New Military Factions

  • Is there a chance a sort of Police Faction may be added Like British Navy or a French Navy, This faction will Engage people who have done something Illegal or is Engaged themselves. They will Patrol Sea's around Outposts and Maybe some Forts, and may have some Fleets and Convoys. The Fleets and Convoys may be raided and or attacked by either Players, Skeletons, Krakens and Megaladons.

  • 23
    questionjust for fungeneral
  • They would be considered everyone’s enemy. Everyone sailing in the sea of thieves including you are deemed pirates and are an enemy of the queen. In this game you play the role of a pirate. A Royal Navy would attack any pirate. There is speculation that a Royal Navy May appear but don’t think anyone will be excused as enemies.

  • I don't think making it a whole faction will work, i rather just have a bounty system with commendations, just like Bilge Rat.

  • @sparky2571 What do you deem illegal? Those who have broken laws? (Which don't exist last time I checked, and pirate code is more a code of conduct than actual laws and is pretty much don't be toxic.)

  • @itz-majman a bounty system would cause Players to purposely kill anyone and everyone just to get highly bounty. It would turn lobbies into war zones. Constant fighting not only to get high bounty but to collect reward. It may also discourage people from stealing loot and sinking because they don’t want bounty. It would throw the game out of whack making it unbalanced.

  • @sparky2571
    We are thieves. Why would we want the cops here?

  • @nwo-azcrack he’s a cop!!!!!!!

  • @andyxxpanda1290 said in New Military Factions:

    They would be considered everyone’s enemy. Everyone sailing in the sea of thieves including you are deemed pirates and are an enemy of the queen. In this game you play the role of a pirate. A Royal Navy would attack any pirate. There is speculation that a Royal Navy May appear but don’t think anyone will be excused as enemies.

    In a few cases, some pirates may have their crimes pardoned as long as they serve the crown... These are called Privateers.

    Of course, becoming a privateer comes with rules, specifically called Letters of Marq, detailing what kind of ships you can plunder... It's basically a list of approved targets.

    But yeah, this is a pirate game, not a privateer game.

  • @sweltering-nick true but if you got a pardon and served the queen guess you wouldn’t be a pirate anymore then would ya? This game isn’t cowboys and Indians nor cops and robbers. I’m not against a new threat. Whether anyone likes it or not in this game they are a pirate no matter how they play. This post was more likely created by someone that was robbed and sunk. It seems the intentions are to turn the server more towards pve only rather than add a new threat to the game. I’m all for some type of fleet coming in, but it should be a common enemy.

  • @andyxxpanda1290
    Exactly. Subtle protection for pve players.

    This is our seas. We battle the skellys for dominance. I dont wanna play Sea of Cops and Robbers

  • @andyxxpanda1290

    true but if you got a pardon and served the queen guess you wouldn’t be a pirate anymore then would ya?

    Yes, precisely, you would be a privateer. 8D

  • @andyxxpanda1290

    I don't understand how a bounty system would make servers "war zones"

    The crew that has sunk the most ships on the server are worth let's say 5000 gold, in the tavern you can see a picture of them and maybe where they last sunk someone. When you manage to sink someone with a bounty you get rewarded the gold and their bounty is set to 0 again.

    Doesn't have to be harder than that, then you can make a bunch of commendations around that aswell so i think you are overreacting a bit to much since nothing you said makes sense since theres no reason to have a bounty on yourself other than other crews will try to take you down.

    Why would it discourage people from sinking others? the only thing a bounty system would change is that others know you are on the server and has sunk X amount of ships.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 I did not asked to be excused i thought it would be good to have another Threat to worry about. Also more to encourage Cooperation between Pirates to attack Merchant Fleets together. Then you can fight over the Loot after if you so wish.

  • @nwo-azcrack Simply a Suggestion, that is all. I agree that it sounds like turning the Game to PVE. But i was thinking more of adding a Juicy target to raid.

  • @sparky2571
    You know the more i read your post the more i realised i shouldnt have been so quick to accuse you of wanting to help pve players.
    I wanna point out that adding more ships on the seas that are not players is really hard for Rare. They just said in their stream with Pace22 that they cant even increase the ships per server cause of memory issues.
    Also they didnt even want to add skelly ships cause theu wanted all the ships to be players.
    I feel like the seas will be a bit cluttered with this new faction runnin around. Thats just my opinion tho.

  • @jofjjay What i mean is Attacking their Faction such as raiding their Convoys or attacking their Ships. Not attacking other Players as Such as why would they Care. Just Pirates killing Pirates..... (Yes that was a Rick and Morty thing).

  • @andyxxpanda1290 said "This post was more likely created by someone that was robbed and sunk."

    I have been Robbed and i have been Sunk, i of all people Know that is part of the Game. I have also Robbed and Sunk people because i saw the Opportunity and took it. I am not trying to save myself by adding in Police, i am Just trying to get People's Opinions On adding a Organised enemy/ Nuisance to the game.

  • Factions are fun. We could have Pirate, Privateer and Military (and more).

    Don’t have to let anyone know who anyone is but like a bonus prize when a Privateer sinks a Pirate or when a Pirate sinks a Military.

    Just like afterwards something cool floats up and your like oh cool they were a privateer I got X from sinking them! 😀

  • @jofjjay said in New Military Factions:

    @sparky2571 What do you deem illegal? Those who have broken laws? (Which don't exist last time I checked, and pirate code is more a code of conduct than actual laws and is pretty much don't be toxic.)

    The Pirate Code is still honour among thieves. We as pirates are still breaking the King's or Queen's laws. So even if you follow the code, you're still a criminal.

  • merchant ships and pirate hunters, a city where you can go under a friendly flag to trade and perform tasks

  • Wandering merchant ships, convoy/fleets, bounty ships to jump you and chase you down, all of these are roles the skeletons have been adapted to fill. They have ships loaded with treasure which aimlessly wander, fleets you can take on at your own risk, and they used to have ships which would ambush you and fight until one sunk. A navy can't get into the Sea of Thieves, both because it's location is a closely guarded secret and because the single small pathway through the Devil's Shroud is too erratic and small for large ships to get through, so without some intelligence and a way through (such as the ancient's portals or the Shroudbreakers), they cannot be brought in.

  • ahaha the guys from the world could just use smaller ships??

  • @sparky2571 dont listen to every body... its a great idee... u have to know in sea of thieve forum every idee u post will be bad... ( lac of imaginations And futur perpectives of the game, from other players I guess) I love this idee, and hope rare will do it.

questionjust for fungeneral
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