Explosive story time! Share your Gunpowder story to celibrate the upcoming explosive event!

  • Hi there, I was thinking (after seeing @Genuine-Heather and @duke-of-spire post some great gunpowder stories in another thread) why don't we share our greatest gunpowder barrel stories here to celibrate the upcoming event.
    And we can probably have a great laugh in the process!

    Here's my story. While doing an active fort with my Galleon crew we came across a brig, Now I'm no stranger to PvP and people often just try to get really close anchor and shoot at you, we were prepared and turning the galleon to face it.
    The brig however didn't stop and I jumped off the ship to board. I missed the ladder and the brig zoomed past me, crashed into the Galleon and blew up in a fireball so massive I suddenly dropped to 3FPS!

    Sufficed to say that both ships sank almost in an instance, I dont know how much time these guys spent gathering those kegs but man they blew up our galleon and most people on it and I was laughing so hard that I had trouble fighting the stragglers that were still alive from the brig's suiside attack.

    Now it's your time to share an Explosive story.

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  • My stories also involves a fort, a galleon and a brig, me and my gally crew where fighting a fort and got attacked by the same brig multiple times, my crew and i always placed gunpowder barrels on the bottom main sail.

    The brig came back multiple times but got sunk each time bretty quick, the last time we saw them they chose to go for a ram and they did just that, due to them going at maximum speed they mounted us and at a certain point their hull hit the gunpowder barrels in our mast. We had about 20 there and the explosion was so huge that with the combined weight of the brig our galleon got pushed down so deep that we had no chance of saving it.

    The brig had every hole it could get opened up by the collision and the subsequent explosion that they also sank instantly as soon as it hit the water.

    The whole brig crew was wiped out in that blaze of glory and our galleon crew was also mowed down leaving 1 or 2 people behind

  • @hynieth (Clearing throat) well, i was was doing a skull fort with two players on a brigatine and on the way to the outpost we got ambushed from a galleon and they knew how to fight we were running low on supplies, and a megalodon appeared then ive felt like time froze for a minute an evil plan ran through my head.
    I have grabbed the mega keg and jumped on the back of the meg heading towards the galleon, the last thing that they saw is me holding a mega keg on a back of a megalodon laughing as i know its going to hurt and it was epic!

    Plus i just prank my friends all the time with barrels telling them to see something or manage to convince them to stand somewhere and blow them up muhahaha

  • Once upon a time, half the crew of the Drunken Angler was fishing when they should have been helping sail in the persuit of fleeing prey. So the loyal half of the crew blew them up with gunpowder. Huzzah for gunpowder!

  • @hynieth
    This is an old one and not as crazy as the other ones, but it's still fun.
    Back during the hungering deep, me and my crewmate were minding our own business with merrick. Then all of a sudden, another sloop showed up! There was only one person on it, and he was friendly to us. We let him on our ship, keeping watch of him. Then he started climbing up into the crowd nest. We feared the worst, because we had a couple barrels, but when he got there, he shot them without even bringing them down. The explosion was big, but didn't hurt our ship. We were both laughing like crazy at that point.

  • @blazedrake100 I thought I'd start out slow :-P Don't want to take away everyones thunder before it even started storming :-P

    I had a same-ish problem.
    We had destroyed a brig with some french people on it, we usualy count our kills so we noticed that we had 2 confirmed kills and no third. So we were cautios.
    We arrived at our destiation island and did our thing and went back to the ship, I was standing on deck when suddenly a barrel landed in front of me. (the frenchman had climbed into the crows nest when we weren't paying attention and tought he might as well take us out together with the ship).
    I however was quick enough to pick up the barrel and defuse it.
    This guy dropped all of our 15 ish kegs and I defused them all and dropped them neatly on a pile behind me. It was a great game of hot potatoe and in the end in stead of shooting the barrels or coming down to slash them, he stayed up in the crows nest to get sniped by our crew.

    It was an amazingly tense situation and incredibly dumb thinking back on it. What should have been a deathblow was in stead something out of a comedy.

  • The Plan:
    Since the new update I have been working on this new strategy for my crews. Basically what I do is place GPB's parallel at the end of the bow sprit. Then I take 4 chickens and create a crucifix around the gpb's (chickens in cages are basically bullet proof) to protect them. I then disguise the chickens and gpb's with plants leaving only the wicks exposed so that the crew can access them as needed (The things you do while waiting on crewmates to arrive).😁

    The Plan in action:
    We're chasing a Galleon and @Murphy576 has a boarding opportunity (or does he?) He runs to the bow sprit and heroically sword lunges towards the galleons left ladder. He never made it. He didn't even make it off the ship! He green balled it in the middle of the plants with feathers flying everywhere!😂
    Meanwhile: @Swan is eager to get to an island to pick up supplies and you guessed it.......... Kaboom!!!! He didn't quite make it either. I'm thinking at this point " What kind of Moe-Ron can't curve his sword lunge" while they're thinking "What kind of idiot boobytraps his own crew"?!
    And then there's old @diqitalsoul 😂 Digital loves his pet chickens so much that he often takes them with him while boarding enemy ships (instead of the intended gun powder barrels)!😂
    The aftermath: I can't repeat the barrage of epithets Swanny and Murph hit me with everytime they decide to blow themselves up (Murph 3, Swanny 2).😂 Digital like myself is a tactician and seems to kind of embrace the new system. It's funny as all get out to see him board with the "cluckster" though.😂 I can't even imagine what our enemies think! He does a great job of retrieving old cluck and getting her back to her post! With Swanny & Murph we usually retrieve 4 chicken 🍗 legs from the water.😂
    Ps: Sharpshooters can still hit the barrels if they skim the top. The barrels are about 90% protected.

