PL content and ideas

  • ahoi me hearties ,
    I just wanted to talk about the current PL content.
    I would appreciate it if there were more items to buy. I mean there are 2 ship customizations (+ 1 if you became pl before the first year) 2x clothing and a few things like compass, mugs etc. but what about the equipment in general and weapons? yes there are weapons but not everyone has the time to collect 120 victories. Don't get me wrong there can be stuff to grind but please only after there are weapons for all. What do you think? the same thing goes for the cannons, capstan and wheel. I would be interested in your opinion. Is the grind good or too high?

    Another topic would be the decoration of the captain's cabin. That would be cool xD or what about duels within the own crew on request?

    Please write me what you think and what other ideas you got.

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