Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul. (UPDATED)

  • Thanks for the input I never new about the LFG features in the PC Companion App for XBOX as I never used an XBOX outside of this game. My original post is below, maybe some changes could be implemented though as some suggested for Arena. I have not played ARENA yet so dont know of those issues for match making.

    Tonight I have tried 10 games in a row, often you join a Ship where they have just finished or you get a whole new crew and people don't want to do what you want to do or vice versa and they leave. Or some idiot is on voice and talking about his private parts or breathing heavy......

    Why don't they add what type of game you are looking for in making a public game?

    Like Tall Tails adventures
    Or just plundering Strongholds

    As it is the public group forming is just totally broken.

    I did have a look at the "Looking for Crew" page and I joined a couple of Discord servers and there last LFC post was a few days old.

    Anyway I am active pretty much every night in Aussie time so if you want to add me just send me an invite.

    Hopefully they fix the mess it currently is atm and add some sort of structure in what games you are looking for in Public crew matching.

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  • Just use looking for group. Makes Open Crews redundant but they’re unplayable tbh.

  • @kobra4killz Use the ‘Looking for Group’ option built into Xbox Live or find a group on Discord. There is no reason Rare needs to reinvent a function that already exists on the platform their game sits on.

  • The problem is that people are themselves free to choose what to do. So if we were able to choose what to do from a menu at the start things could go like this:

    4 People get put on a galleon with the intention:
    Skull Fort

    4 players play the game and do a skull fort, having done this they go and do a tall tale. Now a player drops out and a new one wants to sail, chooses skull fort and gets into a Galleon going for tall tales.

    Either you let players manage what they are doing or you cut the experience into little pieces, neither of them are something you want. (one can't be garenteed and the other lessens the experience).

    So while I can see the desire I can also see difficulty in implementing said feature.
    Meanwhile Rare knows full well that X-Box (both on PC and on the console) has a great LFG tool and these days with discords you can get groups easy.

  • @ghostpaw said in Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul.:

    @kobra4killz Use the ‘Looking for Group’ option built into Xbox Live or find a group on Discord. There is no reason Rare needs to reinvent a function that already exists on the platform their game sits on.

    I was playing around on the Companion App for PC and I actually found this :)

    Thanks for the info though

  • @kobra4killz Awesome! Your life is about to improve a great deal as your chances of finding a competent crew have gotten much better.

  • Aye, I'll agree that the Open Crew matching needs some changes, especially for the Arena aspect.

    As far as adventure goes, if you are joining an open crew and they are wanting to do something else, just go with it. You are the greenhorn on their ship. Get on sails, help lift anchor and repair damage as needed. Stock up supplies. Be a good deckhand and after a bit ask if they would like to do something that you want to do.

    If you don't want to play it by ear, the official SoT Xbox club is a decent place to find a crew that is doing something you might like. You may have to solo for a while, get some meters sailed and voyages completed before decent crews will consider you, but it's a good option.

    Good luck, I hope your fortune improves.

  • LFG Tool is best thing XBOX has. Can’t believe I spent a year on Random Crews before discovering this!

  • @kobra4killz said in Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul. (UPDATED):

    @glannigan said in Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul.:

    LFG Tool is best thing XBOX has. Can’t believe I spent a year on Random Crews before discovering this!

    I have never used an XBOX outside this game, it required me to download the PC companion app and I never even new it had these features built into it. Most PC players would not know about the LFG features in the companion app I am guessing.

    I used it late last night for some Ghost Ship hunting and it worked great, its defiantly made the game experience better for targeted content.

    My OP is sort of irrelevant as I never new of these features in the Companion App :)

    Thanks for the input

    They really need to put something in game for it. Like where it says “Best with a Mic”

    I played for a year and had an XBOX One since launch and never knew it was a feature til a month or so ago!

  • @glannigan said in Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul. (UPDATED):

    @kobra4killz said in Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul. (UPDATED):

    @glannigan said in Public Grouping System Needs an Overhaul.:

    LFG Tool is best thing XBOX has. Can’t believe I spent a year on Random Crews before discovering this!

    I have never used an XBOX outside this game, it required me to download the PC companion app and I never even new it had these features built into it. Most PC players would not know about the LFG features in the companion app I am guessing.

    I used it late last night for some Ghost Ship hunting and it worked great, its defiantly made the game experience better for targeted content.

    My OP is sort of irrelevant as I never new of these features in the Companion App :)

    Thanks for the input

    They really need to put something in game for it. Like where it says “Best with a Mic”

    I played for a year and had an XBOX One since launch and never knew it was a feature til a month or so ago!

    LOL and you have an XBOX :)

    You are right though they should mention it so people know of this feature in the companion app.

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