  • @hynieth That might have been me dropping those barrels! Lmbo By the fifth or sixth barrel were the fuse times getting shorter? 😂 Lesson learned.😂😂😂

  • @duke-of-spire You sir are an evil genius :-P

  • @Hynieth Great thread!

    Mine is a tale of loss and revenge. T'was a dark and stormy night when my galleon, the Raven Queen's Blessing, was lost to a worthy brig opponent. We had spent the night doing back to back Gilded Athena's voyages, so our hull was heavy with loot. We had been hounded by the brig all night, who was on an Athena's of their own. On our way to the outpost we engaged them again, and while we fought a glorious battle, the storm crept through the night, encasing both our vessels in a chaotic struggle. A well placed cannonball and my hands were torn from the wheel. I could only watch from tempestuous waters as our ship was driven time and again against the rocks south or Sailor's Bounty. The brig was on us in seconds, and they made short work of my panicked crew.

    My heart sank as I watched our ship go down. The Raven Queen giveth and she taketh away. I was hurrying toward the loot, now floating up to the surface, when I heard an unexpected noise among the crashing waves and cheers of our foes. Could it be?

    A rowboat pulled up along side me, my crewmate at the oars, nothing but a single keg in his possession. "Hop in," he tells me. "I know where they're going."

    Our other crewmates are on the other side of the map, working furiously to get the ship back to us. We watch the brig to make sure our plan was sound. This brig was good. They sailed masterfully, their sword and gunplay unmatched. Where you or might have sailed straight for an outpost, these sea dogs carried on their way to their next and final destination.

    Our hope was restored. My crewmate had seen their map table, where the lone circle had given them away. Once we were sure they were headed to Smuggler's Bay we rowed furiously. Our muscles ached but we pressed on. Carefully we parked the rowboat beside the skeleton throne to the west, and I dove into the sea with the keg.

    I reached the shore just as they were finishing. "Go now!," I tell my crewmate, and he begins to row toward the island. I can see the Raven Queen's Blessing in the distance, a beautiful sight to behold in such a moment.

    The brig drops sail, in a hurry to exit the bay as I dash up the rock slope. One shot zings over my head as I reach the wooden plank on the top. They were too late. The fuse was already lit, already counting down. I time the drop just right. The keg lands right on their stair, rests for a beat, then blows. With my eye of reach I eliminate a survivor before diving down beside their sinking ship.

    As I climb up the ladder, I have barely time enough to see a shadow above before a gunshot rings out and the shadow turns green and dies. I reach the top to find my mate from the rowboat with his pistol still smoking.

    We feasted that night on grog and gold.

  • @Hynieth
    Day one of Cursed Sails event.
    Spend almost 2 hours collecting gunpowder barrels.
    So many i lost count.
    Plan to beat this event easily.
    Head east of Marauders Arch.
    15 mins till skellys show up.
    Im in the crows nest keeping a lookout , but im getting anxious.
    Grab a barrel, light, defuse. Light, defuse. Over and over.
    Captain tells me to stop playing before i blow up our barrels.
    Ugh fine..... accidently lit barrel and dropped it.
    Panic and start grabbing barrels, but they were all stacked on top of eachother.
    Cant find the right one.
    Needless to say my crew was furious and im still not allowed to hang out in the crows nest if we have barrels up there.

  • @nwo-azcrack oh you got me laughin.😂

  • I have many explosion stories. My favorite but might be most evil story during my time hoarding loot while hunting skeleton ships I saved up about 30k worth of merchant chests and around 30 kegs.
    One of my friends left from the gally it was late. I decided to be nice but I needed a good laugh if I was giving that much away to a random from a lfg. So we scattered the 30 or so kegs all around the boat be sure the explosion would be huge. Made a lfg. I decided on a the throne on top of plunder outpost would be a perfect spot to watch the guy load in. We neatly placed the merchant all over the top. Headed up waited. We also thought it out and had a rowboat to collect and give the dude a chance to collect. Then we seen him load in he immediately starts jumping running around he goes down below. Then Boooooom. I think he said he went up 13 levels .

  • @hynieth I'm serious!😂 I got on a galleon at Marauders and started dropping barrels. The opposing crew were picking them up and diffusing them!😂 I started delaying the drops at barrel 5 but didn't delay long enough (It's 6 seconds) I ran out of barrels and out of frustration jumped from the crows nest to hit the barrels but got sniped mid air. Oooh I was like dang their guud! 😂 Now I count! Lol

  • The best stories are those were "Legends" blew themself up in the crows Nest.
    Once a famous and fearsome Pirate was up in the crows Nest.
    20 powderkegs around him and a big bertha, that's what we call the fort keg.
    He just wanted to ring the bell....
    with the cutlass facepalm
    Well... XD

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