harpoons, am i missing something?

  • so using harpoons on a sloop never sticks with my intended target. meg, skelly ship, even a row boat the line always breaks. in contrast ive been harpooned several times and the line never gives way. one galleon harpooned me going the opposite direction which whipped it around and I continued to drag it it over a small island without it breaking.

    is a sloop harpoon generally weaker or is there something I am missing on how to effectively use the harpoon?

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  • Two possibilities that I can think of:

    1. You clicking the "fire" button a second time, after attaching to your target. That will release the harpoon - NOT reel it in. Use "alt fire" (e.g. right mouse button on PC) to reel in the line.

    2. Your line snags on something. For example if you fire at a dock, you will often land the harpoon on the far side of the structure and, as your ship moves, the line intersects with a post or pole nearer to you. That will break the line.

    I believe that someone can also "cut" the line with a sword; although not 100% sure on that.

  • @norloc
    I noticed this too. Seems like you have to be super close for it to work.
    @SurveyorPete i tried to cut someones line. Didnt work

  • well I tried to tow a row boat, thought that might cure the issue with the chest of sorrows, so rowed it right up to the ship, rowboat didn't even budge and line snapped. I would be in in stride neck and neck with a meg or skelly ship, any change in direction and the line snaps, so noting that would be interfering with the line. im not pulling the trigger twice because as soon as I fire it I immediately head to a cannon.

    since these have been my experiences with the harpoon, this recent encounter with the galleon really got me curious, figured its a weakness thing, for for once I legit ran into these cheaters we hear so much of lol

  • @norloc said in harpoons, am i missing something?:

    im not pulling the trigger twice because as soon as I fire it I immediately head to a cannon.

    This here might be the issue. The tether doesn't lock itself unless you are on the Harpoon holding down the lock key. What may be happening is the line is being pulled out to its maximum length, which isnt much, and letting loose.

  • @archangel-timmy

    ahhhh so someone must be manning it the whole time or is there a second function to lock it down?

  • @norloc If you want to stay attached, it must be manned.

    Xbox Controls.
    RT - Fire/Disengage Harpoon.
    LT (hold) - Reel in Harpoon.
    X (hold) - Lock Harpoon.

    If no one is there to hold it tight, it will drag out until it "snaps" at its max length.

    It can also snap if something crosses the harpoon line, like a piece of either ship, rock, etc.

  • @archangel-timmy

    thx kindly sir. see these forums can be used for good not just debating the perils of pvp vs pve lol

  • Larger ships can pull smaller ones around easier, this includes rotation. Because of this, the line doesn't snap from acute angles as easily, as it can just turn the target until the line is straight again. You can also hold X (controller) or R (keyboard) to lock the harpoon, as the line will also snap if you are too distant.

    Edit: Heheh, excuse my redundancy. Didn't bother to read the whole thread before posting. :P

  • I agree the harpoon glithes through the barrels you fire at aswell..

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