Imagine a private server where you could choose the era, I guess it could be technically complex but that would be quite something!

  • @bloodybil
    Yeah, I hope rare turns themselves around from the nerfage course they're going on before they cave to people wanting full progression pve servers. Because even if they are still against it, I think they will eventually cave like they did with Crossplay if they keep listening to every complaint for any challenge in the game.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Sea of Thieves classic Server:

    Yeah, I hope rare turns themselves around from the nerfage course they're going on before they cave to people wanting full progression pve servers. Because even if they are still against it, I think they will eventually cave like they did with Crossplay if they keep listening to every complaint for any challenge in the game.

    Yeah it's also a concern of mine, but at least they've showed with the crossplay preference that they still prioritize healthy servers, and managed to compromise instead of a hard split.

    By choice, necessity, or technical restrictions? who knows, I'll still give them the benefits of the doubt, and that they will most likely find a solution for the PVE situation that will please as much people as possible, while staying true to their vision.

  • @bloodybil

    Yeah i wondered when there are no quest markers on the map (and thank good not autorunning to your destination like in Black Dessert).
    The challenge is ok to me, iirc it will become challenging for my shaman around level 40 and i am just a mediocre supporter/ healer, Ork Shamans are universal, but do nothing very good. I like it as i also do light RP and i like the story of the Orks, Draenor and all what happened since Warcraft 1 Ork vs. Humans
    So i slip into the role of an Ork Shamy and peacemaker / keeper in good old Tradition of the Shadowmoon Clan Exiles :P


    If we one day can setup a "creative" server.
    My server would have very hard encounters for the Sea and maybe no journeys at all, no quests, only a sandbox.
    I would even deactivate all factions and make everything purchasbale for gold from scratch, no progression, not even horizontal, but gold progression from finding random stuff and worthy messages in a bottle plus good loot from encounters, Forts...

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