
  • In the future I would like to see an option to create a crew/guild where you cool let your teammates into. Here are some ideas for customization.

    1. The crew needs a name. And once you have named it this would mean that your crew would be unique in the sea of thieves, and nobody could take the name.

    2. You would be able to add the crew name on to your ship with the ship customization. Much like the wreck of the Magpies wing or the Morningstar ingame.

    3. The person who makes the crew/guild is the captain and could make certain people coleader (stuff like that) Certain roles would have different powers such as being able to kick a player off the crew weather he or she is being toxic.

    4. Once you have made the guild/crew you can put on a title. For example: The captain of the Morningstar crew would have the title: Captain of the Morningstar crew while Coleaderz would have : Coleader of the Morningstar crew.

    I feel like this would make the game really feel special, since there would be player based crews instead of the NPC crews such as the Sea Dogs or Bilge rats. I really would like if this suggestion would come to life! Imagine coming across a famous SOT twitch streamer with his crew and challenging he/she to a battle. If you like my idea please upvote it so the devs can see it!

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