
  • I feel like that censorship is a very controversial thing in this game and many players disagree with how the censor system works. I know that developers are mostly trying to prevent harassment and racism in this game, which is completely on the place, even though its a game about pirates, there needs to be an order. And then there is this thing: Is it better for the game to punish you with some kind of silence or temporary account lock after you have been proven guilty of harassing other players, or if it better for the game to even prevent you from typing harassing stuff at first? Sometimes I think its even better to prevent you from typing toxic stuff in the chat, but then there are moments, when I'm not even able to communicate in my native language, because part of the word for example is an insult in other language, which is really annoying... What do you guys think about censorship in this game, do you find in on the place, or above the limit?

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  • @nefroxius prevention by automated systems is in my opinion for a game that is marketed for teens is by far the best option in my opinion.

    That said, I would personally like to see a toggle option to disable it for the reasons you mentioned.

  • You can say poopdeck but not p00p deck...

  • @nefroxius definitely should have a toggle to censor words. It's a bit annoying to see asterisks when someones typing to you but then again for that person that types the swear there is no proof because it git censored it shows they swore but you'll never know what they said and you'll just have to guess.

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